Saturday, October 08, 2005

Dust me

Hey all! I didn't manage to blog last night because I came back too late -zZzz- Haha, went straight itno bed and was out like a light until 9am =) Despite the apparent "childishness" of the play it was awesome! First time being in the explanade, not just outside but IN the halls ^_^ way fun wahaha but things in there are expensive without a doubt, a bottle of evian (you know the small ones?) will set you back a good 3 dollars while a sandwich (which isn't half as good or as well filled as a $1.60 one I get almost every sunday) will set you back a big 5 smackeroos.

My computer has been very lag lately, not just the internet, just about everything, from typing to paint =.= Anyways, this line will not appear as I type it and will not be until I start on the next line, there we go ^_^ I find my keyboard skills pretty pathetic, im getting plenty of errors everything i type eg. og, typoe you get the picture.

Back to the show, oh my it was wonderful, magical enough to keep me spellbound, I fas feeling a little sad when the interval started >.< Not your usual Peter Pan story although you need to have the background knowledge~ I will not give what kind as it will be a spoiler of sorts. I say go watch it haha, there is still some time, it shows from the 7th to the 16th I think, and I watched the first show. Characters to look out for are Tinkerbell (too cute ^^) and Hook haha, He ded an excellent job. Despite some prior umm "comments" ive heard, no, I dont think Wendy is pretty =.=

Was supposed to go for dinner with the cell tonight but SOME distant cousin of mine is getting married and I have to be there. I mean even my mother who is his aunt (I think) hasn't seen him since his childhood years! And now I, a total stranger has to go and see his tie the knot? Id rather spend the day with HG2 ^_^ But, blood is thicker then water (or so they say, I dont really bother to think about it) Actually the real fuss is seeing my cousins. Telling them all about my prelims (once they get wind someone is taking their Os) and how I got a floppy 15 (L1R4) or 19 (L1R5) points is not a plesant prospect. Why is it everyone has this super succesful cousin or something when compared to them??

NExt week save for monday and tuesday is English intensive, and after that study break. Time has never flew this fast, everything is zooming past in a blur. Each week I have something to look forward too but these few weeks all that has been ahead is the Os, the Os. So much so I am not really intimidated anymore, which results in a drop in pressure, and a drop in study effectiveness. >.< looking forward to the Os, and then, the new yera~ Oh not forgetting CCIS! I'm helping again! I LOVE my job ^_^.

Eh, better stop here bb

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