Saturday, April 23, 2005

Physics today was ... fun? The session, not the lesson though haha, Quite a sizeable number, me, Dilys, Uriah, Kenneth, Matthew and Norman. But only Dilys takes pure science so we were ait lost around vectors (in physics) and pressure. because Sub-Physics dont have. I think my physics cannot liao T_T First three chapters only so much problem... especially speed, velocity and acceleration... those graphs just passed me by. Sumimasen Derrick-sensei!! I just cant grasp it!! Physics is like certain kinds of maths... I can know enough to go on, but not understand fully.

AGM tomorrow... so Derrick is teaching Jean (Who is dancing tomorrow by the way, good luck) maths, and Dilys may be taggin along... hmm maybe I could go and ask for more help on physics... i need it rather badly. X_X But first, lets finish up that worksheet T_T Oh my.. that means tonight.. when it took like 3 hours to do 3 pages! T_T

How stupid. If ░ isnt even avoiding me, why should I avoid er? Its only me who is unable to get on and make a problem out of it. Even though there is still a standard of strangeness, im getting the worst of it. Why do I give er theis power over me? Why am I the only person running? I shouldnt be, it wont improve situations, and only put me on a spot when I am unable to run. Be gone, why should I bind myself down, I have no reason to.

another song today, this time thanks to Acz for sending me this song, enjoy! (Yea, im trying to listen to chinese songs to improve me chinese somewhat) chi xin jue dui, by liang sheng jie (Sam lee), enjoy.

林圣杰 <<痴心绝对>>
(Lin Sheng Jie - Chi Xin Jue Dui)
[Sam Lee - Utter Infatuation]

(Xiang yong yi bei Latte ba ni guan zui)
[Tried to fuddle you with a latte]
(Hao rang ni nen duo ai wo yi dian)
[To make you love me just abit more]
(An lian de zhi wei)
[The feeling of secretly being in love]
(Ni bu dong ze zong gan jue)
[You just dont understand]
(Zhao you ren pei zai ni yong yuan bu hui)
[Someone with someone by their side just cant]

(Kan dao ni he ta zai wo mian qian)
[To see both of you before me together]
(Zhen ming wo de ai zhi shi yu mei)
[Proves my love is merely foolishness]
(Ni bu dong wo de na xie ciao cui)
[You wont understand that kind of weakness]
(Shi ni yong yuan bu chen guo de ti hui)
[Its something you wont ever experience]

(Wei ni chu na zhong shang xin ni yong yuan bu laio jie]
(That kind of sadness will never be understood by you]
(Wo you he ku mian qiang zhi ji ai shang ni de yi qie)
[Why should I force myself to love everything about you]
(Ni yuu xiong xiong bi tui wo de fang bei)
[Yet you still constantly spurn my advances]
(Jing Jing guan shang men lai mo shu wo de lei)
[Tightly closing the door manupilating my tears]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Kan dao ni he ta zai wo mian qian)
[To see both of you before me together]
(Zhen ming wo de ai zhi shi yu mei)
[Proves my love is merely foolishness]
(Ni bu dong wo de na xie ciao cui)
[You wont understand that kind of weakness]
(Shi ni yong yuan bu chen guo de ti hui)
[Its something you wont ever experience]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Chan Jing wo yi wei wo zhi ji hui hou hui)
[I thought I would regret the past]
(Bu xiang ai de tai duo chi xin jue dui)
[Dont want to think about my utter infatuation]
(Wei ni liu di yi di lei)
[Cry the first tear for you]
(Wei ni zuo ren he gai bian)
[To make any change for you]
(Ye zhao bu hui ni dui wo de jian jue)
[But it still wont change your view of me]

(Wei ni chu na zhong shang xin ni yong yuan bu laio jie]
(That kind of sadness will never be understood by you]
(Wo you he ku mian qiang zhi ji ai shang ni de yi qie)
[Why should I force myself to love everything about you]
(Ni yuu xiong xiong bi tui wo de fang bei)
[Yet you still constantly spurn my advances]
(Jing Jing guan shang men lai mo shu wo de lei)
[Tightly closing the door manupilating my tears]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

Touching isnt it? Ha, maybe some people have the emotional range of a teaspoon, then I feel sad for you. Maybe i'll go for lessons tomorrow... Otherwise I really wouldnt know what to do with my 2+ (dunno how long AGM is) hours as AGM goes on... I'll be dead bored if I dont find something to do, so why not study? Its good anyway

Im off for now, drained.. i cant look at this blogger screen anymore...

Quote of e post:
All or Nothing? Then I'd take nothing at all...

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