Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Quiz Post ^_^

Im not going to be bloggin much as im in the middle of prelims now (its been what? about id say 14 days since i last blogged, lost count) but I'll still post about here and there otherwise, im officially on semi-haitus.

Science today, Chemistry and Physics free response papers, I tihnk i will be getting a three month "holiday", meaning, my prelims wont be able to put me into 1st 3 months T.T and most likely even if I do make 1st 3 months, my Os will not make me end up in the same place... My physics is horrible. Period.

Ah well, so much to talk about in these two weeks, so much I missed blogging on the time. Neumerous sunday services, modern cults, Katrina, the Summer-festival, holidays, badminton session (actually I can sum it up in two words -> kena trashed), prelims so so much. But ill all do for today (After my miserable physics paper) before my english tomorrow is -have abit of mindless fun (thank you qx) It's quiz posting time! WARNING! These quiz makers just can't spell...

You are a protector.
Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Bah~ Somehow I find the "ninja" personality discription more fitting while the ideals section of the "protector" is what they pinpointed accurately (save for the strong part). And who the heck said I am "happy, optimistic and work well in groups?" Oh well, but I stil want to get ninja anyway '-'

People see calmness in your eyes. You like to keep
cool in a crisis. You know that if you don't
panic, things will be worked out much quicker
and with fewer hitches. People probably end up
feeling less worried when they are around you.
You've got a good attitude. Keep it up.

Whee, only 3% of the people got this result, it was kind of tough especially the cat (or dog) one, but Yes! Calmness. Let me quote (poorly translated ) someone "When you can calm down when facing the heat, then you will really begin to heat up" bah that was in chinese ^_^ fyi - im honest taking quizzes, so if i dont like the reuslts... you wont likely see it here xD

Your theme song is Boulavard of Broken Dreams by
Green Day. Maybe you feel you're alone in the
world or just want to be alone. Whatever it is,
it seems your best friend is your shadow.
Whether that's from past experiances or the
fear of future ones, the world may never know.

What's Your Theme Song?
brought to you by Quizilla

Eh, im not sure but I THINK that person spelt that title wrongly haha but I also cont know how to spell it either ^_^ Best friend is my shadow? Shucks, Kage Bushin! xD Haha, sorry la~ I read Naruto for relaxation heehee (Uh I think im abit off the rocker today that was so OOC)

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to
takes things at the center. Inner and physical
beauty. Lies but doesn'tpretend. Gets angry
often. Treats friends importantly. Always
making friends. Easily hurt but recovers
easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care
of what others think. Emotional. Decisive.
Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts
and literature. Touchy and easily jealous.
Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair.
Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses
confidence. Loves children.

What does your birth month reveal about you? (read memo)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow- how do they get this stuff? I think someone is stalking me =.=
Innocent White Wings of the Angels.
You have Innocent White Wings of the Angels. You
like helping people no matter what they're
reaction is. You're smart and silent and almost
NEVER did a bad thing in your life. If someone
pushes you in the hall, you'll most likely take
the blame and smile while saying sorry. Don't
be too nice or people will take advantage of
You are fairly pretty.

What kind of Anime Wings do you have? (( GORGEOUS PICS )) _Girls_
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha~ If I could Id capitalise the word "ALMOST" instead of "NEVER" wait a sec~! I didnt see the word _Girls_ =.= ahh never mind :P Its only the girls quizzes that have cool pictures anyway. ^_^ (Oh yea, beware the quiz, the background makes the wording unreadable)

you're in between a teenager and child...loyal to
your friends, and can be abit rebellious

how old are u at heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Uh ok ^_^ Haha, hmmz Need to find some with pictures... pretty pictures...

You died of either old age or a sickness. You are a
kind person and are smart. You have a good head
on your shoulders. But don't think that just
because your death wasn't exciting or extreme
that that makes you boring.

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah, first off Id have to sy I dont believe in past lives haha how ironic. Uh ok, how umm... normal... like about everyone else in the world save for the unlucky few *shrug*

Your angel is trying to tell you that...you're
intelligent. Wise-eyed and smart, you have a
way with swaying people into following you. You
are the quiet leader who will some day make big
changes in the world.
Song: World On Fire- Sarah McLachlan

What is your angel trying to tell you?!?!? _-=Great pics=-_
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah right, if were really intelligent I wouldnt need a half crack quiz to tell me so.

Your name is... Aki, the autumn girl. you are
pretty much normal and have not very many
friends. but during night you like to take long
walks and stare at the moon

What japenese name best represents you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah this person did not label it as a girls only quiz but heck~ wait a sec, I have that picture somewhere! =.= All that fella did was add a name, lol come to think of it that pic cam e from quizilla too! xD

Your personality is that of a true day-dreamer.
Somehow, you're not too satisfied with reality,
and so you take it upon yourself to find it in
your dreams. You're honest, a bit random, and
are a great friend. You can sometimes, well a
lot of the time have mood swings, which confuse
the people close to you, but that's okay. As
long as you have great friends, a great
personality, and a great outlook on life,
you'll be fine. You've got people around you
who are willing to keep you up when you fall
down, which you have many times. You have great
talents as a writer, especially when you write
fantasy. You are the dreamer, the sarcastic
one, and the one with great come-backs. Keep on
dreaming, and you're sure to have an extreme,
life-it-to-the-fullest, Grade-A life!

