Sunday, April 24, 2005

One cut Two cut Three cut

Heyz, AGM today... not that I went =P Instead stayed in Mac with Derrick, Kendrick, Reuben, Dilys and Jean to study physics, except for Reuben and Kendrick who were "doing" (So called... or actualy wasting time) chinese haiz... 35 days or so... Get it over and done with, a c^ at very least, at best C5 or B4 (is that pushing it a little?) Physics, check! Improvement? Surely! Thank you Derrick-sensei!

Haha, Dilys will laugh at the slightest provocation, really... even if you dont do anything, just look at her, she will also be capable of laughinhg at a constant acceleration until she reaches a constant rate at which the laughing interferes with breathing then her rate of laughing will deccelerate to rest until the next thing to spark off her laughing fit again (Which is usually, anything at all)

Hmmm... counting my blog's regular readers, and there isnt even 10... even after including myself! Haz... but I guess thats what I wanted right? A little sometihng where I could write whatever I liked without fearing anything... too bad, blogs are public T_T Im thinking of a new skin... But first, a theme ^_^

Oh my! I was supposed to go for the last NCC training on Friday! AND I DIDNT!! I went to AMk with Ming Xiang T_T Oliver is so going to rant my head off! And I was supposed to sign up for 2.4 retest tomorrow morning, but I forgot to... did Mr Lee sign up for the class? I dont know! Argh... everything just comes back the moment monday comes round T_T Panic PAnic PANic PANIc PANIC!!

Since I was in AMK on friday I bought PoT book 1! Im going to collect PoT from now on haha, problem is not everywhere sells the whole set from 1 because it is kind of old... -_- It's going to be a LONG walk :) But it's nicceeee wahaha No Regrets! *Oh yea... i owe ming xiang 6 bux T_T and RS another 20 T_T)

Yikes! 7:30 now... since when did it become so dark! Hold on ah... *goes and ons the lights around the house* there! Much better! Where was I? Oh yea! Anyway, after Sandra turned up at Mac (She didnt go for AGM (: ) everyone else began to leave leaving me, Derrick and Sandra... did one more chapter before we decided to go home. But that was like 4:40pm? AGM not over yet! Nvm, go home first haha... Have soem things to cover.

I think I had better get down to business now otherwise my head will roll, cya round!

Quote of E Post:
(Ahhh!! I left this here since 8 T_T its like 9 now!)
War is not about who's RIGHT, but who's LEFT
(A repeat... i jux love this quote)

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