Sunday, August 07, 2005


Hey all~ yayz, feeling happy, abit high haha. So sad, crap, no dough otherwise I won't be here fretting over dinner >.< Very hungry!! Grrr, parents out at Ikea buying who knows what, it is now like 8:30pm and they are still not back *growl* stomach complaining liao lol. I have temporarily since 5:45pm till now consumed...

1x pack of small maggi mee
2x eggs, hardboiled (5mins is crap)
2x stachets of cereal drink
1x stachet of milo (not meant for a small cup, very sweet)
a few pieces of chocolate

Oo~ I think i ate a little too much haha. Now how will I eat my proper dinner when it comes? Ah nvm, lets take things one at a time. Yay, national day weekend holiday weehee, 1/2 day tomorrow (concet only) and then 2 days no school (can someone give me a shout of joy?) Haha~ Im going to throughly enjoy it :)

Today was excellent. One phrase, nice one, spoke to me, "Someone to live for, somone worth dying for" I haven't thought about that for a long time. I also haven't heard or sang that song for a long time i totally forgot the title, but im still going to type it out anyway (to the best of my memory) we sang this at Prayer meeting in the morning, something just clicked.

(Just found the title, thanks You Rong!)

Anything for you
For You
I'll climb the highest heights
Divr the deepest sea
In search for more of You
For you, I'll fall down on my kness
Cry out night and day
In search for more of You
I would give my riches away
Cos they're nothing without You

Someone to live for
Soemone worth dying for
Has taken my heart
Someone to follow
In good or in troubled time
I give all I have
I'll do anything for You

Also, George gave a word which he felt was impressed on his heart. Many people now are at a crossroad, they have a decision to make. Each will have their own decision, but the choices are the same, the narrow path which is right, or the broad path which leads astray? We all have to make a choice, sooner or later. I pray we make the right one.

And another thing I found pretty cool.
- x - x - x -
We need nothing.
We only need one thing.
God, because He is everything.
So go out to your world today,
and do something.
- x - x - x -
Haha, rather catchy don't you think? Oh yes need ot hand in essay tomorrow =x I better start now, ciao!

Quote of e post:
And I know if I dont praise You
the rocks will soon cry out, cry out, cry out...

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