What Kind of Person are You? [beautiful anime pics, and lengthy details, as usual!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Lalala, what a long explaination~ aww the picture dont look good though, besides that.. Are you SURE these quiz makers aren't following me?

innocent kiss
Your a innocent kisser when you kiss you
think about all the good things! Sex probably
dosent even cross your mind, you'd much rather
think about love and conpanionship! Your a
really good person and probually a really good

What type of kisser are you?(pics)[[for guys and girls]]
brought to you by Quizilla

No comment - makes me wonder how the person got research done for this quiz...

wet luv
You have a caring relationship. You two care for
each other, even with stupid faults you still
care for each other. Sure you fight alot but it
doesn't stop you from love him/her.

What kind or relationship will you likely end up with? -=Great pics!=-
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting, I dont see how the questions match up to create the results (you'll get it if you took the quiz) Nice pic though ^_^

jasper is your true birthstone. stone of october.
This is an ornamental rock with colorful bands
and patterns. It ranges from yellow to green
and is named according to its patterns such as
landscape jasper, ribbon jasper, picture
jasper, or orbicular jasper. It is found in
numerous countries.

Which is your true Birthstone?
brought to you by Quizilla

Uhh oddly only 81 people not 81%, 81 PEOPLE got this result, which ended up as 0% of the number of people who took this quiz haha, guess they dont just throw this result out to anyone who puts October as their month of birth ^_^

Your power is: Time Control

Explanation: You have the ability to
freeze, push forward or go back in time. In
good purposes it is used to prevent bad deeds,
and the opposite for evil purposes.
As a person your emotional level has been on
hold. For one reason or another emotions has
reduced and now you aren't so full of life. And
of course, this does not sadden you since you
could care less. Sometimes though you can be
hit by emotioal waves inside but you block it
all out. You don't search for something that
could make you happy since you have no hope in
that area any longer. People probably see you
as annoying because you're not involved and
just stand there. You probably don't have that
many friends either, and you feel like you are
with them because that's what you normally do.
You stick to your habits and don't appreciate
Negative aspects: One day all emotions
are gonna surface again, and that day will be
very painful. Instead it is more wise to start
up the emotional level bit by bit, so it won't
come as a big chock.

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow. Did i say there was one long one, forget that this is long. Intresting, really, Time control would be awesome (though dangerous) and there were two other cooler and I find more useful "powers" I could (would) have liked to get but hey, to turn back time, isnt that what I've always wanted?

Fire element
Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot
temper and you can be warm and loving as well
and angry and wild. It all really comes down to
what you are feeling. You have a lot of close
friends who you are very protective over, and
with your temper probably some enemies too. You
are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are
your own person and don't want to be forced
into behaving this or that way. You are the
untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone
wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied
down for the moment and just keep going with
your little crushes. Your will is strong and if
you set your mind to do something, you will
most likely succeed. But beware, your friends
may not always accept your mood-swinging
behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean,
they can still feel hurt. You just need to
start thinking some things through before you
do them, and not always jump in with so much
courage. One day you may be hurt because of
that, but then again, your element isn't fire
if you start to analyse situations before you
act. After all, your nature is to shoot first
and ask the questions later. Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
brought to you by Quizilla

Very impressive, this quiz maker got me 100% WRONG! Haha, Ive never gotten a fire in element guizzes, Most of the time I get water, and when it aint water it's wind. *Just read the water result* Heck, I got the totally wrong result =.= ah well, ignore this, The water pic looks better too.

Your first kiss will be passionate. You love love
and to be loved and you want to let your
partner know how much you care. You can be a
little closed up to some people but you don't
hide things. Your first kiss is special to you
because you think of it as a part of yourself,
and that's why its so passionate.

What will your first kiss look like? (beautiful pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah~ I really like the "innocent" picture, school uniforms are my kind of dig haha Wierd result though, just going through all the quizzes qx has taken before if i havent already...

Hooray! You're crazy like us!

brought to you by Quizilla

Aww shucks, I was hoping to get "Your not crazy enough yet, come over to the crazy sdie! We have chocolate ship cookies!" Mmmm Choc chip cookies. Haha. Then again someone who wants to get a wierd result like that probably already qualifies as crazy xD

You're normal.....

Lighten up why don't ya?

Click....I DARE YOU.
brought to you by Quizilla

How contradicting =.= First im crazy and now im normal, arent i light enough?? Okay, im abit overweight but then again light didnt mean tha~ nevermind i tihnk they're right xD

You are a catgirl! a very happy person who loves to
show off, but its just your personallity! U
dont care what people think about u or your
talents as long as they dont bother u about how
terrible it is all the time,then u get ticked
off and are ready to hurt them. U like to sleep
in and not go to shool most of the days. U like
being clean and love peoples' sympathy towards
u. U always make your way out of tight

Which Anime Look do u have? (girl quiz) sorry boys, u can still take it though! lol, i dont care
brought to you by Quizilla

On one hand Im pissed because I didnt get the awesomely hot cute looking nurse, on the other... only 3% of the people got neko/catgirl as a result! Not totally matchching / accurate but whatever of it is true will suffice *meow*

You are...Chad! You are a gentle giant. You tend to
have a soft spot towards those that are smaller
or weaker than you. You can't resist things
that are cute or need help. You never fight
unless you have to, or unless it's for someone

Which Bleach Character Are You Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Haha, a I ALWAYS get Chad, even though I think Ishida is much cooler

Hmm, guess not always, guess I have changed a little since a few months back or the quiz changed. This time no matter how i edit (although all ym options will be truthful) i get Rukia ^_^

Take The quiz yourself

Ah *yawn* WOW! It is 5:29pm and I started writing this at 3:31pm. I have spent almost 2 hours doing quizzes haha, but it was fun ^_^ Now i feel like populating a forum hmm... Wahahaz (I think he's mad. You think? Id say definitely. Good point.)

Quote of e Post:
When life gives you limes, make lemonade, add piss and give it to people who piss you off

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