Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No Title

Heyz, Im going to drop my once in two days thing just for today. Ran my class's 2.4km for NAPFA today. Lousy timing la, 14:15, passing time was 13:40 ... Failed by 35 seconds... But At least I finished. That much Im happy, makes me wonder if I put in enough effort? Just another 35 seconds, where could I have cut that from? Also, passing 2.4 I still have pull-ups and Standing Broad Jump to clear... Will I ever pass my NAPFA??

Test today, maths... I think im going to do relatively well , many thanks XY! ^_^ Got a nice mark for english summary test. Now doing Physics for tomorrow... it never ends does it? The pile of work keep going up.. up .. up ...up be back in abit.. contiune after im done...

-back- (Didnt do it YET)

Million thanks to Shan An for sending my the song "Tong Hua" heard so much about it and there was no way to know why until Ive heard it on my own. I confer to it a new record, "Highest Track time for any song per time owned in my possesion." I recived it on Sunday night or early Monday morning, it hasnt even been 48 hours and it has been played 71 times exactly. And I still have yet to memorise it. Really a touching song, heard the MV is even better... lyrics are up with (pin yin) and [translations] done by your's truly, credit goes to lowyat's forums for the chinese wording, enjoy.

光良 -《童话》
(Guang Liang - Tong Hua)
[Artiste Name] - [Childhood Tale/Fairytale]

(wang le you duo jiu)
[I have forgotten how long]
(zai mei ting dao ni)
[it has been since I've heard]
(dui wo suo ni jui ai de gu shi)
[you tell me your favourite story]
(wo xiang le hen jiu)
[Ive been thinking awhile]
(wo kai shi huang le)
[Im going mad just wondering]
(Shi bu shi we you zuo cuo le she me)
[Did I do something wrong again]

(Ni ku zhe dui wo suo)
[You told me while crying]
(Tong hua li dou shi pian ren de)
[Fairytales are just a bunch of lies]
(Wo bu ke neng shi ne de wang zhi)
[I cannot be your prince]
(ye xu ni bu hui dong)
[Maybe, you dont know]
(chong ni suo ai wo zhi hou)
[Ever since you said You love me]
(Wo de tian kong xin xin dou liang le)
[The stars in my sky seem much brighter]

(Wo yan bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I dont mind becoming that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Ni ku zhe dui wo suo)
[You told me while crying]
(Tong hua li dou shi pian ren de)
[Fairytales are just a bunch of lies]
(Wo bu ke neng shi ne de wang zhi)
[I cannot be your prince]
(ye xu ni bu hui dong)
[Maybe, you dont know]
(chong ni suo ai wo zhi hou)
[Ever since you said You love me]
(Wo de tian kong xin xin dou liang le)
[The stars in my sky seem much brighter]

(Wo yan bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I dont mind becoming that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Wo yao bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I want to become that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Wo hui bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I will become that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(yi qi xie wo men de jie ju)
[And write our ending together]

But really, you wont understand until you hear it on your own. It's just so... I cant explain. Makes me just feel like palying it over and over again until the words are etched in my mind. If you want the mp3, you can find me on msn, I'll be more than happy to send it to you. Now to look for that MV -_-U

It's getting late... ive been on this for like 2 hours... and I feel like drawing web-comics :P maybe ill make some regular on my blog ^_^ till then cya!

Quote of the Post:
If we fail, try and try again! ^^

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