Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tofu :P

Wahaha, I failed my 2.4km! I think you all already know that... 35 seconds.. then I'll have to re-run again next week.. T_T Woot! Got back that maths test I told you all about yesterday, I passed wahaha. But did some stupid mistakes that could have been avoided heehee. Now looking for Tong Hua MV, i have played the song for exactly 130 times now, and it has been memorised ^_^ Today during recess, someone was playing it on the piano in the foyer... he's good but that fella vanished before I could go see.

For today, many thanks to Bling-chan for this song, quite old but still nice although it promotes a rather unhelathy habit somewhat haha. Here's Chuang Wai (Outside the Window) by "Who Knows Who" (Meaning, I dont know who sang it) as per usual, with pin yin and translations by me. Lyrics thanks to Boxup Media, all credit goes to them.

Note: This is a Duet song so 男 means the guy and 女 is the girl. Parts without these are together. Certain parts overlap those 2 lines will have a (overlap) at the end. This will be a tad messy gomen

(Chuang Wai)
[Outside the Window]

男:点了支不想抽的烟 Ya~
思念像烟圈飘散在窗边 oh~
(Dian le gen bu xiang chou de yan)
[Lighted a cigratte I didnt want to smoke]
(Shi nian xiang yan chuan pian shan zai chuang bian)
[Reminiscing while seeing the smoke float to the window pane]
女:泡了杯没糖的咖啡 我擦的香水 oh~
(Pao le bei mei tang de ka fei, wo ca de xiang shui)
[Made a cup of coffee I didnt want to drink, the perfume Ive applied]
(Hui Bu hui piao dao ni mian qian)
[Will the fragance reach you]
男:外面下的雨 捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(wai mian xia de yu zua mo bu ding)
[The rain outside, cannot be caught]
女:天空上的云 彷佛像你的心情捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(Tian kong shang de yun, fang fu xiang ni de xin qin zua mo bu ding)
(The clouds in the sky, just like your feelings, cant be caught(understood)]
男:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
女:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
(hui xiang ni ban gui lian de biao qin, nan yi wang ji)
[It is so difficult to forget that face of yours]

男:爱离窗外越来越远 下着大雨那一夜 (overlap)
你哭红双眼 (overlap)
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, xia zhe da yu na yu ye)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, the night it rained]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
女:是我太顾虑尊严 虽然 我哭红双眼 (overlap)
(shi wo tai gu lu zhuan yan sui ran wo ku hong shuang yan)
[I was too proud, even though I did cry my eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现我无力挽回 oh~
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I just realised I dont have the strength to turn back]
女:是我太顾虑尊严 虽然 我哭红双眼 (Overlap)
(shi wo tai gu lu zhuan yan sui ran wo ku hong shuang yan)
[I was too proud, even though I did cry my eyes sore]
男:爱离窗外越来越远 下着大雨那一夜 (overlap)
你哭红双眼 (Overlap)
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, xia zhe da yu na yu ye)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, the night it rained]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现我无力挽回 oh~
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I just realised I dont have the strength to turn back]

男:点了只不想抽的烟 Ya~
十年像烟圈飘散在窗边 oh~
(Dian le zhi bu xiang chou de yan)
[Lighted a cigratte I didnt want to smoke]
(Shi nian xiang yan chuan pian shan zai chuang bian)
[Ten years just like the smoke floating to the window pane]
女:泡了杯没糖的咖啡 我擦的香水 oh~
(Pao le bei mei tang de ka fei, wo ca de xiang shui)
[Made a cup of coffee I didnt want to drink, the perfume Ive applied]
(Hui Bu hui piao dao ni mian qian)
[Will the fragance reach you]
男:外面下的雨 捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(wai mian xia de yu zua mo bu ding)
[The rain outside, cannot be caught]
女:天空上的云 彷佛像你的心情捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(Tian kong shang de yun, fang fu xiang ni de xin qin zua mo bu ding)
(The clouds in the sky, just like your feelings, cant be caught(understood)]
男:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
女:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
(hui xiang ni ban gui lian de biao qin, nan yi wang ji)
[It is so difficult to forget that face of yours]

女:爱离窗外越来越远 已过了多久时间
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, yi guo le duo shao xi jian)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, how long has it been]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
男:爱以被画上等线 你哭红双眼
(Ai yi bei hua shang den xian, ni ku hong le shuang yan)
[//I dont understand this part//, you still cried your eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现这早已经是从前
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I have realised, this already is the past]

(Repeat above parts a few times, ...lost count)

(Wo xiang la xia chuang lian)
[I want to lower the curtains]
(Wo xiang bi shang shuang yan)
[I want to close my eyes]
合:只是我 不想看到窗外过去的情节
(Zhi si wo, bu xiang kan dao chuang wai guo qu and gan jie)
[Its just that I dont want to see the feelings outside the window]

(dou shi wo bu dui)
[It's all my fault]
(Ni mei you bu dui)
[It's not your fault]
(Repeat till fade)

I warned you it's going to be really messy :P Hope you get it, its kind of hard to translate, if anyone can help me fill in the blank there Feel free, I need all the help i can get ^_^

Not a fabulous song, but kind of catchy I give it a 3/5 haha, I have pretty low/high standards? I just drew a new comic, hope you enjoy it! ^_^ Check it out HERE but I assure you, its not goign to be a daily thing, I only do so when I feel a surge of inspiration ^_^ Once again feel free to comment and contribute ideas, e-mail me at

Not much to say today... looking forward to Friday's P&W night! Yea! But no cell... then enxt week is the Book of Amos classes ^_^ Ah, and I think Ive failed in my "quest" to give up anime/manga. I guess I wont give up, just devote less time to it, thats all. Wahahaz, But until I get "official confirmation" Im not letting go YET. Bleach! Rox, I want to rant about it somewhere but most places will mark it as huge Mega spoilers (up to the latest release, chapter 170) If u want to know just ask... I can blow HOURS telling all about it...

Quote of the Post:
You are feeling tired because you are running from the heat, Me? Im having a great time Fighting it! :)

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