Friday, December 30, 2005

For Iron Forge!

Hey! Its the 30th of December, meaning, GASP! 2005 is ending in ONE DAY!! -screams- Haha, I'm finally moving on in more ways then one, from zone 3a to tetiary and then from sec sch to jc. There are so many changes and yet I feel myself that in me nothing has changed, im still the book engrossed, anime loving, manga collecting, song humming, game playing me from all those years ago. It's been what? 5 years? And you'd expect some things to change.

And change they have, some things that is. But now, I'm still not sure WHAT those things are but when the time comes, you'll realise.

Haha, my MSN nick has been raising a few eyebrows, "The Little Prince"?? Huh? Save for the PCSS people it might not mean much. Its a book actually, I did i for sec 2 lit and over the years well, it kind of got lost in my house, a week back or so when I was forced to throw out stuff from my room I came across my old lit notes and *poof* there you have it. The origin. I'm still looking for that book.

Been spending my days like free haha, that sounded odd, nvm. Just play the whole day, If you dont see me online, i'm appearing offline so just drop me an e-mail. If I dont make a move after say 15 minutes I'm either playing a game or out =P But that was quite commonsense wasn't it?

MMMMMM... Chipsmore cnow choc cookies, fascinating. But at 5:30pm? Dang, i'll spoil my appetite for dinner but -lalala It tastes so good!! And so sweet :P Tasty tAsty taSty tasTy tastY TASTY! Im mental now, got to go off, three's cell later on, maybe more tonight. Happy new year!

Quote of e Post:
Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sum of all Beers, uh I mean - nevermind

Alright, I'll post, I'll post! ive been so lazy to because there is so much to recount!! So i'll make the recounts LIGHTNING FAST!

Camp! A few words sums it up really well- Great move, bad food, Phil! and fun! God moved awesomely, even Rachel said it was so true, never before starting from session one did the gears begin to tick and turn into full spin so soon. The food was horrid! In terms of choice that is, but dont think the quality was far ahead, it lagged not far behind! *bleagh* Phil (Newman) was out speaker, he had the girls all (alright, not all but too many to count) going goo goo ga ga. They even staked out the swimming pool! But sadly he's attached, to an asian! But everyone can agree she aint half as pretty as any we can find in Singapore :P Maybe that's cos there are so few asians in Australia... and finally, Fun! THe commitee was awesome, in terms of the things they did and the people themselves, hey so what if some things flopped? They did better than I expected them to- Never judge a book by it's cover

Oh yea- one more thing? FERRARI 550 BARCHETTA PININFARINA! Dont get it? Dont worry if you dont then you dont, and you shouldn't *wink* Kawaii teichou! -dont worry abt that k? Im wiser now =) Thnx Paula!

Next event, CCC! Celebrate Christmas for the Community! More Rangers fun ^_^ Set up booths and all, even manned a booth, very fun, hope to help out again next year!! And in a woosh- CCIS! Again! I absolutely adore the color orange you know? And this year's CCIs shirt is - you guessed it! ORANGE! But I didnt get 1, cos Cecelia registered us late *sobbish* Nevermind! I wear my dad's heehee :P

CCIS was fun kay, I was assigned as Paragon stagehand and ended up beeing stagehand cum bodyguard (literally xD) cum crowd control. I wont go into the details but QX is one nifty little fella :D NExt up, RR Christmas celebration, shiok just plenty of mindless fun- caroling rocks "Hark the herald angels sing-"

And CHRISTMAS! Woosh! Sadly the Golgari, Boros and Selesnya were slogging their heads off on Christmas morn, they were supposed to go for servie with me. OBK was a riot as per usual, he never gets old does he? Water Baptism service after, woosh, so fast one year gone! And Ive grown so much and learnt so many lessons, took so many knocks. Three cheers for KK, zhiming, Jeremy and Jiawen! =)

After service HG2 (without Paula and Dilys, Paula had a family thing, Dilys? PS us for Serene and Jojo, nvm- no harm done) even Joel was there ^_^ Uriah tagged along, he made up a good deal of the fun. Went around talking, oh oh! We ate lunch at Carl's Jr. the burgers are HUGE ok? I have pics but that has to wait cos my camera is with Jonathan:p- and they taste G-O-O-D. So what if they cost a chunk more, they give a to mroe too, did I mention drinks were free flow? :P

After that we went off to find Dilys, picked her up as HG2 left to look for Joel's wallet (he was buying one) and me + Uriah and Dilys ran off to Orchard for-- CCIS again! This time with the Rangers as part of the VIP escort (kind of like last year but slackier) Sadly I got the backstage entrance, on one hand, it was the most slack, on the other hand I didnt get to watch the show :( And there are swarms of silly people who kep looking at the performers behind and we had to shoo them and say "The stage is in front! this is the back stage!" Hah! Almost missed Christmas dinner, only managed to slavage a leg of chicken and more to come-

THe day after Christmas- zone camp! Wow so packed :) Changi resort or something, we got a bungalow to ourselves, rather cool if not for the remote place and the size of it, tiny! Guys slept downstairs on the floor outside the kitchen, girls got thr two upper rooms with air condition, did I mentio nthey had beds, blankets and pillows? Booya! No problem, although it was kinds warm and hot the camp itself was cool! Passioners 0wned until something somewhere o well

I must comment the ZC commitee they were excellent despite looking so stressed and there wasn't much lacking at all. Geroge Ong spoke on day 1 while Cecelia spoke on day 2, so guilty eek! wont say why :P Our skit was awesome ok? Meryl is such a self sacrificing person HAHA- it was her idea and she took it willingly *shrug* alas we were no match for Caleb's "man-ness" hohoho inside jokes abound ^_^

Broke camp and made a long weary way home yesterday... now life will be quit backto normal but -hey wait? What's that envelope? A letteR? "On government Service" OOh! It was from SRJC! I'm in for PAE ^_^ Under the- science course?? Oo Oh man, my muddling has got me into a muddle this time, nevermind, I just try first =) Orientation Group is Thebes Y(Gamma), this sounds like fun ^_^ 4th Jan is the day! Can't wait-

so fast woosh! It is 9th December! 2005 is coming to an end! Though it was not as emotional or memorable as last year (2004 will always be a year close to my heart) it was still a note-worthy year having finally rotated out of Secondary school, when I should have one year back, the guilt stays and the memories flood back. I wonder how everyone is doing? I wonder how many people I still remember, or should I say, how many people still remember me-

Oh oh! Haha how to forget this, m new computer has arrived, a week after my old com crashed and was RIP for good, that accounts for one week after curch camp that I didnt blog ^.^ I just love the christmas dinner alas by the time I returned from zone camp the fabulous chicken was all ogne! And so were the ribs, nevermind! The ham endures and i'll make do with that -sniff but that chicken was heavenly... mmmm

I'll post all my picture later from camp and so on, till then wait for my next post kay? Bye! I miss you all tons and tons -Goodbye to 2005

Quote of e Post:
Work Work, Something need doing?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Kill me too

Yoo hoo! Its been far too long really, tsk tsk, without my presence this place is really going to the dogs! I guess I need to do my part too, after all, posting is what I like to do isnt it? ^_^

Its been far too long since I last blogged I wont even bother to count. Time really flies ^_^ Church Camp is like coming this Sunday!! And Im not even packed! But no fear! I'll pack now (After this post even though I DO REALISE it would be about 1am then) Im so excited! And anticipating some great things to happen there, after all, this year our youth committee seems a wee bit how do I put it, fresh?

Ahhh- fresh meat =x Oops i mean umm fresh blood yea, new ideas and stuff yes yes thats what I meant ^_^U

Agh, my computer still cant recognise my digital camera =.= but great news everyone! I'll be gettign a new com in December ^_^ Its not all that fantastic but at least its far better then this one and oh- it has a wooping 160GB of space, I dont know what to make it that =.= MY father must be quite mad to get me so much space but -who cares!- free space is good! More free space is gooder! ^_^

I think I'll stop here. I just realised I ahve lost contact with so many people over these few weeks between Os and after the Os. I guess there is more to life then that dumb piece of paper (which will be quie a flop when I get it back Im sure) Anyhoo, Im ending here. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
If one day, I were to becoem like him, please... Kill me too

Saturday, November 26, 2005


It's been a long time hasn't it? Well, its been about what? One whole week, meanwhile, tons happened I dont know where to begin.

I wont talk about Os anymore, its over. And I dont think I did very well, or even moderately well, guess my JC life will be limited to 3 months at most. I haven't told anyone this so explictly, high hopes dude, high hopes.

Wednesday, results taking and what-not. The last time we acutally are going to officially wear our uniform to school for something. I think I take back my statement, I will return to the school, to visit and stuff. Some things are just worth sticking around for.

You know, many people, or should I say most people hate their schools, as in they loathe it when they first come in.. Because everyone always has this mentality, "I could have done better". Even for the elites, even though they wont hate their school for something like that, they still can hanker after better grades and such. Peicai, is a nice place.

Watched HP:GB and I take back soemthing. Cho Chang is still somewhat a letdown but at least, if she isn't pretty, she's cute, i'll give her that. And Hermione in the gown was hawt. Absolutely beautiful, Im caught hook, line and sinker. *Waves flag with words "Hermione's fan Club" frantically* The series of movies are getting darker no doubt, yet they are cutting more and more each movie, wonder how they will film Order of the Pheonix when they have so many plot irregularities and patches.

