Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Ah fine I'll blog! >.< Ive been putting off blogging because I wanted to have a special skin made for my 200th post, which is this post so Ive been putting off blogging in order to make the skin~ its rather umm... mushy now that I look at it haha. Yay this is my 200th Post!

Since HG2 is moving up to Tertiary next year on, YouRong wil be shifted out, last friday was his last cellgroup with us *sob* so saddening. He has gone to a better place (Ok that sounded wrong) and we look forward to moving UP! Weehee!

Did I blog about practical? I cant remember, I think I did... It's such a big event. anyway Chem was Props, Physics was Flops, guess that little cramming was no use after all and for physics I totally screwed up my graph... It was a horror to begin with!

Been sleeping at like 4am lately (the past 4 days my dad was no in town) thus waking up at 12 >.< and I lose half the day. Quite bad haha will change starting today, I'll sleep at 1am ^_^ instead, *gets bashed* Hey change is gradual ok? GRADUAL!

I dont know what to feel any more. Time is so short Id give myself like 10 days? The last days I dub them haha, beign worried is pointless, being anxious will only make me worried, being relaxed will make me off form, totally ignoring the oncoming judgement is suicide.

Whee~ My new computer will materialise AFTER my Os, and so will Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I missed the last two (because I was so pissed at the stuff they cut from the first movie) on purpose but I got to watch this one. Reason? Cho Chang!I really want to see what Cho Chang looks like (I know its on the net and stuff but I want to see it in the MOVIE) she better be a knockout, this is Harry's last saving grace with me for the movie part.

Wanties Wanties Wanties! So many things to want, so little dough to get. So now the word is Prioritize Prioritize! ^_^ I think Im sounding a tad HIGH and illogical. Thats me nowadays, or maybe thats just the high you get when you eat four pieces of absolutely heavenly chocolate with coconut fillings!! Id kill for that stuff~ I think I'm addicted.

Umm this is more than and update post I have my first 200 posts~! Lalala Bye for now

Quote of e Post:
I am selfish I am wrong

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