Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Two days! School resumed for the week, cycle again T_T They are cutting the breaks on Tuesday morning because there are no "Results" so those in the Aerobic course will only get the morning off on Thursday.. only to suffer in the course after school T_T How nice.. thank you mr Ng...

Finally got my books 6 to 21 backs from Beng Lee yesterday, should Norman ask for them now at least I have an answe ^_^ But the last 11 books are still currently on loan to somone who rode off with them from Serangoon ti J8 in a bike under the pouring rain. I just hope my books come back in one peice... and not as waterlogged reams of blackened paper.

YOU LAUGH AT ME BECAUSE I AM DIFFERENT, I LAUGH AT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME. Never has this been so true, so I am different, I dont share you interests, I dont know your thoughts and ways, But I do know what you do isn't right. At least not to me. Strength in numbers? Or just so weak that a whole bunch of people are required to hassle one guy? Friendly and always cracking jokes? Or purposly laughing at others to shift the focus away from yourself? You know best.

Reading about Paula and her post-concert post made me think about my own CCa. Last NCC training for me this coming Friday, after this week and another "graduation/passing out" week, I will officially conclude my 5 years as part of PCSS NCC(Sea) unit, holding the rank of 2nd Sgt, which I myself believe I do deserve up till the point after Ive earned it. There 5 years, ok, not really 5 years because I was missing for almost the whole of 2003 and the first half of 2004. But I miss my batch, the original 21 pioneer NCC cadets in Peicai starting 2001.

Me, Wei Xin, Edwin Neo, Gabriel, Nicholas, Edmund, Sanjog, Daniel, Marcus, John, Edwin Tan, Yen Leong, Joey, Alfred, Alvic, Aldric, Jun Rong, Shawn, Gibson, Kiat Kai, Genevieve and Sophia. Thats all 21 of us, (or 20, after Sanjog left) surprising I still remember all expecially when I cant even recall all the people who spent a year with me in class 3I everyday in 2003. Even though, the time we had was short, they left before me, did greater things and dared to do more. The experiences we shared, the Sailing lessons, spec course, weekly training, camps everything... Literally sweat and blood and everything else. Of all these, only 7 of us are left, Me, Marcus, Daniel, Genevieve and Sharwn, with Alfred and Nicholas going on to become CLTs (Jun Rong is still in school but is no longer part of NCC) looking at all of us now, we all have changed so much from when we joined in 2001, not knowing what lay ahead, the tough times and the fun. PT in the rain, marching till our legs ached for days, shouting ourselves hoarse, standing like statues under the scorching sun in our No.3, life firing and the stimulated range.

I still remember how much I complained, and loathed training and the "suffering" but now, I wish I could turn back time, go back and live through it all again. We were the poineers, we built everything up from scratch. Mr Tan was hard on us, so we could be good enough to lay a strong foundation, from Recruit, to Private, to Lance Corporal to Corporal, then onto spec course, to become Specialists and Sergeants. With people under us, we learnt responsiblity and leadership. The more I talk about this the more memories surface... I guess... there are some things that are always there, that I have not lost all my memories of the past... The pride you feel standing in the parade square as part of the line up, or getting a badge you earned, I wouldnt trade the world to give them up.

Feeling tons of things at once now. Happiness, Bitterness, Regret, Disappointment, Relief, Blessed and alot more just thinking about this. So much so I forgot the content for the rest of my entry ^^ First, a sonG~!

NCC Song

We are the members of the NCC,
Loyal and upright we will be.
Like those who have gone before us,
We stand with pride for all to see.

We are ready!
We are ready!
To be the best that we can be!
Over the land, on the sea and in the air,
We are the NCC!

We are the members of the NCC,
Serving everyone with humility.
With strength and courage in our hearts,
Pressing on to Victory.

[Chorus] x2
This song... feels so... (forgot the word) brings back more memories... I'll end here before I become MORE emotional... to think it was all over this stupid thing I used to devote every saturday morning trying to excape from....

Quote of the Post:
To serve with Pride and Dedication ~ NCC Motto

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