Friday, October 14, 2005

17th yet 70

Hooray! Its my 17th birthday! Congratulate me! I should be high ang happy but NO!! Im SO SAD! Because it is my last day of school today before study break. Dont get it? Dont worry! Im just insane thats all T.T So saddening, its not like I really like the school (seeing the frequency I badmouth it), but, after some time you do get a kind of attachment dont you?!

You just get sad, especially when the teachers all come up one by one to bid thier classes farewells and good-lucks. Yea, some people can mantain being unintrested or even irritated at having to stay behind for their "graduation ceremony" but I can't, I am not irritated OR dis-intrested anyway! It's not the school or the teachers, its the pupils. It's all about the pupils, my fellow classmates. Thus Im not going for the prom, but still the little gathering of all the graduating classes in the hall was rather stuffy amnd drawn out but hey! It's the last you'll ever see of your beloved (not really for some) teachers until you come get your results in Feb save for 4F whose maths teacher porkchop (I forgot teachers can get you suspended and stuff for calling them names on your blog) David Lim is our "sole contact" during the Os proper (or so he says) other than the other school examiners. Come on people have a heart! Its the LAST you'll see, don't you feel even a TINY TUG on your heart??

I think I will really miss my teachers and the school, and despite my initial dislike for the place from sec 1 - 3 (both 3s) its becoem more of a home then I thought it'll ever be. I will miss that gate, the whistle toting security guard, Mr Raymond, Mr Mc, Miss Shim (to be Mrs come Nov), Miss Kodi (Save for Mr Anthony Phoon you were the best and most fun EL teacher ever), Miss Yap, Mr Ng (although you didnt teach me through 3E and 4E, your 3 years from sec 1-3 helped me not totally give up hope on chinese), Mrs Yee (For making Physics boring so I can get extra sleep, haha no la, for teaching physics, being a boring sub I normally wont study it, but sicne you asked so nicely xD) and some others (although im rather glad I wont be seeing some other teachers).

I'll also miss the student hub, the street soccer court with its peeling paint job, the hall with its wierd smell, the AVA room with it's insanely cold air-conditioning, the canteen with it's odd assortment of distasteful but dirt cheap food (don't look at me like this! Some teachers dont even dare eat in the canteen...) and our classroom (4E) the decorations and board were so nice we couldn't bear to take them off but had to in the end. Next year 4E people! Must take good care of the place ah I will be back to visit (despite my initial vehement remarks that I will not want to return ever again) just fopr the atmosphere.

I guess after all that, Peicai is not that bad a place. It isn't a horrible school, there ARE good student if they want to, and the teachers are top rate, and nothing save for their care for us keeps them from runnign off to some better school where they can get better pay and benefits (unlike that traitor Mr Raymond Fong who ran off to RI to teach maths, but who can blame him, his qualifications were too cheem for a neighourhood school, all that jazz xD)

Emotional aren't we? The teachers had their share in the hall, I will have mine alone later tonight ^_^ I will miss Peicai Secondary School, for the first time, I proudly say- you have my respect.

Quote of e Post:
We Make the Difference

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