Im flat out. PAE application day 3 out of 3, I have submitted my entry, with minimal discussion and whatnot. The options are slim, and yet, the very fact I qualified brings me no pride considering most of Singapore did the same anyway although much, and I know far much more did alot better than 16 points. I hears "6" to "9" everywhere I go- Just where do I stand? Or am I clutching at thin air, fighting a fight that does not even exist...

This is very late, it should have been posted last week. I am so totally stuck on Diamond Dust Drops. I absolutely LOVE that show! Sadly there is so little to find online, and it is already over. I really miss it. As a replacement they are now showing "Rumbling Hearts". The main female lead (thus far) looks like Saukra from CCS. No kidding, just taller, and umm older.

Episode 2 of RH today, wondered if the past 2 episodes were just a plot setup and the show will only begin now. It was such a pity that Haruka died, for a stupid bleeding 15 minutes, because Takayuki spent that time to go buy a gift for that purpled hair swimmer (mizuki). Its kind of obvious, Mizuki likes him but gave him up to her best friend, who is now dead, indirectly due to her "meddling". If Mizuki didnt waylay him to talk, or force him to buy her a birthday present, he would be on time, then Haruku wouldnt have needed to go to the phone booth to make the call, and she wouldnt have died...

DAMN NIT! IM FEELING VERY BAD RIGHT NOW! SHE WAS SO CUTE AND SHE DIED SUCH A VIOLENT DEATH! IT JUST ISN'T FAIT I TELL YA! ToT almost nothing can make me feel better now. She was cute, gentle and warm, she had just found her happiness and things were going so well (Abit too well if you remember her sister's words) and she had to die. I dont know how the show will go on, but... The producers better have a good explaination...

Ha I dont believe I cant sleep and am in a bad mood because a cute character died. *sniff* Darnnit, and I am missing by 2 points, compund that with the lack of CCA points for me because I didnt go get my card signed... my life, its... all boiling down to one question-

Is this the extent of my power?

After trying so hard and doing so much, is this the best I can do? I'm not satisfied! Damn it, "Its a different standard" she says... Am I too naive? Hardwork over Genius/Talent... I want to believe so much, I really do...

Quote of e Post:
*Sound of a dead phone line*

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Vector Vortex

Hohoho- Its not Santa and its not christmas but it seemed like christmas came early this year. the PoA MCQ was such a P-U-S-H-O-V-E-R!! Out of the hour long paper i only spent 10mins doing it, 5 mins checking and then I slept/doodled /sang(silently)/dreamed(while sleeping and while awake) and so much else haha. The most relaxing paper Ive had ever throughout this entire Os. How I wish more papers were like that ^_^

Cell on friday was sweet- nah it wasn't combined again, we had our own at Joel's house cos Jean was sick, but this time we had our new member, Jovin! Oh yea, who loves 20 questions? I love 20 questions ^_^ shiokness. And Dilys shared sharing for the first time! Yeah! We got to see history made ^_^ Oh oh and everyone knows Joel is going into the army in december right? So we (I dont know the extent of this we yet, Im guessing the cell ^_^ hopefully) are going to have a stayover at his house as a kind of exam over celebration / farewell on the 25th of Nov (Next friday)

Can't wait, sho excited. Im losing my mind after the Os, find it in about a week or two, till then dont expect sense out of me. I live those slinky toys! You know those things that look like they are made of many many rings stuck together? Uhh look in ur PHysics textbook (upper secondary level) under Waves, they should use it to demonstrate what longitudinal waves are like ^_^ heehee only way to let u know what im talking about but guess im too head over heels in cramm

Kickass! Reuben's joining us too, guess the person who's happiest will be Dilys :P two days left lalala 2 papers too. HP(GOB) is out, dont expect to wtach it anytime soon they will be seriously booked out.

This is for you, even though you dont read my blog (or read unless necessary -period-) Can't you see I'm pissed? Just look at the way you address me. "Fellow [verb] Pal" Oh blow it, does this mean if I quit we aren't pals anymore? I dont care what you think, I dont care if I have "potential" in this thing, I don't like it get it? Ive got my roots, my skills came from there and I want to stick to them. I dont really bother, if its a waste of "talent" or if you'll lose your best "disciple"? I dont care if it took me only one day to master the game or if it took you three weeks to grab your first win. What If I only want to be a casual player like fishball? Go brood over it k? You'll be flipping mad, but I dont want to waste any more time and money on something I dont like one bit. pfft

Im done here, ciao~

Quote of e Post:
And if the result is the same, why bother about the process?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Don't you Never, Ever!

Spades, spoons and shovels- bah If you don't understand nevermind. Im happy Happy! happy! Almost everything is over! Then again, Bah, its raining, its been raining hard and that majorly sucks, then again, its the end of the year! Why- I hate rainy days :(

Goegraphy and PoA paper 2 today! First paper was Geography, lets read the instructions together. Section A consists of map reading and Questions 2 and 3, the map reading is compulsory, choose either Qn 2 or 3. Section B, do one question. Ok, the map reading was irritating, the second diagram was obviously meant to screw people over >=( It was not difficult, but it was irritating (As in having to interpret the diagram) spent abit too much time there... finished up section A and went on to section B. Qn4, ooh tourism, i like, do do do Eh?! What's the time? OMG only 30 mins left, rush rush rush, phew, hmm Qn5 Manufacturing, bleagh, Qn6, Environment, ooh I like, do do do, phew finished in time with a few mins to spare ^_^

Im dead meat!! (Dont get it? re-read)

In between went to Jun Ming's house, wa now I kno why im not a console player, too much time focused on a game screen gives me a headache worse than an elephat sitting on your head, had to do the paper with a splitting headache, But thank God! I prayed and throughout the duration of the paper (After the first qn) my head was clear and the pain was absent! Once the paper ended and I began going home it returned. Then again, I only asked for so much, but It worked!! -lalala-

PoA paper flopped, quite madly done. (Madly, not badly) Picking up from the N level, they gave plenty of theory questions this year, nevermind, there is still MCQ worth a wooping 25 marks tomorrow! and D&T on monday and finally Science MCQ, oh how i egarly await that day-

Gonna stop here~ CiAo

Quote of e Post:
That is one devastating hold!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Beating the Odds

Hey, havent posted in a long time. Life's been pretty normal, save for the papers. Oh my, the papers... Week one over, so many things have happened over these few days. It feels like a lifetime! Lets start with the papers.

Maths paper two. Im split in the middle over this, it wasn't exactly a pushover, neither was it hard as nuts but now after some consultation with the best minds i have around me, I dont think I did/am going to do too well =x MAn that's gonna smart...

Friday's cell was a combined cell, HG2 with HG1-T, our first brush with greatness the tertiary people ^_^ Although a good 8 people were not there (In the amry) they were more whacky, sidetracked more and basically abit more fun then the average HG2 cell meeting ^_^ BUT we can best them anyday, no? Then again, they are managed by George Ong and that kind of makes this so totally unfair (in the ssense their whackness is way high :P)

Didn't go to RR on Saturday, exams are still on! MY "break" continues, I will be back in like umm, a week or two? ^_^ I know you miss me haha- and NO Norman, Im not buys failing my Os :P

Next paper on Wednesday, Geography then PoA followed by the other PoA paper on Thursday which by then Id be laughing like there's no tomorrow because by then I'd be done with almost all my papers except D&T and Science MCQ ill be as slack as slack can be,

Now ill do so many things like umm... like.. umm.. I have no idea ^_^ But ill find something to do then (Some gold merits will do PERFECTLY then) and then there is first 3 months, i have so many people all around giving me so many opinions I feel like pulling off a Daikaiten Hakkeshou just to get themm away from me~ (obviously not to hurt them but nvmm) I'll tihnk it out on my own, I appreciate your feedback and opinion/experience but its my life. Nevertheless, feel free to tell me all about it.

Uhh, oh yea! Great joke... for Cell icebreaker we had this game where we all wrote our most embarassing (or one of them) on a slip of paper and one person will read it out and someone chosen thu a pen spin will guess who. In the process there was one involving someoen entering the toilet of another gender. When guessing that someone else (not the actual person) revealed they also had done so, accidentally entering a male shower-room. When we were laughing the person began to protest, "You dont undserstand, I was lookign for my mother" O.O Uh okay... stunning but then when the humor takes over, LOL!

Excellent stuff, I couldnt have done better myself. Thast it for now (I guess) Bye!

Quote of E Post:
Greetings to our fans in... um, where the h3ll are we?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Heyo! Day two, only one paper today, Chemistry. ^_^ It was rather fun, not really a puchover but average, at least compared to what we were expecting, well not as difficult as we expected but at least better than Maths :)

English (both papers) tomorrow morning and Physics later that day in the afternoon, O.O What?! IS cambridge trying to tire us out?? T.T Im going to be. And our hands are going to B-R-E-A-K... Good thing no paper on Thursday ^_^ Guess they have a heart after all :P

Friday will be Maths paper 2 and that would be the first week! Now for the more troublesome papers next week starting from Wednesday and extending to Thursday. My subject combination would have stopped there, most peopel will slacken off after this as the last two papers on the 21st and 22nd are D&T (Which few care to cram for, I too feel especailly discouraged by the fact that a 93% is required if I just want a A2...) and Science MCQ then its~ FREEDOM

But before we dwell on that there is a good like 8 papers more or so, yea >.>

Extending my encouragement to all A and O level candidates! Jia You!

