Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Hmm, the results high is wearing off, back to school yupp yupp. Eh? Why this week seems so long? It feels like a week when it has in fact only been 2 days O.O I even thought it was Thursday and happily rattled off the wrong timetable -.- Oh never mind :)

Friday cell was at Joel's house haha, now everyone save for You Rong has been "infected" with Peters Russell, although it is running cold now~ Oh yea, Dilys hurt her hand. Left elbow actually, something about her nerve, and it can't bend, I mean it can -but it hurts tons. Had to have cell at Joel's house cos Jean had something on. Oh ya, did you hear abouy my Eng Oral? It was fun to say the least =) Fast forward~

Saturday! Was planning to go for "Welcome Party" on saturday afternoon but trapeze clashed with it a little so I didn't go. Yesh~ the second and final trapeze lesson! No pictures this time, only videos :) The new trick is cool. Instead of just the knee hang, this time we let go of your hands like for the hang on the first "hip!" and then on the second "hip!" we unhook our legs and we get a freefall! It's supposed to be when you go from one pole to the other but there isn't another pole~ haha so it was a free fall.

One thing about the fall, dont look down. RQ learnt that the hard way, hurt the upper left side of his face. Rope burn from landing on it. It's really not all that scray after you're used to it. In fact the whole thing looked alot lower then the last time I saw it -hmm- Achieved Trapeze merit :) Silver no.2!

Sunday, last lesson of CET! Haha did presentation on Heavens Gate, and took the quiz, I didn't really study for it but the quiz was quite easy anyway haha! Modern Cults is fun! Service was abit different, (side point: why were there so many people on back up singing this time round?) And we had Daryl on the drums during Worship~ Great job! You played real good ^_^ What's the difference between a follower and a disciple? You'll find out in abit :) You'll have see for yourself, oh yes you will. Haha! We had fire-drill after service, but it was totally slack~ everyone was walking and talking... heehee, rather interesting though. Went to Heartland Mall with Dilys, Jean, Joel and You Rong to buy a present for Meryl after service. Haha, not that I already didn't knowm buying presents for people is difficult, and choosing even more so. Although I didn't influence or make any of the choices, it was a rather how to say~ entertaining trip.

Sometimes, I tihnk abit too much.

I'm thinking of changing my blog address. In fact I think I will after this post! Heh~ outcast is really not a nice thing to name my blog. Hmm better start cracking on names.

Prelims in about 4 weeks! O.O Oh my, how time flies~ Heehee now that I've passed my chinese, all that stands between my dream is the rest of my results and of course, prelims do play a role. Got to cram harder then before now! Although I must admit I did not do alot of cramming before *ahem* D

I've gotten a great deal of encouragement from this song, entitled "Hold On" (Can imagine You Rong rolling his eyes going "secular music" to this hahaha) by Jet I think. Fabulous, I really like it, IM me if you want it, I'll gladly send it to you.

Hold On - Jet

You tried so hard to be someone
That you forgot who you are
You tried to fill some emptiness
'Til all you had spilled over
Now everything's so far away
That you don't know where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]
For you to belong to

When it's hard to be yourself
It's not to be someone else
Still everything's so far away
That you forget where you are, you are

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [2x]

Hold on [8x]

When all that you wanted
And all that you had
Don't seem so much
For you to hold on to [3x]
For you to belong to

There~ beautiful isn't it? I can listen to it, endless times on repeat track and not get sick. The weather's been awfully odd these few days eh? In the mornings it's terribly hot and the scorching sun gets away with murder, andaround afternoon it gets cooler, and sometimes even throws us a downpour out of no-where. At night, the heat slowly climbs while we are blanketed by our air conditioned rooms, oblivious to the rising warmth outside. Why I heard just last night it was 31 degrees out! No, it's not that I don't believe what my teachers say but 31 degress at night ~whew~ am I glad I had no idea... Now my heart reaches out to those who aren't snugly comforted by the air conditioner whilst they get their beauty sleep in the humid night.

Finishing here~ Looking forward to the weekends. I'm doing worship again this Friday! ^_^

Quote of e Post:
I hit you and you hit me back, the rest of the day stands still~

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