Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I am extraordinary - If you ever get to know me ...

Woah~ it's already the 30th and my last post was like on the 21st. About 9 days. Wow. So much ahs transpired within these 9 days. So insanely much. Haha. School's been a awful drag these few weeks, everything just gets so hard as the time just closes down and locks you in. After this week is the one wek Sept holidays, then prelims begin. Isn't that too close for comfort? On one hand I know I can never be prepared enough but on the other hand I just feel that it ain't a task so difficult and unbeatable that every concious moment has to be invested in it's preparation. "You should aim for PAE (provisional admission excercise aka 1st 3 months)" says everyone.

Sidetrack abit. Today in Social Studies mr Paul just came back from a course (last week) on brain power, about how your thoughts directly influence the people around you and your ability to handle things. Come to think of it, that sounded really familiar! Yea, I've heard of it. It was part of that few day course thing I took all those years back (4 years maybe? It seems so far away and vauge im not even sure if it was real - but i have books and notes...) You know those "super-student" ones? well I never got down to applying any of those techniques =.= Yeah yeah~ you can go ahead and flood me about the time and money wasted again~ As if I dont hear enough of it

Anyway, PAE, JAE... Im not sure. I just... JUST might not make it. My first actual O level paper is on the 8th of November I think, that is only at most a month or so away. And its absolutely not for the lack of time, oh no. I had tons of time, time I used or as they say squandered (what ever they friggin want to say) fruitlessly on this and that all over the place. Everything that isn't studies is a waste of time and will ruin my future. Oh yes Im totally sure, dont worry, even if I flunk out I won't try to DEPEND on you (Although I might have to due to the lack of choices) Why can't we just drop the God Damned paper chase??

No im not stressed, im frustrated because I know I cant make it because I have not put in effort. It's all my fault. MINE.

"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."

Just lifted the got the above paragraph from someone else's blog. Sounds stupid isn't it? Totally illogical, whats the point you'll ask? Might as well bang your head against a solid wall -at least you'll leave a mark on the wall- It just goes against human logic of doing what best benefits you, stomps down the possiblity and the application of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and sets you up for the ultimate erfect "hao qi fu" (good to bully) role. Isn't it just so fun being a human floormat? What can I say? Just do it anyway~

I'm looking for a song, I have no artiste, no singer, no album. Just a composer (not a big clue), full lyrics, the title and a mini mp3 version of it (incomplete) I present you a wonderful song - blueskies.

Composer - Ryuji

You say the city tires your eyes
It's anger and despair.
You don't hear all the laughter that is there
I know your caught in a fearful dream
The streets are not as dark as they seem
Please understand the time will pass
And you will reach another place
I long to see a smile light up your face
And though I know you will shine again
So wipe your tears away beautiful friend

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright
Hope dies, but then the clouds begin to part
Blue skies, will bring it back into your heart
(my short version ends here)

You say you need to find the truth
You try with every passing breath
Your puzzled by the pain of life and death
Though you have traveled far
I think you know
You've got a million miles farther to go

There's a force within the times
You can feel it lift you high.
You trust the wind you close you eyes and fly
Beyond the hills of clouds the hidden stars
That's when you can tell just who you are

Visions appear strangely unclear in your mind
Fear can't erase love that you chase running blind
Voices begin echoing in to your past
You journey home morning is dawning at last

Moments past and soon the darkness fades
You're alone on your way
As you walk on
Let your sadness fade away
Give your spirit to the day

Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.
Blue skies, above a world that's new and bright.
Blue skies, will soon erase the stormy night.


Ive had this song since I'm sec1 or pri 6 I think, I have no idea how I got it, but I remember loving it. I listened to it continually and it gave me much inspiration and motivation that life is not all that bad, these will pass and there will come a day everything is alright. I hope it does the same for you too. If you want this beautiful song, e-mail me or talk to me, I'll send it to you via MSN (if we are there) or through e-mail. And please, anyone with any leads please help me find this song. Thank you.

Recently it seems like the authorities are cracking down on illegal downloads. I prefer to be safe then sorry and thus the information highway at sector p2p has been pretty quiet recently. Even though this computer is terrible -it's better then nothing. And the slimmest chance of my getting another computer is at earliest December. Talking about that another thing. It's been a longtime "dream" (?) of my mother's to go to Europe, and they had planned to go (obviously as per usual without asking my opinion) lsat year after my Os but due to my little setback it was pushed back a year. So this yea, to my horror~ i mightn ot be going to Church Camp. I'm like totally WTH??! I'm not going to miss something like that ever! It was last year's CC that changed so many things~ that changed everything.

Must stop here, getting ranted at again, what would I give to put a knife through your grinning face

Quote of e Post:
And even though sometimes your ways I might not understand~

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