Monday, October 17, 2005

Piece of Peace

Went out early this morning to get breakfast with Acz at Heartland Mall (Finally paid him off~) and on the way to his house surprise! We ran into Jing Ying (I tihnk it's spelt that way) and Bling. Actually they spotted him first haha. Talked abit.

Then we went all the way to Jurong and my Zen Micro changed, its been faulty for a while now, went with Acz as his father was going there anyway. During the car ride was this song, "Stan" by Eminem. I absolutely HATE that song. I won't even put up or look at the lyrics, the worst thing? I can actualyl imagine people doing that, for the very same reasons. Come to think of it almost all his songs are like that. It was their habit to turn the music up loud so it was literally blaring into my ears. I hate that song, I can stil hear the screams from that second last part, and it chills me to the bone...

Why do you turn the music up so loud? And why is it all fast and heavy? You skip the slow ones and move on to another fast blaring beat. Can't one take life slower a little, be a little quiet? I think it is because you can't slow down, you just cant be at peace, so you keep drowing yourself in the fast racing beat, so loud you cant even hear yourself. Stop it, just stop running, ain't your life messed up enough as it is? So quit running, clubbing isn't the solution, neither is drinking or girls- just stop and listen to me, and that small voice you suppressed by the name of conscience.

At Jurong we managed to get our ZM's serviced and qualified to get a replacement BUT, they were out of stock for the less common 4GB Zen Micro so they would call us back in 2 - 3 weeks time once they get their stock. Oh my~ 2 to 3 weeks?! How am I to survive in that period of time?! I need my music~ T.T grrr and its studying time, without my mp3 studying will be more of a chore now T.T I hope I don't forget, nevermind, thats something to look forward to, Oh and in 2 - 3 weeks time it will be O levels T.T how fitting...

Science practicals on Thursday, need to study abit... Oh! And I managed to obtain a space Physics TYS from Acz (he had 2) sadly there was no accompanying answer booklet (it was long lost no doubt) but its alright, at least I have e book... Cram Cram Cram, that will be all thats on agenda for the next 3 weeks, I won't have my ZM and I won't be getting a new phone. Brilliant, on a brighter note, application for CC'05 has been approved ^_^ Looking forward to that AND Zone Camp AND CCIS. So many things to look forward to, oh and next year HG2 (save for Alfred) will be moving up to Tertiary. Hmmz, I wonder what new and exciting adventures await us there? Cant wait -so exciting!

Quote of e Post:
Your mind will take you far

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