Quote of e Post:
Love only yourself - Gaara <.<

Monday, November 07, 2005

*Stab stab Stab*

D-day. The first day of the O levels is over~ had I written this post between 10am to 2pm the tone would be far far happier.

Math was rather fun, and easy, almost none of the mind churning things which take a huge chunk of brain out of me came out (although something I wasn't great at/thought might appear at the last minute did) . Guess this means paper 2 will be the one to deliver the punch.

The reason im in low spirits (both in feeling and in my cup, just kidding about the cup part) is Social Studies. None of the two topics I studied turned up for Section B and once the paper entered my hands, my arms were trembling, and I wrote staggeredly (it was very very untidy) it was literally chicken scratch. Both in terms of content and appearance. The spotted questions flew way off the mark and Mr Paul hurried out on stage once the paper to reassure everyone that Peicai being only three stories high was not suitable for suicide and some small thing about SS only being half the paper.

Argh the day couldn't get worse. First it rained, then Im broke, next the paper and ow my computer is slow- so very slow. Alright so its not that bad a day but I feel like trash darnnit so hardy har har. Thats one A down the drain, now Im done for.

Friday's cell will be combined with Tertiary, our first taste of our new cell to be. Im not sure about this week, but its turning out to be a long long week. And far more troubling hen Id ever expected- guess a change of plans is at hand.

Stupid me! I went round telling everyone that PCSS spotted Venice, along with many schools in our cluster and I? At the last moment abandoned the school's advice and my intuition and went away, ends up, it was the wrong way >.< should have just stuck to what I was prepared for after all, Venice!! And the other two questions were stunners, wth? Conflict between nations?? Oo

But Maths was rather easy, bmaybe because I was practicing on Prelim papers all the time. I got myself ready for a torrent of battle-hardened blood thirsty slayers and they sent out a troop of freshly trained recruit >.> Oh kay... but only time will tell how I do.

Im stopping now, pissedofferish ARGH AH!

Quote of e Post:
How far was the discovery of an alternate trade route to the east responsible for the fall of Venice's trade?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Inspire Me

You might not get it, many peopel do not get it. So let me explain, everyone has different reasons, some may call us childish, some may call us delusional, some may say we are escaping from reality but I enjoy watching Anime, abnd reading MAnga.

Why? Lets that my favourite series for example, NAruto. Naruto is weak, he was deadlast. He is mistreated by all the adults, he is shunned because of his origin, he plays jokes just to get attention, he wants to be Hokage so he will be recognised. Very early on in the series when he vandalises the Hokage monument his logic is "I can do something that you (other people) can't do, therefore, I am greater then you!" It may be flawed but I can see his point of view.

Later on when he gets to know Garaa, he learns the value of friendship. Being an orphan when all the adults sunned him because of the Kyuubi, his team and his friends allowed him to live a ful life, unlike Garaa. While NAruto made friends and made that his reason for living, Garaa who was ostracied by everyone in his village took it to the other end and decided since no one cares for him. He cares for no one too, and Killing everyone would be his purpose in life.

Cut a long story short, I am like a deadlast, I may not be mistreated, shunned a little and ignmored alot and I am weak. But like Naruto, he later becomes strong (somewhat- kyuubi aside) his will is incredible. "I fight because you called me deadlast" in response to Neji's talk about Destiny~ He believe what he does, he can mould his own destiny.

Yea, I am friggin inspired get that? Now lets look at One Piece, especially when Luffy fought against Arlong. He was obviously at a disadvantage, but when Arlong mocked his weakness and his friends (crew) there was this one statement. "I never knew how to use swords *Zoro*, I never knew how to navigate *Nami*, I never could cook *Sanji* and I've never told a lie (not sure about that) *Ussop*, Thats why, I need my friends! (crew) But (one thing I can do) I can defeat you!"

Touching (yet corny, I could never imagine anyone ever saying something like that with a straight face). Sure, they may be fighting and everything but in life, it is all the same if you put in into context dont you see? We have out friends, enemies and our own fights. Examinations are like battles, day to day, isnt it like an adventure in itself?

So laugh if you want, but Im going to trash ya if push comes to shove. *scoopss up handful of blood* I swear it! Sure I might not be able to split myself into ten, spit fire, strech myself, wield three swords at once, kick walls down or move faster then your eye can see but at least I know I will never give up on life when it throws crap at me (sometimes, through you).

Quote of e Post:
(About destiny) Even a smart bird when locked in a cage will try to undo the lock with it's beak~


Forgive me for my absence, I do sincerely regret not blogging abit more often and leaving my precikous fans waiting in the cold, waiting egarly for their next fix of Fausty goodness. *Walks around shaking hands and giving out cups of hot soup and blankets* Ahem- as if.

Hey you two there! *Points to Ah^Wei and Acz* You got a problem with Weird people huh? Do YOU? DO YOU? *Moves forward* You... Have... Just... Inccured.. The Wrath... Of... CONGRATS!YOU HAVE WON THE MOST CONSISTENT READER OF MY BLOG AWARD! As a prize you'll get a autographed copy of "How life sucks, like a dark hole" By yours truly (out in stores sometime between 2008 and 2147 but hey! you get it first!) and a special pass to visit "Knucle Sandwich land" just come up to me show me the pass and utter any kind of vulgarity and you'll get instant entry! Works without the pass but is more effective on rainy days.

If you are still sane after that paragraph, good for you! Went for Prayer Meeting last night, since it's a holiday and my sister has no tution~ surprisingly almost all the O level candidates were there, stunned a few people by being there too ^_^ Sigh~ only like 3 or 2 days left. To put this "episode" in a Hunter x Hunter style, it'll probably be. Countdown x Critical x Examinations, the start of the exam!

*Yawn* sleep in alot these few days, shall change to ensure I'll be able to awaken on time for monday's paper. Maths paper 1 - no comments, need more practise.

Just noticed I haven't touched PoA at all` not a drop >.< I think i'll get started on it >.< Ciao~!

Quote of e Post:
Believe~ Believe in wonderland!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Flood Gates

Heyas~ 7 days to O levels, feels awesome doesn't it? And then another 3 weeks and viola~ *poof* it's the end of secondary life as we know it wahaha. Free! Did you hears precious? We is free! Nasty examinators try to cage us but we took them down and now we is free precious! Free! *ahem* Had a gollum moment. Yea, Crazy is King!

Yes- crazy is good. Just got back my Zen Micro today! Obviously it was good as new, and blank as new too >.< spent the whole day putting songs in after returning from a jaunt around Orchard for abit- just for the kick of it (And leaving only a dollar to my name for the rest of the week) And still not everything is inside as it was. VERY sadly. Ah well, at least it is SOMETHING... How long will it be, until it reaches it's former glory? After all, I cant even remember it's old format and all, but I know it always had a song I wanted anytime, any situation.. *sniff* Itsl ike your close friend dies and they clone a exact grown up copy, but that person does not have the memories nor experiences, is just AINT THE SAME!

Yeah, Im crazy and I need help~ GRAAAGH! What kind? Could it be possible to take out a brain, wipe it blank, put in what is necceassary for survival and academic achievements and leave it at that? IF it could I would like that very much. One day Im sure someone wil invent it and I'm sure I will embrace that technology with open arms. What better then to literally wipe out the past?

Guess I am crazy ^_^ then again, what is normal?

Quote of e Post:
Rain down on me, Lord let your presence fall on me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ah fine I'll blog! >.< Ive been putting off blogging because I wanted to have a special skin made for my 200th post, which is this post so Ive been putting off blogging in order to make the skin~ its rather umm... mushy now that I look at it haha. Yay this is my 200th Post!

Since HG2 is moving up to Tertiary next year on, YouRong wil be shifted out, last friday was his last cellgroup with us *sob* so saddening. He has gone to a better place (Ok that sounded wrong) and we look forward to moving UP! Weehee!

Did I blog about practical? I cant remember, I think I did... It's such a big event. anyway Chem was Props, Physics was Flops, guess that little cramming was no use after all and for physics I totally screwed up my graph... It was a horror to begin with!

Been sleeping at like 4am lately (the past 4 days my dad was no in town) thus waking up at 12 >.< and I lose half the day. Quite bad haha will change starting today, I'll sleep at 1am ^_^ instead, *gets bashed* Hey change is gradual ok? GRADUAL!

I dont know what to feel any more. Time is so short Id give myself like 10 days? The last days I dub them haha, beign worried is pointless, being anxious will only make me worried, being relaxed will make me off form, totally ignoring the oncoming judgement is suicide.

Whee~ My new computer will materialise AFTER my Os, and so will Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I missed the last two (because I was so pissed at the stuff they cut from the first movie) on purpose but I got to watch this one. Reason? Cho Chang!I really want to see what Cho Chang looks like (I know its on the net and stuff but I want to see it in the MOVIE) she better be a knockout, this is Harry's last saving grace with me for the movie part.

