Saturday, April 23, 2005


Just came back from P&W Unlimited! So cool and fun too! We should have that more often... Level Up! Today, broke a new barrier, kneeling/bowing down. Before I just couldnt bring myself to, I could lay down my problems, but I couldnt drop my pride and get down on my knees. I was given a clear direct instruction (I could feel it so strongly, even my legs were going weak) when I asked "What's left Lord? What am I not doing right?" I struggled, I tried as the people all around just went down, I struggled and fought, my pride tugging strongly, asking, is there another way? Not until Aaron went up to talk about bowing down, and what was it for, I fell on my knees, face down, palms on the ground, a sense of relief flowed over me and the same very hot feeling I felt in the room during CC'04 came again and covered my head, spreading slowly. A warmth in my chest where my heart was. After standing up, I knew something chagned, I could gladly sing the parting song "EVerything's Changed" with conviction and I jumped my life's worth and clapped my hands best shouting and praising. My feet are sore, my sandel's sloes are cracked and my palms are red but Im happy, happy that I have gone closer.

I know, ░ still haves me. It cant be helped, but no need to make it so obvious. Holding on is fruitless, letting go is painful. Giving up is not letting go, I wont pull, but I'll hold on. Im not sure if ░ reads (quite sure e does not.. but you never know) but whatever, I just feel like leaving it be.

Studying Physics tomorrow, abit late though, since my phyics test is already over for now. Just had maths test today, Vectors, I Was so confident and went in stong to be defeated and come out broken. Argh, Im going to fail that one... Only one motnhan done week to chinese O lvel written examinations... how troublesome, life should be relaxed and easy-going, "whatever will be, will be" so relax and take life with a pinch of salt.

I just lost me target other reasons for writing T_T... and im tired so imloggin off now ciao

Quote of the Post:
Life is always touch and go, but ceware, one touch may leave you stuck for a long time...

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