Friday, November 04, 2005


Forgive me for my absence, I do sincerely regret not blogging abit more often and leaving my precikous fans waiting in the cold, waiting egarly for their next fix of Fausty goodness. *Walks around shaking hands and giving out cups of hot soup and blankets* Ahem- as if.

Hey you two there! *Points to Ah^Wei and Acz* You got a problem with Weird people huh? Do YOU? DO YOU? *Moves forward* You... Have... Just... Inccured.. The Wrath... Of... CONGRATS!YOU HAVE WON THE MOST CONSISTENT READER OF MY BLOG AWARD! As a prize you'll get a autographed copy of "How life sucks, like a dark hole" By yours truly (out in stores sometime between 2008 and 2147 but hey! you get it first!) and a special pass to visit "Knucle Sandwich land" just come up to me show me the pass and utter any kind of vulgarity and you'll get instant entry! Works without the pass but is more effective on rainy days.

If you are still sane after that paragraph, good for you! Went for Prayer Meeting last night, since it's a holiday and my sister has no tution~ surprisingly almost all the O level candidates were there, stunned a few people by being there too ^_^ Sigh~ only like 3 or 2 days left. To put this "episode" in a Hunter x Hunter style, it'll probably be. Countdown x Critical x Examinations, the start of the exam!

*Yawn* sleep in alot these few days, shall change to ensure I'll be able to awaken on time for monday's paper. Maths paper 1 - no comments, need more practise.

Just noticed I haven't touched PoA at all` not a drop >.< I think i'll get started on it >.< Ciao~!

Quote of e Post:
Believe~ Believe in wonderland!

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