Sunday, April 03, 2005

Living in the 90s!

Good day ^_^ But still have mountains og homework to do. Im going to get railed at / murdered / bashed for this. There is no way I can finish it all even if I dont sleep tonight. Really, because this was meant to be spread over 3 days... or in the case of D&T ONE WEEK but no... thje greatest procrastinator Johann Faust HAD to leave it to the Eleventh Hour T_T My bad.. my BIG BAd

Wont be blogging much today, as I am also doing my work. Wahahaz, School is releasing us from out CCA bond at the end of April (About time too... O levels are in end May!) Back to the problem with O levels... I am serious about the speculation that I MAY fail Chinese VERY VERY badly! Considering that after lookingat a sample paper and seeing the answer sheet I realised I couldnt READ the Answer sheet so much so I cant really copy T_T Thats a meassure of how poor I am haha

You go back and forth, again and again but everytime you resolve to do it, you return to the old ways and nothing changes. You say you are sick of livign that life, you say you are serious, you make a public declaration and still you fall. Even though He will never grow weary of picking you up why cant you keep up on your on and stop falling?! Arent you tired of this? Im sure you are... so why cant we ever break out of this? We are going to try again this week.. and not return again next week the same, lets ensure this week is different k? This is a promise!

Speed... in modern times speed has replaced efficiency and quality in recognising good pupils. So even a good answer = well thought through is pushed aside in comparison to the fastest answer with the general meaning to pop up. But speed and quality have to go together no? Im not so sure about that anymore... is it possible to be fast without risking quality? Lets try shall we?

Enough time wasted... Im finished for now, see you people round later! Thanks for Taggin ^^

Quote of the Post:
Every Action has a Reaction... -Here's Mine!

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