Wanties Wanties Wanties! So many things to want, so little dough to get. So now the word is Prioritize Prioritize! ^_^ I think Im sounding a tad HIGH and illogical. Thats me nowadays, or maybe thats just the high you get when you eat four pieces of absolutely heavenly chocolate with coconut fillings!! Id kill for that stuff~ I think I'm addicted.

Umm this is more than and update post I have my first 200 posts~! Lalala Bye for now

Quote of e Post:
I am selfish I am wrong

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Day two of study break. Woke up at like 11am (ya, if no one wakes me up I will sleep in like a pig haha) The realisation is so strong. In just one more year, I will be 18. EIGHTEEN, an adult. I'm not ready to be an adult, Im just a stupid kid who thinks he is damn smart. (Although here in singapore the age for total freedom is 21, 18 is like universal)

I don't want to grow up, I still want to live happily each day, to wake up, go to school, talk in class, have debates with the more intresting teachers, complain about cheap food (you pay peanuts, you get monkeys), do stupid things (And not have people blame you for it), cram TYS, speak in L337, punch dumb things in my calculator, take silly examinations (and lose sleep over them), not have to worry about money and lodging, talk on the phone till late into the night (and over till the next morning), blog crap, scare myself silly talking rubbish and so so so many other memorable things.

What will I miss? I'll miss the youth services... the life and the action (which is rather obviously missing from the adult service). I'll miss being crap in cell. I'll miss staying out late just to slack and talk. I'll miss having (what feels like) all the free time in the world.

Got this off Paula's blog AGAIN.
what we fight for, we do not always win.
what we deserve, we do not always get.
what we earn, we do not always expect.
what we love, we do not always possess.
what we set free, may not return.
what we hold dear, may not always return in kind.
what we treasure, may not always stay.

but does this mean we stop fighting, stop working, stop loving, stop treasuring the things we have? does this mean we cling on too tightly to things that never belonged to us in the first place?


because life is more than the returns :)
I am speechless. Just swept away. Oh how hard it is to give up in life :)

Here's a song Mr Paul "gave" to us the graduating classes. I didn't think much of it (mostly because I couldn't hear what the words were clearly, nor was I bothered to find out) but while blog hopping I came accross a few lines that sounded so familiar and I realised they were from that song (the few lines that I could decipher) Here's "I hope you dance".

[[I Hope You Dance]]
Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
I hope you dance
(Where those years have gone)

(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I especially like this line, "Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking" its the chances that open door to success... but also open trapdoors to devsatating failure.

Everyon'e favourite Singaporean blogger superstar (must I reall say who?) might have ruffled a few feathers with her post on handicapped toilets, but then again, its not that big a deal, why blow it up? Also, please check out her "first podcast" it's rather amusing and entertaining (with plenty of rambling) go check it out. IF you are still clueless, lemme give you one final hint. Absolutely PINK.

Dropping out here, *looks at TYS before me* guess its best I get cracking, ciao!

Quote of e Post:
NH3 stinks! (I mean it has a pungent smell)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Piece of Peace

Went out early this morning to get breakfast with Acz at Heartland Mall (Finally paid him off~) and on the way to his house surprise! We ran into Jing Ying (I tihnk it's spelt that way) and Bling. Actually they spotted him first haha. Talked abit.

Then we went all the way to Jurong and my Zen Micro changed, its been faulty for a while now, went with Acz as his father was going there anyway. During the car ride was this song, "Stan" by Eminem. I absolutely HATE that song. I won't even put up or look at the lyrics, the worst thing? I can actualyl imagine people doing that, for the very same reasons. Come to think of it almost all his songs are like that. It was their habit to turn the music up loud so it was literally blaring into my ears. I hate that song, I can stil hear the screams from that second last part, and it chills me to the bone...

Why do you turn the music up so loud? And why is it all fast and heavy? You skip the slow ones and move on to another fast blaring beat. Can't one take life slower a little, be a little quiet? I think it is because you can't slow down, you just cant be at peace, so you keep drowing yourself in the fast racing beat, so loud you cant even hear yourself. Stop it, just stop running, ain't your life messed up enough as it is? So quit running, clubbing isn't the solution, neither is drinking or girls- just stop and listen to me, and that small voice you suppressed by the name of conscience.

At Jurong we managed to get our ZM's serviced and qualified to get a replacement BUT, they were out of stock for the less common 4GB Zen Micro so they would call us back in 2 - 3 weeks time once they get their stock. Oh my~ 2 to 3 weeks?! How am I to survive in that period of time?! I need my music~ T.T grrr and its studying time, without my mp3 studying will be more of a chore now T.T I hope I don't forget, nevermind, thats something to look forward to, Oh and in 2 - 3 weeks time it will be O levels T.T how fitting...

Science practicals on Thursday, need to study abit... Oh! And I managed to obtain a space Physics TYS from Acz (he had 2) sadly there was no accompanying answer booklet (it was long lost no doubt) but its alright, at least I have e book... Cram Cram Cram, that will be all thats on agenda for the next 3 weeks, I won't have my ZM and I won't be getting a new phone. Brilliant, on a brighter note, application for CC'05 has been approved ^_^ Looking forward to that AND Zone Camp AND CCIS. So many things to look forward to, oh and next year HG2 (save for Alfred) will be moving up to Tertiary. Hmmz, I wonder what new and exciting adventures await us there? Cant wait -so exciting!

Quote of e Post:
Your mind will take you far

Friday, October 14, 2005

17th yet 70

Hooray! Its my 17th birthday! Congratulate me! I should be high ang happy but NO!! Im SO SAD! Because it is my last day of school today before study break. Dont get it? Dont worry! Im just insane thats all T.T So saddening, its not like I really like the school (seeing the frequency I badmouth it), but, after some time you do get a kind of attachment dont you?!

You just get sad, especially when the teachers all come up one by one to bid thier classes farewells and good-lucks. Yea, some people can mantain being unintrested or even irritated at having to stay behind for their "graduation ceremony" but I can't, I am not irritated OR dis-intrested anyway! It's not the school or the teachers, its the pupils. It's all about the pupils, my fellow classmates. Thus Im not going for the prom, but still the little gathering of all the graduating classes in the hall was rather stuffy amnd drawn out but hey! It's the last you'll ever see of your beloved (not really for some) teachers until you come get your results in Feb save for 4F whose maths teacher porkchop (I forgot teachers can get you suspended and stuff for calling them names on your blog) David Lim is our "sole contact" during the Os proper (or so he says) other than the other school examiners. Come on people have a heart! Its the LAST you'll see, don't you feel even a TINY TUG on your heart??

I think I will really miss my teachers and the school, and despite my initial dislike for the place from sec 1 - 3 (both 3s) its becoem more of a home then I thought it'll ever be. I will miss that gate, the whistle toting security guard, Mr Raymond, Mr Mc, Miss Shim (to be Mrs come Nov), Miss Kodi (Save for Mr Anthony Phoon you were the best and most fun EL teacher ever), Miss Yap, Mr Ng (although you didnt teach me through 3E and 4E, your 3 years from sec 1-3 helped me not totally give up hope on chinese), Mrs Yee (For making Physics boring so I can get extra sleep, haha no la, for teaching physics, being a boring sub I normally wont study it, but sicne you asked so nicely xD) and some others (although im rather glad I wont be seeing some other teachers).

I'll also miss the student hub, the street soccer court with its peeling paint job, the hall with its wierd smell, the AVA room with it's insanely cold air-conditioning, the canteen with it's odd assortment of distasteful but dirt cheap food (don't look at me like this! Some teachers dont even dare eat in the canteen...) and our classroom (4E) the decorations and board were so nice we couldn't bear to take them off but had to in the end. Next year 4E people! Must take good care of the place ah I will be back to visit (despite my initial vehement remarks that I will not want to return ever again) just fopr the atmosphere.

I guess after all that, Peicai is not that bad a place. It isn't a horrible school, there ARE good student if they want to, and the teachers are top rate, and nothing save for their care for us keeps them from runnign off to some better school where they can get better pay and benefits (unlike that traitor Mr Raymond Fong who ran off to RI to teach maths, but who can blame him, his qualifications were too cheem for a neighourhood school, all that jazz xD)

Emotional aren't we? The teachers had their share in the hall, I will have mine alone later tonight ^_^ I will miss Peicai Secondary School, for the first time, I proudly say- you have my respect.

Quote of e Post:
We Make the Difference

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Woo Hoo! So sorry I didn't blog for the past week~ yea, it is after day 2 of english intensive. Quite fun seriously! Haha, but I tend to nap alot in the AVA room, what can I say? Nice cooling aircon~ haha and if you hear people just droen on and on about expositions, recounts and summaries you would too... I think (or is it just me?)

Last day of school before the study leave starts. In exactly 7 days I'll be having to take my science practical >.< Yikes! Tough luck there, I didn't do very well, but now I guess must study haha. Especially for chem, need to know what is what with what (those not reflected in the given piece of paper) and for physics, the reason why blah blah blah depending on the experiment they gave you. *shrugs* Ah well, only time will tell.

You know whats cool? My prelim results ^_^ I learnt just this week that, It might get better! The papers have not undergone moderation yet! That is awesome! I might have a shot at some other schools now *runs off to look for other possible options* Heehee happy happy happy!

