Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Behind Master

*Sigh* Two fateful days. My fate is not totally sealed YET, the lower tier choices are still avaliable to me =.= My boat has not totally left the harbour, if it has I would jump in and swim for it. Or if Im crazy enough, should the boat leave without me, I'll just have to sink it, nevermind those people on board, Im not affected anyway -yes i am that insane.

Day two after prelims and most of the results are back, and most of the results below expectations. Only Eng paper 1 + Oral, Social Studies, D&T and E Maths are unrevealed, and with what has been revealed the scores are adding up -fast- Taking into account the current stae of events, my estimated total will be about 19 or 20, or if by some wierd freak of luck even 18 -at best-

At least now I know where I stand, after all, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. I didn't really concentrate on doing everything possible to revise and this is what I get. You win some you lose some *shrug* at least this is not the actual O's, if it were, I'd be quite devastated. Stability would be somewhere between "Loss of direction" and "This paper is a March Fool's joke right?" but right now it's quite acceptable, no, barely acceptable isn't right either. I'd say the current situation is somewhere between "What just happened?" and "My goodness *tsk tsk tsk* how'd that happen?" If you understand, good. If you don't, sad.

Time no longer seems short, it IS After this week would be two more weeks of intensive grueling of anything and everything that can be grilled in followed by 2 weeks of study break starting on the 15th of Oct I think up 2 weeks till Novemeber when the real deal begins.

Did I fail to mention my birthday is on the 14th of October? Like the last day of school? Did you know? Well now you do ^_^ I'm not going to ask you to save up or get me anything, it's not necessary really. Just a sms or an e-mail will do, there is great comfort in the thought that at least some people remember my birthday right smack in the middle of the examination period.

lactura paucourm serva multos - Sacrifice the few to save the many. It may sound logical, like the phrase "for the greater good" but then, what about the few who are sacrificed? Do they have a say? What about them, are they not people too? I find this phrase rather selfish, however selfless it seems. Go figure.

Surprise of the century, now if teacher read their pupil's blogs and find something insulting or slanderous about them they can sue us and kick us out of school! Isn't that wonderful news for the average student blogger? That was utter sarcasm by the way. Despite the legal implications, this blog and it's archives will not be changed. I will still write the way I do, still blog about the things I have a passion to blog about and still retain who I am. All one needs to do now is to tread carefully, not give up the race altogether. And be mindful of whose toes you are stepping on to get over without dirtying your shoes.

Haha. Just noticed on Dilys's blog she posted the lyrics to the song title I'm currently using as my MSN nick, it's a wonderful song. "What the world will never take" indeed, "I wouldn't have it any other way" Go find that song, I assure you will not regret doing so.

Ah, yesterday I was up pretty late and the day before in a bid to finish up my post and get some shut eye I forgot my quote, but it's ok! I have one today, no prizes for guessing what is is :)

Quote of e Post:
lactura paucourm serva multos

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