Saturday, August 13, 2005

Elation, Floating Away

Hey~ I aas actually in quite a good mood sia~ because of my MT results, but then my #$&@ parents had to go all nuts on me. "What did you get for your results?" "Ok la..." "Ok, ok, F9 also ok for you issit?" "Whatever" What the~ Just because I won't reply the first thing you throw me is a F9... Do nothing but piss me off...

Anyway~ Yay! Very happy! Normally my MT is very lousy... at best a C6 or C5, mostly D7 so I was expecting abit worse then that because those papers were REALLY screwed up. Especially paper 2, after I did it, I was certain id be seeing a U,F,E or D. Haha, but at about 9:30am yesterday, they herded all the graduating classes into the hall to pass out our results. The school must have some problem up there in their heads. They actually seated everyone (they couldnt so some went on the floor) and began reading out the results one by one class by class. (from 5A to 4E)

Being the first class, somehow our results came out last =.= The format would be in the form of a number and either a Fail (U), Pass, Merit or Distinction. So when it finally came to our class, the hall was already filled with people weeping (for joy only, no one cries when they fail here...) hugging (for joy, although some have the intention of crushing the person they are hugging) violent reactions (the 2nd kind of hugs) and for most part, stoning~ either because they are satisfied or in a general state of shock. The HoD stated that the year's result was worse then they had expected, although there were a few pleasant surprises.

When it came to the 3 people before me I was praying. Silently, eyes wide open of course. "0012, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0013, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0014, [ristricted name], [ristricted number, grade], 0015, My name, 4 M" WHAT?! I almost jumped. 4?! FOUR?! but there was no dramatic pause, I missed the next 5 to 6 names letting my score echo in my ears. Waha!! I passed! Not just a 6 pass, a 4!! Whoopee!

Then my teacher asked me to retake. You must understand that our current MT teacher only "taught" us starting in July, when we actually had no lessons because well~ we had already taken our exam so every MT was slack time (unofficially) for us. She does not know my standard of Chinese~ She does not know I almost never pass save for the random C6. So when she asked me to retake (Since you've already got a B, try again, after all they will take the better score, an A would definitely look better) and I almost went like how Peter Russlls said it. "you know, chinese people won't tell you no. They'll say no, like it's the most ridiculous thing in the world" So im like "No... I almost never pass, a 4 is like the best I've got in this place!" (Save for MT prelim but that wasn't fair because I had done the comprehension somewhere before, I didnt totally deserve that B3 that time.

Lets make it a better day! English oral. I was so nervous my heart was beating out of control good thing it slowed down and I managed to calm myself before going in. Yay! The examiners were nice friendly people... and it was abit easy, but i was nervous so I might have make some silly mistake or overlooked some thing I wanted to say.. oh well.

Eek! 1:50... Ill stop here! BB, continue tonight!!

Quote of e Post:
"The difference between countries and continents"

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