Uh dont know what I planned to blog about, I guess i'll retire for dinner again, ciao! Ill add it on later when I remember.

Quote of e Post:
How many more must die, before the governors get denied -the news from the front?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Dust me

Hey all! I didn't manage to blog last night because I came back too late -zZzz- Haha, went straight itno bed and was out like a light until 9am =) Despite the apparent "childishness" of the play it was awesome! First time being in the explanade, not just outside but IN the halls ^_^ way fun wahaha but things in there are expensive without a doubt, a bottle of evian (you know the small ones?) will set you back a good 3 dollars while a sandwich (which isn't half as good or as well filled as a $1.60 one I get almost every sunday) will set you back a big 5 smackeroos.

My computer has been very lag lately, not just the internet, just about everything, from typing to paint =.= Anyways, this line will not appear as I type it and will not be until I start on the next line, there we go ^_^ I find my keyboard skills pretty pathetic, im getting plenty of errors everything i type eg. og, typoe you get the picture.

Back to the show, oh my it was wonderful, magical enough to keep me spellbound, I fas feeling a little sad when the interval started >.< Not your usual Peter Pan story although you need to have the background knowledge~ I will not give what kind as it will be a spoiler of sorts. I say go watch it haha, there is still some time, it shows from the 7th to the 16th I think, and I watched the first show. Characters to look out for are Tinkerbell (too cute ^^) and Hook haha, He ded an excellent job. Despite some prior umm "comments" ive heard, no, I dont think Wendy is pretty =.=

Was supposed to go for dinner with the cell tonight but SOME distant cousin of mine is getting married and I have to be there. I mean even my mother who is his aunt (I think) hasn't seen him since his childhood years! And now I, a total stranger has to go and see his tie the knot? Id rather spend the day with HG2 ^_^ But, blood is thicker then water (or so they say, I dont really bother to think about it) Actually the real fuss is seeing my cousins. Telling them all about my prelims (once they get wind someone is taking their Os) and how I got a floppy 15 (L1R4) or 19 (L1R5) points is not a plesant prospect. Why is it everyone has this super succesful cousin or something when compared to them??

NExt week save for monday and tuesday is English intensive, and after that study break. Time has never flew this fast, everything is zooming past in a blur. Each week I have something to look forward too but these few weeks all that has been ahead is the Os, the Os. So much so I am not really intimidated anymore, which results in a drop in pressure, and a drop in study effectiveness. >.< looking forward to the Os, and then, the new yera~ Oh not forgetting CCIS! I'm helping again! I LOVE my job ^_^.

Eh, better stop here bb

Friday, October 07, 2005

Surprise all of a sudden!

just a hyper fsat one! Next week is English intenive, after that it's study break until the O's arrive in full force. Thats just deviating~

Im going off to watch "Peter Pan" at the Esplanade in about 1/2 hour haha! I mean, at least let me know you guys are pannign something next time ok? Bye! Blog more tonight...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Because You Live

Hey~ my mom has been hogging the computer for her driving lessons so I can't be online much, so im making use of this precious time I've scraped to blog ^_^ Aren't I so thoughtful to my precious readers? And to let me know you exist, please leave me a sign, like maybe a tag? (HINT HINT!) Haha

Ooh Prelims result all back, not as well as I had planned, then again, I planned kind of high x) The final verdict, L1R4 = 15, L1R5 = 19. The sad thing? Not a single A1, and alot less As then I expected. Here's the breakdown.
EL- A2
EM- B4 (I thought I did so much better...)
SC- B3 (Science, extremely disappointing)
CH- A2 (Combined Humans)
PA- B4 (This is just sad)
DT- C5 (I'll explain leter)
MT- B4 (Fixed for Os)

I never thought I'd have to use Chinese as one of my subjects, ever, odd isn't it? I really believed my maths had improved, between the help I got, the questions I did and questions that continually began to make sense to me, I knew there was an improvement, by a single grade? There is obviously more to be done.

Physics killed me. I expected a 2 at least for science, but being bad in physics blows. A B4 physics and a A2 chemistry adds into a high B3, so close. I might sound a little full of my self if I said I was counting on a one for English and Combined Humanities... PoA was just sad. Id didn't study and this is the result, at least as much as I can remember, I'm sure the Os will not be this easy.

For D&T what can I say? If you've been following the "progress" of my D&T (or lack of progress) you'll figure that my wreck of an artefact will be my downfall. Because of the artefact my folio is pulled down, that accounts for 60%. So when you throw in my A1 theory paper, the grade went way down to C5. You just cannot make it without htat 20% practical. I can no longer get an A for D&T, a A2 would take a 110% for my theory, a B3 would take 93%, I won't even think about counting how much a B4 would take. Bottomline, D&T is out the window.

I had origianlly planned to have at least 14 for my L1R5, a nice mid-range mark (although I have little intention of spending the next two years in brown again) actually I also dont know. Now the only doors are SR and Y, obviously Im taking SR (if not for the locations, it would be... for the location) and for Os I'd plan to get a 10. Considering my score is already 4 with chinese, my plan will now be, EL 1, CH 1, EM 2, SC 1, PoA 1. Wow, Id be hard pressed =.=

Enough talking about schoool. Friday was cool, went for suishi buffet with some 4F people :) So called to celebrate the end of prelims. Then later that night zone Gathering, haha I know I asked for charades but I never expected a time attack version! intresting but the timing kind of kills it a little.

Sunday, hmmz, CET is becoming more and more complicated, quite "chim" = slightly troublesome to understand. But overall its ok, quite fun ^_^ its about the environment too you know? The people, the atmosphere. But must stop doodling on the notes, talk less and listen more heehee.

Found a cool song, actually make it two cool songs. Ill post em up here (wow this entry is turning kind of long dont you think?)

I Don't Wanna Be
Gavin Degraw

I don't need to be anything other than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been tryin to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
am i the only one to notice
I can't be the only one who's learned

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me

Can I have everyone's attention please
if you're not like this and that
You're gonna have to leave

I came from the mountains
the crust of creation
My whole situation made from clay and stone
and now I'm telling everybody

I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I've peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I gotta to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me


Superman - Its not easy to be me
Five for Fighting

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird...I’m more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see

It may sound absurd...but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It’s all can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy...or anything...

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

Its not easy to be me

I love these superman themed songs. Looking forward to next week. My birthday on the 14th! Haha. And start of exam break. Im excited. Yet worried. In my life there are so many things I cannot place for sure. But Im too worried to place them where they should go. Even though I know I should. Ok, typing in short sentences is not working for me, haha, it is more like Dilys's blogging style, tried tested and trashed, its continusous writing for me without restraint on the use of the comma, and the rare use of a fullstop x)

Ok ok, I have a urgent testi to write, ciao!

Quote of e post:
Because you live, I live...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Behind Master

*Sigh* Two fateful days. My fate is not totally sealed YET, the lower tier choices are still avaliable to me =.= My boat has not totally left the harbour, if it has I would jump in and swim for it. Or if Im crazy enough, should the boat leave without me, I'll just have to sink it, nevermind those people on board, Im not affected anyway -yes i am that insane.

Day two after prelims and most of the results are back, and most of the results below expectations. Only Eng paper 1 + Oral, Social Studies, D&T and E Maths are unrevealed, and with what has been revealed the scores are adding up -fast- Taking into account the current stae of events, my estimated total will be about 19 or 20, or if by some wierd freak of luck even 18 -at best-

At least now I know where I stand, after all, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. I didn't really concentrate on doing everything possible to revise and this is what I get. You win some you lose some *shrug* at least this is not the actual O's, if it were, I'd be quite devastated. Stability would be somewhere between "Loss of direction" and "This paper is a March Fool's joke right?" but right now it's quite acceptable, no, barely acceptable isn't right either. I'd say the current situation is somewhere between "What just happened?" and "My goodness *tsk tsk tsk* how'd that happen?" If you understand, good. If you don't, sad.

Time no longer seems short, it IS After this week would be two more weeks of intensive grueling of anything and everything that can be grilled in followed by 2 weeks of study break starting on the 15th of Oct I think up 2 weeks till Novemeber when the real deal begins.

Did I fail to mention my birthday is on the 14th of October? Like the last day of school? Did you know? Well now you do ^_^ I'm not going to ask you to save up or get me anything, it's not necessary really. Just a sms or an e-mail will do, there is great comfort in the thought that at least some people remember my birthday right smack in the middle of the examination period.

lactura paucourm serva multos - Sacrifice the few to save the many. It may sound logical, like the phrase "for the greater good" but then, what about the few who are sacrificed? Do they have a say? What about them, are they not people too? I find this phrase rather selfish, however selfless it seems. Go figure.

Surprise of the century, now if teacher read their pupil's blogs and find something insulting or slanderous about them they can sue us and kick us out of school! Isn't that wonderful news for the average student blogger? That was utter sarcasm by the way. Despite the legal implications, this blog and it's archives will not be changed. I will still write the way I do, still blog about the things I have a passion to blog about and still retain who I am. All one needs to do now is to tread carefully, not give up the race altogether. And be mindful of whose toes you are stepping on to get over without dirtying your shoes.

Haha. Just noticed on Dilys's blog she posted the lyrics to the song title I'm currently using as my MSN nick, it's a wonderful song. "What the world will never take" indeed, "I wouldn't have it any other way" Go find that song, I assure you will not regret doing so.

