Monday, April 04, 2005

Melodies of Life

Melodies of life... What will I do without my trusty suply of music? ^_^ A million thanks to Mervin for sending me "Who am I" -excellent song ^_^

7:50pm on Minday night... today was hectic like REALLY messed up. Since I slept at an insane tiem of 4am last night, I was SO ZOMBIE today!! Stoned and almost dead in D&T (5 periods... argh) and I feel asleep in ENGLISH!! That is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE, a FIRST for me in fact... Ms Kodi was shocked, but the rains -Oh yes I MUST Mention the rains, I LOVE IT!! Really cooling all day ^_^ (Back to school) Fell asleep during assembly but aiyaz, that was expected heehee.

Money money money, too little -> is a big problem, too much -> causes big problems. At least I have only A big problem.. yup no money. I still have an outstanding $20 in current liabilities in the form of a loan from my creditor RS and another Long Term Liablity of another loan of about $180 being paid in daily installments. My working capital is SCREWED haha, talking PoA here heehee. Oh yesh! I heard that I ALMOST got full marks for the most recent PoA test on Final A/c + Current A/c + Partnership missed by ONE mark for some figure error.. but Im sure I got everything perfect!! *Grrr... I wont lose to you JM!*

Oh yesh! Camp this Saturday (exciteD excitED exciTED excITED exCITED eXCITED EXCITED!!) Cant wait hahaz, but one week is a LONG way to go... better focus on life at the present moment eh? 4 more days to go... but 4 days isn't that far away (Hmm...)

I think our chinese teacher is really trying to do us in. Being missing from classes half the time and giving us excercises to do without marking / going through them. Today she even assigned an excercise for a unit we have yet to learn!! Oh yes... we have not covered syllabus yet and it is the 4th of April, O level chinese is on the 30th of March, about 55 days left.. not alot if you see it this way eh? S-T-R-E-S-S!!!!

Death and Enternity, these two concepts cannot be explained by anyone. Just try to imagine enternity and you will realsie how small and finite we humans are. So don ask me to explain, I dont have all the answers, you can find whatever proof you want vut I wont be shaken. Im stubborn as a mule :P but you can try if you want... Im logging off here, short post for a short day ^_^

Quote of the Post:
Destroy. Evil. Instantly.

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