Monday, November 14, 2005

Beating the Odds

Hey, havent posted in a long time. Life's been pretty normal, save for the papers. Oh my, the papers... Week one over, so many things have happened over these few days. It feels like a lifetime! Lets start with the papers.

Maths paper two. Im split in the middle over this, it wasn't exactly a pushover, neither was it hard as nuts but now after some consultation with the best minds i have around me, I dont think I did/am going to do too well =x MAn that's gonna smart...

Friday's cell was a combined cell, HG2 with HG1-T, our first brush with greatness the tertiary people ^_^ Although a good 8 people were not there (In the amry) they were more whacky, sidetracked more and basically abit more fun then the average HG2 cell meeting ^_^ BUT we can best them anyday, no? Then again, they are managed by George Ong and that kind of makes this so totally unfair (in the ssense their whackness is way high :P)

Didn't go to RR on Saturday, exams are still on! MY "break" continues, I will be back in like umm, a week or two? ^_^ I know you miss me haha- and NO Norman, Im not buys failing my Os :P

Next paper on Wednesday, Geography then PoA followed by the other PoA paper on Thursday which by then Id be laughing like there's no tomorrow because by then I'd be done with almost all my papers except D&T and Science MCQ ill be as slack as slack can be,

Now ill do so many things like umm... like.. umm.. I have no idea ^_^ But ill find something to do then (Some gold merits will do PERFECTLY then) and then there is first 3 months, i have so many people all around giving me so many opinions I feel like pulling off a Daikaiten Hakkeshou just to get themm away from me~ (obviously not to hurt them but nvmm) I'll tihnk it out on my own, I appreciate your feedback and opinion/experience but its my life. Nevertheless, feel free to tell me all about it.

Uhh, oh yea! Great joke... for Cell icebreaker we had this game where we all wrote our most embarassing (or one of them) on a slip of paper and one person will read it out and someone chosen thu a pen spin will guess who. In the process there was one involving someoen entering the toilet of another gender. When guessing that someone else (not the actual person) revealed they also had done so, accidentally entering a male shower-room. When we were laughing the person began to protest, "You dont undserstand, I was lookign for my mother" O.O Uh okay... stunning but then when the humor takes over, LOL!

Excellent stuff, I couldnt have done better myself. Thast it for now (I guess) Bye!

Quote of E Post:
Greetings to our fans in... um, where the h3ll are we?

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