Ah, yesterday I was up pretty late and the day before in a bid to finish up my post and get some shut eye I forgot my quote, but it's ok! I have one today, no prizes for guessing what is is :)

Quote of e Post:
lactura paucourm serva multos

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Well well, Yes I have been neglecting to blog. With some reason. Prelims just finished on Friday, quite a relief and then again a reminder that in only a mere month, the most important examination of my life will come to past. But school aside, I'm more passionate about, other things.

Last saturday was sweet, not really all sweet but fun enough. Arriving slightly late for Rangers (I have a bad habit of not being able to enjoy the bus ride) beret and all a rude shock presented itself. I was supposed to lead Opening Parade. Fascinating actually, it was quite fun. Despite my slightly rusty memory (the last time I gave commands was... who knows when? In sec 2?) I think I did pretty well. Once you stand at attention before the parade all that old NCC kicked in and it was splendid. Normad took this Saturday's and despite some lack of practise it was fine enough, now I eagerly await next saturday when it is Dilys's turn to lead, it should prove highly eventful.

Last week of prelims was totally a bore. Some of that fire fizzled a little and I tihnk I did far worse then my first week, the concentration was just not there. As was the mood to cram, absent altogether. Oh well, coem tomorrow the results will come back in, only time will tell. I believe they will be quite shocking. I believe.

I anticipate the comign of this weekend, ah yes, with a promising zone gathering on friday and CoA on saturday (I slogged very well for those awards, I deserve it) Ooh and Church Camp registration. I have to go, it thrils me down to my inner core, last year turned my world upside down and inside out, this year I expect no less . But it's mighty costly and triple sharing, sadly cross gender rooming is as per usual absolutely prohibited [mwahaha] ;) just kidding~ or am I? ;)

My last year in Peicai will not end with a bang, I'm giving prom night a miss. After all, what would I do there? Not being "in" would spoil 80% of the fun and the cost if impressive, I'd rather use that as my downpayment for the church camp. Jean is on the team, as is Percy, Chris, Joanna (no idea who) and Aaron, with Pris as their advisor. Being on the committee is an awesome experience, trust me, I have experienced it first hand last year and it is - I am speechless. I am now at a loss of words, Oh I JUST MISS THE CAMP COMMITEE 2004! Corny as this may sound we will live in my mind forever.

Of all the things in todays message the part on servanthood stood out the most. It became deeply etched in my mind the significance of the act and the concept. I remember something I coped off someone else's blog you might still rememeber not long ago. Something about being a human floormat. Yes I was skeptical, snubbed by the world I was cross, and bitter. I found all humans selfish, only seeking after their own benefit and helping others only if it benefited themselves greater or provided no significant loss. The world was a bleak unforgiving place full of hash, miserly people. It still is, difference being there are some who are not so harsh and not so miserly. Love was a word cheaply thrown around by an ignorant and selfish people. I felt sick to be known as human. I will serve, even if it costs me everything -no compromise.

I truly admire Dilys for one thing. Her outward declaration. Everyone she knows and knoews her is fully aware of her steadfast faith. Even non-shristian friends allow her to pray for them as they know it would be futile to resist, she would do so anyway, not that anyone would complain. In all things, she keeps her focus, on God. And more spectacular (to me) is her overwhelming self confidence and high self esteem. Her declarations might draw ridicule but if she finds it so, who are we to comment? I admire you greatly but I just cant't beat my pride to become like you, nevertheless, if the world is in the balance, what is my pride?

Come morning I fear too much, then again I say I will look to the Lord for strength. We will see, I want to ensure this time it will not end up flat like all those other times, countless sundays at the altar, and countless weeks living life unchanged. There's got to be more to life.

WOAH! It was about 9:55 when i began writing this, it is now 1:08am, because I was reading T.T You know how books fascinate me. Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown. Now i have read The Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress and Angels and Demons, only the book Deception point (which is in my bag currently) is left~ i have to go and sleep now or I WILL die in school tomorrow, tata!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Update Post - 17/9/05

Heyas! After a VERY long time, I decided to change my skin ^^ The cute picture at the topis only temporary until I find a better fitting one, yups, This is as per usual just an update post to tell you I've changed my blogskin (As if you cant tell) I'l be adding music soon if I find it fit and maybe add a few more pointless things inside.

Now with the blacked out screen is is very hard to use the tag-board. To use the tag board click anonymous, delete it and type in your name. And then either just press "tab" and type away of click on the now invisible window to the left of the word "post". DO NOT click on post without completing your tag.

As an alternative you can use the comments system. "Spoke out" is to comment just click on it and the rest will be easy (unless you lack simple comprehension of common sense)

5 days of prelims over, only 3 days left next tuesday, wednesday and friday. Today's papers were a WASHOUT. In geography I wrote tons of crap (the only way I know how) but for PoA I was so stumped, I totally forgot almost everything and out of all the questions I couldnt even balance a single one =.= Pretty sad.

Did you know? This is the 190th post on my blog! Whee, I'll make a celebration out of it's 200th post ^_^ This post ends here, ciao, check back soon for more details.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quiz Post ^_^

Im not going to be bloggin much as im in the middle of prelims now (its been what? about id say 14 days since i last blogged, lost count) but I'll still post about here and there otherwise, im officially on semi-haitus.

Science today, Chemistry and Physics free response papers, I tihnk i will be getting a three month "holiday", meaning, my prelims wont be able to put me into 1st 3 months T.T and most likely even if I do make 1st 3 months, my Os will not make me end up in the same place... My physics is horrible. Period.

Ah well, so much to talk about in these two weeks, so much I missed blogging on the time. Neumerous sunday services, modern cults, Katrina, the Summer-festival, holidays, badminton session (actually I can sum it up in two words -> kena trashed), prelims so so much. But ill all do for today (After my miserable physics paper) before my english tomorrow is -have abit of mindless fun (thank you qx) It's quiz posting time! WARNING! These quiz makers just can't spell...

You are a protector.
Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Bah~ Somehow I find the "ninja" personality discription more fitting while the ideals section of the "protector" is what they pinpointed accurately (save for the strong part). And who the heck said I am "happy, optimistic and work well in groups?" Oh well, but I stil want to get ninja anyway '-'

People see calmness in your eyes. You like to keep
cool in a crisis. You know that if you don't
panic, things will be worked out much quicker
and with fewer hitches. People probably end up
feeling less worried when they are around you.
You've got a good attitude. Keep it up.

Whee, only 3% of the people got this result, it was kind of tough especially the cat (or dog) one, but Yes! Calmness. Let me quote (poorly translated ) someone "When you can calm down when facing the heat, then you will really begin to heat up" bah that was in chinese ^_^ fyi - im honest taking quizzes, so if i dont like the reuslts... you wont likely see it here xD

Your theme song is Boulavard of Broken Dreams by
Green Day. Maybe you feel you're alone in the
world or just want to be alone. Whatever it is,
it seems your best friend is your shadow.
Whether that's from past experiances or the
fear of future ones, the world may never know.

What's Your Theme Song?
brought to you by Quizilla

Eh, im not sure but I THINK that person spelt that title wrongly haha but I also cont know how to spell it either ^_^ Best friend is my shadow? Shucks, Kage Bushin! xD Haha, sorry la~ I read Naruto for relaxation heehee (Uh I think im abit off the rocker today that was so OOC)

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to
takes things at the center. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn'tpretend. Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly. Always
making friends. Easily hurt but recovers
easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care
of what others think. Emotional. Decisive.
Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts
and literature. Touchy and easily jealous.
Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair.
Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses
confidence. Loves children.

What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow- how do they get this stuff? I think someone is stalking me =.=
Innocent White Wings of the Angels.
You have Innocent White Wings of the Angels. You
like helping people no matter what they're
reaction is. You're smart and silent and almost
NEVER did a bad thing in your life. If someone
pushes you in the hall, you'll most likely take
the blame and smile while saying sorry. Don't
be too nice or people will take advantage of
You are fairly pretty.

What kind of Anime Wings do you have? (( GORGEOUS PICS )) _Girls_
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha~ If I could Id capitalise the word "ALMOST" instead of "NEVER" wait a sec~! I didnt see the word _Girls_ =.= ahh never mind :P Its only the girls quizzes that have cool pictures anyway. ^_^ (Oh yea, beware the quiz, the background makes the wording unreadable)

you're in between a teenager and child...loyal to
your friends, and can be abit rebellious

how old are u at heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Uh ok ^_^ Haha, hmmz Need to find some with pictures... pretty pictures...

You died of either old age or a sickness. You are a
kind person and are smart. You have a good head
on your shoulders. But don't think that just
because your death wasn't exciting or extreme
that that makes you boring.

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah, first off Id have to sy I dont believe in past lives haha how ironic. Uh ok, how umm... normal... like about everyone else in the world save for the unlucky few *shrug*

Your angel is trying to tell you're
intelligent. Wise-eyed and smart, you have a
way with swaying people into following you. You
are the quiet leader who will some day make big
changes in the world.
Song: World On Fire- Sarah McLachlan

What is your angel trying to tell you?!?!? _-=Great pics=-_
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah right, if were really intelligent I wouldnt need a half crack quiz to tell me so.

