Friday, April 01, 2005

Wheat Based Biscuit

Friday night! 2 minutes to Saturday morning, but no choice, must stay up and do homewoek heehee Today was speech day so school endeed super early, at like 11am!! How nice :P Esp on a Friday, all the better to slack with. But with the amount of homework outstanding... It wont be a slacky weekend *Sigh* Eng, then Math TYS, Math Test, Physics and D&T off the top of my head, and that should just be the tip of the iceberg.

So a new series of stories are out... cant imagine such a silly little thing beginning on the bus could grow so big in a matter of 3 months. but I guess that's life, they are rather compatible now that I think of it. Quite cute too ^_^ But its best to keep a safe distance in these things... but really, those two. Not hard to imagine, all these secretive stuff is making me terribly sick.

"There are two kinds of fights in this world, Fight fot pride and fight for life. This is a fight for pride, if you go and help him now you may save his life, but he will lose his pride, should that happen he might as well go and Die, so leave him be. This is his fight." These words plus a few recent events have got me thinking about fighting, and a reason to fight if the need arises. Fights need not be limited to the physical. Fighting against time, against the will of others, against expectations, against the pressures of the world. What kind of fight would these be? Noth I say, if you come out tops you would have retained your pride and ensured your survival.

Falling alseep at the keyboard X_X Cell was fun :P But wah... the pile of homework suddenly seems so high that I shall never see the blue sky again. Fullscap before me is blank, the only markings are my name, class and date. Maybe tomorrow morning when I am not half dead I will do.. but for D&T I dont know when I'll get down to it.. I only have one more day left T_T

Old Habit die hard, or they dont die at all.. is it too late now?

How to define cute? If everytime someone says they think someone is "cute" you cant assume that they has a weak spot for the other. If that were so, life would be so scandalous. Sure, I think many people are cute but that does not mean I like them or anything. They are just cute, pleasant on the eyes, adorable... what else do you want to use? Hmm.. are girls allowed to use cute as liberally as they like while guys are watched closely everytime they let that word "slip"? How... unbalanced. So I still say equality in everyway for all. In EVERYTHING.

Someone said, not being able to have 100% solid memories is such a sad thing. I have not returned even once to my primary school ever since I last stepped out with that fateful PSLE result slip in my hand. And I am not planning ever to, same for my seondary school. Why? Because these paces hold no memories worth remembering. The pain overwrites the sweetness easily, the superficial happiness and achievements are all lost in the sands of time. I cant be bothered to sift through all that again to bruise my hands just to re-discover them, it just aint worth it. A person with no past i harder to track anyway.

Strong and weak... where is the line? In this world, the strong survive, the weak die out -and become nourishment for the strong to grow stronger still. True? I dont know, for what is truly meant by strength or weakness? I have yet to fully grasp that concept. But I only know I want/need to be stronger/strong. Is the world really as merciless as it sounds? Only time will tell, experience is the most painful, yet also the most effective teacher.

Blogging a bunch of baloney now. It may be trash to you but it seems to make sense to the twisted mind warped by the world it was forced to fit into. My blog = my posts = my entries = how I feel, not what you readers want to see.

Quote of e Post:
You cannot cut water or the wind, it only flows and keeps flowing till it finds a way to reach you

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