Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lump Sum

Wa~ Haven't posted for a long time! My last post was on the 16th I think~ that would be Wednesday or Thursday! And it's Sunday, the end of yet another week and the start of another. So much happening! Prelims in 3 weeks now, teachers have finished almot everything and so now it is revision rushing time. As time grows ever shorter in school, Becoming more and more slack~ keep this up and Im bound for the grave.

Because our classes are so GOOD, the science (Chem + Physics) teachers have banded and decided to give all 4E and 4F pupils special remedial classes for us every two days. In addition the classes will be split into 2 groups. One for the totally clueless (eg. what is an atom?) And the other group are those who so far are managing to keep their head above the ever rising water. Luckily i've been slotted into the latter group. Nevertheless, extra lessons after school till 4:30pm every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday have been planned for both group, covering both physics and chem in two consecutive lessons back to back. *There goes my weekends again*

Cell on friday was fun, haha. Joel made everyone play questions, if you want to know i'd be glad to play a round with you, but having more people around makes it rather interesting. Eek, I didnt know You Rong was not going to be there so I had no guitarist, good tihng most of us jnew how to sing our songs ^_^ Actually I was still undecided on the songs on Thursday night when I talked to Paula online, she told me to "let the spirit guide me" and in turn, it helped her make a personal decision. ^_^ What goes around does indeed come around.

Oh ya~ so sad! I had TONS of pictures to post but sadly somehow my computer has made my USB driver vanish and whenever I install another... it still does not work so yea~

Saturday! Heehee outpost outing, we went to visit the goat farm, a vegetable farm that used aero/hydrophonics and later on a fish farm. The goat farm visit was the same as always except this time we got to feed the goats ^_^ And at the vegetable farm we had a walkthrough around the greenhouses and buildings, they also showed us a pretty lame video... I shall not comment further on the "educational" video (read = primary school level). The fish farm was rather cool, but the highlight of the farm was this humongous fish, it was longer than me (my height that is) and it was kept in a separate enclosure with bars and high walls, outside was a sign saying "Please do not put your hands in the pool". Notice they used the word "pool" instead of "tank"? Haha, it's huge, really big~ you could also fish at a pre-prepared enclosure at the farm for a cost of $30~ not worth it I say... the guy fishing there looked pretty patient =D

Went with Acz to Changi that night. What for? For the japanese summer festival of course! It was just like (ok a long shot) the books showed. Lanterns to light up the area (but there was a fair share of glaring spotlights too), people on mats having a picnic, stalls selling food and stuff and *gasp* even a store which let you catch fish with a paper net! The people there were (mostly) dressed in colorful yukatas *drool* sadly, they all seemed fluent in japanese and we were hard pressed to find a way to communicate with them. =.= asking questions was especially umm "entertaining" (read -> tiring) haha ^_^ but it was fun, i took my fair share of photos but ... =.= why now of all times...

Sunday, waha, no CET! ^_^ It's nice to actually have time to eat lunch instead of gobble lunch once in a while. Prayer meeting was extra special, we have to remember another few groups of people we have overlooked when it comes to reaching out. Indeed they are oft overlooked. Rachel was not around for service (probably caring for her dad) must pray for his healing and salvation k? Service was special in it's own way. There was a new song -alpha and omega- not bad, not bad at all. But it was the sermon and altar call that got me moving. I'll not go into detail.

Ending this post here, I got to go off anyway. Bye

Quote of e Post:
On the other hand~

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