Your name is... Aki, the autumn girl. you are
pretty much normal and have not very many
friends. but during night you like to take long
walks and stare at the moon

What japenese name best represents you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah this person did not label it as a girls only quiz but heck~ wait a sec, I have that picture somewhere! =.= All that fella did was add a name, lol come to think of it that pic cam e from quizilla too! xD

Your personality is that of a true day-dreamer.
Somehow, you're not too satisfied with reality,
and so you take it upon yourself to find it in
your dreams. You're honest, a bit random, and
are a great friend. You can sometimes, well a
lot of the time have mood swings, which confuse
the people close to you, but that's okay. As
long as you have great friends, a great
personality, and a great outlook on life,
you'll be fine. You've got people around you
who are willing to keep you up when you fall
down, which you have many times. You have great
talents as a writer, especially when you write
fantasy. You are the dreamer, the sarcastic
one, and the one with great come-backs. Keep on
dreaming, and you're sure to have an extreme,
life-it-to-the-fullest, Grade-A life!

What Kind of Person are You? [beautiful anime pics, and lengthy details, as usual!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Lalala, what a long explaination~ aww the picture dont look good though, besides that.. Are you SURE these quiz makers aren't following me?

innocent kiss
Your a innocent kisser when you kiss you
think about all the good things! Sex probably
dosent even cross your mind, you'd much rather
think about love and conpanionship! Your a
really good person and probually a really good

What type of kisser are you?(pics)[[for guys and girls]]
brought to you by Quizilla

No comment - makes me wonder how the person got research done for this quiz...

wet luv
You have a caring relationship. You two care for
each other, even with stupid faults you still
care for each other. Sure you fight alot but it
doesn't stop you from love him/her.

What kind or relationship will you likely end up with? -=Great pics!=-
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting, I dont see how the questions match up to create the results (you'll get it if you took the quiz) Nice pic though ^_^

jasper is your true birthstone. stone of october.
This is an ornamental rock with colorful bands
and patterns. It ranges from yellow to green
and is named according to its patterns such as
landscape jasper, ribbon jasper, picture
jasper, or orbicular jasper. It is found in
numerous countries.

Which is your true Birthstone?
brought to you by Quizilla

Uhh oddly only 81 people not 81%, 81 PEOPLE got this result, which ended up as 0% of the number of people who took this quiz haha, guess they dont just throw this result out to anyone who puts October as their month of birth ^_^

Your power is: Time Control

Explanation: You have the ability to
freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on
hold. For one reason or another emotions has
reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
of course, this does not sadden you since you
could care less. Sometimes though you can be
hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
all out. You don't search for something that
could make you happy since you have no hope in
that area any longer. People probably see you
as annoying because you're not involved and
just stand there. You probably don't have that
many friends either, and you feel like you are
with them because that's what you normally do.
You stick to your habits and don't appreciate
Negative aspects: One day all emotions
are gonna surface again, and that day will be
very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
come as a big chock.

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow. Did i say there was one long one, forget that this is long. Intresting, really, Time control would be awesome (though dangerous) and there were two other cooler and I find more useful "powers" I could (would) have liked to get but hey, to turn back time, isnt that what I've always wanted?

Fire element
Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot
temper and you can be warm and loving as well
and angry and wild. It all really comes down to
what you are feeling. You have a lot of close
friends who you are very protective over, and
with your temper probably some enemies too. You
are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are
your own person and don't want to be forced
into behaving this or that way. You are the
untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone
wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied
down for the moment and just keep going with
your little crushes. Your will is strong and if
you set your mind to do something, you will
most likely succeed. But beware, your friends
may not always accept your mood-swinging
behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean,
they can still feel hurt. You just need to
start thinking some things through before you
do them, and not always jump in with so much
courage. One day you may be hurt because of
that, but then again, your element isn't fire
if you start to analyse situations before you
act. After all, your nature is to shoot first
and ask the questions later. Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
brought to you by Quizilla

Very impressive, this quiz maker got me 100% WRONG! Haha, Ive never gotten a fire in element guizzes, Most of the time I get water, and when it aint water it's wind. *Just read the water result* Heck, I got the totally wrong result =.= ah well, ignore this, The water pic looks better too.

Your first kiss will be passionate. You love love
and to be loved and you want to let your
partner know how much you care. You can be a
little closed up to some people but you don't
hide things. Your first kiss is special to you
because you think of it as a part of yourself,
and that's why its so passionate.

What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah~ I really like the "innocent" picture, school uniforms are my kind of dig haha Wierd result though, just going through all the quizzes qx has taken before if i havent already...

Hooray! You're crazy like us!

brought to you by Quizilla

Aww shucks, I was hoping to get "Your not crazy enough yet, come over to the crazy sdie! We have chocolate ship cookies!" Mmmm Choc chip cookies. Haha. Then again someone who wants to get a wierd result like that probably already qualifies as crazy xD

You're normal.....

Lighten up why don't ya?

Click....I DARE YOU.
brought to you by Quizilla

How contradicting =.= First im crazy and now im normal, arent i light enough?? Okay, im abit overweight but then again light didnt mean tha~ nevermind i tihnk they're right xD

You are a catgirl! a very happy person who loves to
show off, but its just your personallity! U
dont care what people think about u or your
talents as long as they dont bother u about how
terrible it is all the time,then u get ticked
off and are ready to hurt them. U like to sleep
in and not go to shool most of the days. U like
being clean and love peoples' sympathy towards
u. U always make your way out of tight

Which Anime Look do u have? (girl quiz) sorry boys, u can still take it though! lol, i dont care
brought to you by Quizilla

On one hand Im pissed because I didnt get the awesomely hot cute looking nurse, on the other... only 3% of the people got neko/catgirl as a result! Not totally matchching / accurate but whatever of it is true will suffice *meow*

You are...Chad! You are a gentle giant. You tend to
have a soft spot towards those that are smaller
or weaker than you. You can't resist things
that are cute or need help. You never fight
unless you have to, or unless it's for someone

Which Bleach Character Are You Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha, a I ALWAYS get Chad, even though I think Ishida is much cooler

Hmm, guess not always, guess I have changed a little since a few months back or the quiz changed. This time no matter how i edit (although all ym options will be truthful) i get Rukia ^_^

Take The quiz yourself

Ah *yawn* WOW! It is 5:29pm and I started writing this at 3:31pm. I have spent almost 2 hours doing quizzes haha, but it was fun ^_^ Now i feel like populating a forum hmm... Wahahaz (I think he's mad. You think? Id say definitely. Good point.)

Quote of e Post:
When life gives you limes, make lemonade, add piss and give it to people who piss you off

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I am extraordinary - If you ever get to know me ...

Woah~ it's already the 30th and my last post was like on the 21st. About 9 days. Wow. So much ahs transpired within these 9 days. So insanely much. Haha. School's been a awful drag these few weeks, everything just gets so hard as the time just closes down and locks you in. After this week is the one wek Sept holidays, then prelims begin. Isn't that too close for comfort? On one hand I know I can never be prepared enough but on the other hand I just feel that it ain't a task so difficult and unbeatable that every concious moment has to be invested in it's preparation. "You should aim for PAE (provisional admission excercise aka 1st 3 months)" says everyone.

Sidetrack abit. Today in Social Studies mr Paul just came back from a course (last week) on brain power, about how your thoughts directly influence the people around you and your ability to handle things. Come to think of it, that sounded really familiar! Yea, I've heard of it. It was part of that few day course thing I took all those years back (4 years maybe? It seems so far away and vauge im not even sure if it was real - but i have books and notes...) You know those "super-student" ones? well I never got down to applying any of those techniques =.= Yeah yeah~ you can go ahead and flood me about the time and money wasted again~ As if I dont hear enough of it

Anyway, PAE, JAE... Im not sure. I just... JUST might not make it. My first actual O level paper is on the 8th of November I think, that is only at most a month or so away. And its absolutely not for the lack of time, oh no. I had tons of time, time I used or as they say squandered (what ever they friggin want to say) fruitlessly on this and that all over the place. Everything that isn't studies is a waste of time and will ruin my future. Oh yes Im totally sure, dont worry, even if I flunk out I won't try to DEPEND on you (Although I might have to due to the lack of choices) Why can't we just drop the God Damned paper chase??

No im not stressed, im frustrated because I know I cant make it because I have not put in effort. It's all my fault. MINE.

"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."

Just lifted the got the above paragraph from someone else's blog. Sounds stupid isn't it? Totally illogical, whats the point you'll ask? Might as well bang your head against a solid wall -at least you'll leave a mark on the wall- It just goes against human logic of doing what best benefits you, stomps down the possiblity and the application of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and sets you up for the ultimate erfect "hao qi fu" (good to bully) role. Isn't it just so fun being a human floormat? What can I say? Just do it anyway~

I'm looking for a song, I have no artiste, no singer, no album. Just a composer (not a big clue), full lyrics, the title and a mini mp3 version of it (incomplete) I present you a wonderful song - blueskies.

