Friday, December 02, 2005

Kill me too

Yoo hoo! Its been far too long really, tsk tsk, without my presence this place is really going to the dogs! I guess I need to do my part too, after all, posting is what I like to do isnt it? ^_^

Its been far too long since I last blogged I wont even bother to count. Time really flies ^_^ Church Camp is like coming this Sunday!! And Im not even packed! But no fear! I'll pack now (After this post even though I DO REALISE it would be about 1am then) Im so excited! And anticipating some great things to happen there, after all, this year our youth committee seems a wee bit how do I put it, fresh?

Ahhh- fresh meat =x Oops i mean umm fresh blood yea, new ideas and stuff yes yes thats what I meant ^_^U

Agh, my computer still cant recognise my digital camera =.= but great news everyone! I'll be gettign a new com in December ^_^ Its not all that fantastic but at least its far better then this one and oh- it has a wooping 160GB of space, I dont know what to make it that =.= MY father must be quite mad to get me so much space but -who cares!- free space is good! More free space is gooder! ^_^

I think I'll stop here. I just realised I ahve lost contact with so many people over these few weeks between Os and after the Os. I guess there is more to life then that dumb piece of paper (which will be quie a flop when I get it back Im sure) Anyhoo, Im ending here. Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
If one day, I were to becoem like him, please... Kill me too

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