Thursday, April 14, 2005

Reality Check?

Harlow! Not having too great a day today, aching a little from the course (Guess thats what happens when people age XD) Upon returning home from school today I found a letter for me, now that is VERY rare for me to get any mail, especially so by post. It was a letter from Mindef. Let me type out the fateful contents.

Ministry of Defence

Dear Registrant,


You have reached 16.5 years old (Yes,i think i know that) and therefore are liable for National Service under the Enlistment Act Chapter 93. (Who cares... who knows)

The purpose of this leaflet is to provide you with some information about National Service. (Thanks!!) We hope that the information could help (Im sure it WONT only MIGHT...) you prepare yourself better for full-time National Service.

If you have any queries, you may contact us at MINDEF eServices Centre at 1800-####### for assistance. (Im SURE I'll call...)

Thank You (Same to you.. are you done?)

Your's Faithfully (I have never heard from you before this..)

Central Manpower Base

The biggest reality check since who knows when. My one year has finally caught up with me. NS.. woah... I cant comprehend what this means to me. ME, off to NS, the way I am now, I wont last a week. All I have are horrible images and bits of this and that. No real idea what goes on in there even after hearing so much. I just know that this rust-bucket *points to spare tyre* wont be getting a kick out of going in for 2 and a half years of nation building ^^

Time is running out, 45 days or so left, I'm really going to become a permanent zombie mode for the next few weeeks at least. Yesterday was so.. Argh! I accidentally deleted EVERY song in my Zen MIcro, that is like 2.6 GB worth! about 280+ songs... had to find all from all over my comp and re-upload them in addition to re-placing them in thier respective playlists.. worse still I was already used to my previous arrangement T_T and I cant remember how all 280+ songs were placed so .. ARGH!! Damn PISSED!!

Tests tomorrow, Chinese and Geography... this time im going to TRY And study for chinese... however futile it may seem, I need better quality passes! Had english summary test today, I am not satisfied with myself - I need to be better! Have you heard about the story of the Carrots, Eggs and Coffee Beans? Put all these in pots of boiling water for 15 minutes (Beans as powder of course) and what happens?

The carrots turn from hard to soft, the eggs go hard inside while the coffee powder has vanished, but has turned to water into aromatic coffee. What does this tell us? Problems in life are like the boiling water, it's hot and unbearable sometimes. Are you like the carrots? You go in strong and hard but come out soft and defeated, you lose hope and give up. Are you like the Eggs? You start out soft inside, your heart is sensitive and caring but you end up hard hearted and selfish. You hate everything and become very cold. Or are you like the coffee powder? The hot water has not changed the powder, the powder has changed the water and made it better then it ever was! Which are you like? Be like the Coffee Beans! (Credit for the above paragraph goes to "who knows who" who sent Ms Kodi that powerpoint presentation)

NAPFA is coming up, and the letter has only made me more determined to try my best to pass. It is easy to think about that but when you are out there at the stadium or in the field or at the court, your physical limits your mental, no matter how you think, there is only so much you can do. Unless - you train. There is no short-cut, that much I know, same for everything. So im going to run, jump and pull with all my strength. I dont care If i fall alseep in class that whole day or if I have to be sent home or something. At least, being there crumpled in an exhausted heap knowing you;ve done your best, is better than thinking you have already failedand not trying , just doing for the sake of doing and getting away.

Should have made the switch to Ares long ago. Kazza is dead, Limewire is unreliable, just go with the flow, Ares is the way to go ^_^. Ive been having a persistant cough this past few days, it isnt painful or anything, just irritating, it wont stop and is kind of loud and embarassing. Plus it is going to kill my throat, and I cant sing =P Feeling very itred all the time, and it isnt just the late nights, there is more to this... im sure... but what, that I dont know.

Im lost for words / things to say logging off here buaiz

Quote of e Post:
Love is in Danger, it's gonna Die.
Love is in Danger, got to survive.
Love is in Danger, got ta keep our love alive, alive Forever...

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