Composer - Ryuji

You say the city tires your eyes
It's anger and despair.
You don't hear all the laughter that is there
I know your caught in a fearful dream
The streets are not as dark as they seem
Please understand the time will pass
And you will reach another place
I long to see a smile light up your face
And though I know you will shine again
So wipe your tears away beautiful friend

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright
Hope dies, but then the clouds begin to part
Blue skies, will bring it back into your heart
(my short version ends here)

You say you need to find the truth
You try with every passing breath
Your puzzled by the pain of life and death
Though you have traveled far
I think you know
You've got a million miles farther to go

There's a force within the times
You can feel it lift you high.
You trust the wind you close you eyes and fly
Beyond the hills of clouds the hidden stars
That's when you can tell just who you are

Visions appear strangely unclear in your mind
Fear can't erase love that you chase running blind
Voices begin echoing in to your past
You journey home morning is dawning at last

Moments past and soon the darkness fades
You're alone on your way
As you walk on
Let your sadness fade away
Give your spirit to the day

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.


Ive had this song since I'm sec1 or pri 6 I think, I have no idea how I got it, but I remember loving it. I listened to it continually and it gave me much inspiration and motivation that life is not all that bad, these will pass and there will come a day everything is alright. I hope it does the same for you too. If you want this beautiful song, e-mail me or talk to me, I'll send it to you via MSN (if we are there) or through e-mail. And please, anyone with any leads please help me find this song. Thank you.

Recently it seems like the authorities are cracking down on illegal downloads. I prefer to be safe then sorry and thus the information highway at sector p2p has been pretty quiet recently. Even though this computer is terrible -it's better then nothing. And the slimmest chance of my getting another computer is at earliest December. Talking about that another thing. It's been a longtime "dream" (?) of my mother's to go to Europe, and they had planned to go (obviously as per usual without asking my opinion) lsat year after my Os but due to my little setback it was pushed back a year. So this yea, to my horror~ i mightn ot be going to Church Camp. I'm like totally WTH??! I'm not going to miss something like that ever! It was last year's CC that changed so many things~ that changed everything.

Must stop here, getting ranted at again, what would I give to put a knife through your grinning face

Quote of e Post:
And even though sometimes your ways I might not understand~

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lump Sum

Wa~ Haven't posted for a long time! My last post was on the 16th I think~ that would be Wednesday or Thursday! And it's Sunday, the end of yet another week and the start of another. So much happening! Prelims in 3 weeks now, teachers have finished almot everything and so now it is revision rushing time. As time grows ever shorter in school, Becoming more and more slack~ keep this up and Im bound for the grave.

Because our classes are so GOOD, the science (Chem + Physics) teachers have banded and decided to give all 4E and 4F pupils special remedial classes for us every two days. In addition the classes will be split into 2 groups. One for the totally clueless (eg. what is an atom?) And the other group are those who so far are managing to keep their head above the ever rising water. Luckily i've been slotted into the latter group. Nevertheless, extra lessons after school till 4:30pm every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday have been planned for both group, covering both physics and chem in two consecutive lessons back to back. *There goes my weekends again*

Cell on friday was fun, haha. Joel made everyone play questions, if you want to know i'd be glad to play a round with you, but having more people around makes it rather interesting. Eek, I didnt know You Rong was not going to be there so I had no guitarist, good tihng most of us jnew how to sing our songs ^_^ Actually I was still undecided on the songs on Thursday night when I talked to Paula online, she told me to "let the spirit guide me" and in turn, it helped her make a personal decision. ^_^ What goes around does indeed come around.

Oh ya~ so sad! I had TONS of pictures to post but sadly somehow my computer has made my USB driver vanish and whenever I install another... it still does not work so yea~

Saturday! Heehee outpost outing, we went to visit the goat farm, a vegetable farm that used aero/hydrophonics and later on a fish farm. The goat farm visit was the same as always except this time we got to feed the goats ^_^ And at the vegetable farm we had a walkthrough around the greenhouses and buildings, they also showed us a pretty lame video... I shall not comment further on the "educational" video (read = primary school level). The fish farm was rather cool, but the highlight of the farm was this humongous fish, it was longer than me (my height that is) and it was kept in a separate enclosure with bars and high walls, outside was a sign saying "Please do not put your hands in the pool". Notice they used the word "pool" instead of "tank"? Haha, it's huge, really big~ you could also fish at a pre-prepared enclosure at the farm for a cost of $30~ not worth it I say... the guy fishing there looked pretty patient =D

Went with Acz to Changi that night. What for? For the japanese summer festival of course! It was just like (ok a long shot) the books showed. Lanterns to light up the area (but there was a fair share of glaring spotlights too), people on mats having a picnic, stalls selling food and stuff and *gasp* even a store which let you catch fish with a paper net! The people there were (mostly) dressed in colorful yukatas *drool* sadly, they all seemed fluent in japanese and we were hard pressed to find a way to communicate with them. =.= asking questions was especially umm "entertaining" (read -> tiring) haha ^_^ but it was fun, i took my fair share of photos but ... =.= why now of all times...

Sunday, waha, no CET! ^_^ It's nice to actually have time to eat lunch instead of gobble lunch once in a while. Prayer meeting was extra special, we have to remember another few groups of people we have overlooked when it comes to reaching out. Indeed they are oft overlooked. Rachel was not around for service (probably caring for her dad) must pray for his healing and salvation k? Service was special in it's own way. There was a new song -alpha and omega- not bad, not bad at all. But it was the sermon and altar call that got me moving. I'll not go into detail.

Ending this post here, I got to go off anyway. Bye

Quote of e Post:
On the other hand~

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Hmm, the results high is wearing off, back to school yupp yupp. Eh? Why this week seems so long? It feels like a week when it has in fact only been 2 days O.O I even thought it was Thursday and happily rattled off the wrong timetable -.- Oh never mind :)

Friday cell was at Joel's house haha, now everyone save for You Rong has been "infected" with Peters Russell, although it is running cold now~ Oh yea, Dilys hurt her hand. Left elbow actually, something about her nerve, and it can't bend, I mean it can -but it hurts tons. Had to have cell at Joel's house cos Jean had something on. Oh ya, did you hear abouy my Eng Oral? It was fun to say the least =) Fast forward~

Saturday! Was planning to go for "Welcome Party" on saturday afternoon but trapeze clashed with it a little so I didn't go. Yesh~ the second and final trapeze lesson! No pictures this time, only videos :) The new trick is cool. Instead of just the knee hang, this time we let go of your hands like for the hang on the first "hip!" and then on the second "hip!" we unhook our legs and we get a freefall! It's supposed to be when you go from one pole to the other but there isn't another pole~ haha so it was a free fall.

One thing about the fall, dont look down. RQ learnt that the hard way, hurt the upper left side of his face. Rope burn from landing on it. It's really not all that scray after you're used to it. In fact the whole thing looked alot lower then the last time I saw it -hmm- Achieved Trapeze merit :) Silver no.2!

Sunday, last lesson of CET! Haha did presentation on Heavens Gate, and took the quiz, I didn't really study for it but the quiz was quite easy anyway haha! Modern Cults is fun! Service was abit different, (side point: why were there so many people on back up singing this time round?) And we had Daryl on the drums during Worship~ Great job! You played real good ^_^ What's the difference between a follower and a disciple? You'll find out in abit :) You'll have see for yourself, oh yes you will. Haha! We had fire-drill after service, but it was totally slack~ everyone was walking and talking... heehee, rather interesting though. Went to Heartland Mall with Dilys, Jean, Joel and You Rong to buy a present for Meryl after service. Haha, not that I already didn't knowm buying presents for people is difficult, and choosing even more so. Although I didn't influence or make any of the choices, it was a rather how to say~ entertaining trip.

Sometimes, I tihnk abit too much.

I'm thinking of changing my blog address. In fact I think I will after this post! Heh~ outcast is really not a nice thing to name my blog. Hmm better start cracking on names.

Prelims in about 4 weeks! O.O Oh my, how time flies~ Heehee now that I've passed my chinese, all that stands between my dream is the rest of my results and of course, prelims do play a role. Got to cram harder then before now! Although I must admit I did not do alot of cramming before *ahem* D

I've gotten a great deal of encouragement from this song, entitled "Hold On" (Can imagine You Rong rolling his eyes going "secular music" to this hahaha) by Jet I think. Fabulous, I really like it, IM me if you want it, I'll gladly send it to you.

Hold On - Jet

You tried so hard to be someone
That you forgot who you are
You tried to fill some emptiness
'Til all you had spilled over
Now everything's so far away
That you don't know where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]
For you to belong to

When it's hard to be yourself
It's not to be someone else
Still everything's so far away
That you forget where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]

Hold on [8x]

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [3x]
For you to belong to

There~ beautiful isn't it? I can listen to it, endless times on repeat track and not get sick. The weather's been awfully odd these few days eh? In the mornings it's terribly hot and the scorching sun gets away with murder, andaround afternoon it gets cooler, and sometimes even throws us a downpour out of no-where. At night, the heat slowly climbs while we are blanketed by our air conditioned rooms, oblivious to the rising warmth outside. Why I heard just last night it was 31 degrees out! No, it's not that I don't believe what my teachers say but 31 degress at night ~whew~ am I glad I had no idea... Now my heart reaches out to those who aren't snugly comforted by the air conditioner whilst they get their beauty sleep in the humid night.

Finishing here~ Looking forward to the weekends. I'm doing worship again this Friday! ^_^

Quote of e Post:
I hit you and you hit me back, the rest of the day stands still~