Thursday, August 11, 2005

National Days~

So sorry! I know this post is long overdue since National Day, sorry once again to all the people with senselesss-logic *wink* As per usual, strap in, chronological order everyone!

National day was a bore all morning. Seriously. I'd have slept in later if I could but the lure of a full day with nothing to wear me down was just too much for me to stay in bed even though I'd have nothing to do in the morning should I rise from my comfy bed.

Afternoon, headed out to Shan An's house to prepare to head for the first every meeting of our blog community! :) Yea~ I'll throw up a link and make a new skin when I have the time. But that time is not now heehee. Wei Xin was already there and we had to wait for SOMEONE to get ready... A million thanks to mr vain, we were all gloriously LATE. Everyone from the community (ok not everyone, a few people coundn't make it) was supposed to meet at esplanade at 5pm and we only left the house at what? 5pm!! Plus throw in the MRT ride etc... you can guess the end result!

We headed to City Hall to meet "Death By Degrees" first, now we know he i Melvin! LoL We just got out of the station and once out the gates we called him. "Hello? Melvin? We are waiting for you under the "Please do not wait here sign" Not to mention just a few feet from us was a huddle of policemen ~haha that was so funny, but good thing he was in the area (Real close by) and we got into no trouble.

The sign :)

Walked to Esplanade~ haha as expected got ticked off by those who were earlier (or on time xD) Namely Desmond (Desmond =.=_ and Death Melody (Qian Bei ~ Oo did I get your name right?) haha, no problem can easily push all the blame to Mr Vain haha. =) Went outside~ wow, alot of people, super crowded and there were wierd peopel on platforms dancing OMG! Look so gay =.= haha

The odd jester look-a-likes

Everyone was starving, it was like 6pm! Just kidding haha~ only Ah^Wei was starving, so we waiting for him to finish his Wow-dog lolz.. meanwhile... Heads Up! Paratroopers!! Sadly I couldnt catch much but here's what I managed to get-

The bum~ oops I mean BUN =) that made us wait...

But we got to see~

Paratroopers! (enlarge if u want to actually see something)

A later pic~ so nice the colors!!

Haha, went onto walk all around, I dare say, there was no space ANYWHERE. Ended up in Marina Square~ ate at this La Mian shop~ some prestigious place on the first floor~ we had tons of fun, sadly there was more talking and eating then photo taking, just one, of our great and fearless leader~

A bowl of la mian~ looks good eh?

Ah^Wei with the bill :)

Rushing outside after dinner we were frantic. Did we miss the fireworks? No heehee, we were just in time (although we missed the first wave) The pics here aren't good probably because the best of it all went itno the video~


No better than the last~

These pics really do the fireworks no justice >.< but no matter if you can bother to hop over to "Meaningful Oxymorons" you'll find links to all 3 clips :) Enjoy! After the fireworks were over we headed out~ the jam is insane >.< HAha, some fun pics by our fearless leader :)

"Hey man, lemme tell you a story~" No wonder he looks so stoned

"Thousand Years of Pain!" For your fingers that is...

Darn funny haha~ Did more crap~ Ended up in Coffee Club and guess what we saw? A personalised job offer for Cheng Shan An!

It has his initials in Caps on it -> CSA

Haha~ It was like about 9 - 10pm by then? But the night was so... young haha, went with Acz to AMK to have supper. Wa! His mother really can get very scary... She really does not mince her words when she gets mad! Not a bad idea when some people just wont back down until you beat them down. Watched him and his bros play in the arcade haha~ like so bad rite? Until about 12am... headed home by 1 and knocked myself out cold haha I never saw the light of day till about 11 :)

Oh yea~ downloaded and watched the PEters Russell thing, it sint that funny as ive heard it like a million times over from various sources, but still entertaining. I just can't stand the swearing though. I get it now, Joel, if Qian Xiang keeps "wanting to eat" go ahead kick him ;)

This ends my post for now~ I really gotta cram, bye!

Quote of e PosT:
Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad!

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