Tuesday, April 26, 2005

So Take a Look at me Now...

Heyz... Im IRRITATED. Last year for chinese week, the school held a Chinese Singing Competition, so this year (I should have seen it coming and kept my mouth shut) they are holding... Peicai Idol! And I've been "nominated" to "volunteer" to join by my "beloved" class T_T Haiz, nvm... uess I'll just take it as a kind of exposure? Last year anyway... why not have some fun? :)

How "sweet" I got my seating position changed into the middle of a bunch of irritating, noisy peeps. Trial lasts a week, if that guy does not make noise, I WILL. Grr... I hate that area! Napfa 5 items today, for once in 3 years, I passed my Standing Broad Jump wahaha!! But I still failed my pull-ups and 2.4km run so I still fail over all >=P Grr... Hope I dont need to retake.. waste time and evergy...

Im living this week for the long weekend. Wahaha, 3 day weekend, can't wait! PoA test today, I guess I did well enough haha, vectors test back, JUST passed at 19/38... majorly stings because I was full of (ok, quite) confidence/confident. T_T Chem quiz too.. 0/5... a big FAT ZERO... Cos I didnt know what chapter the quiz was on but still... T_T

I feel so relieved... this part will be encoded, good luck!
19896253 429 8996 213464 26 1852849 249 142282466 8923996 21 (69 869 491... 9662 6859 69 5991 482464 26 219 491 6869... 4 9995 26361243) 49 2441 4691 66 42 3455 6653 898669 1959 99121282429 869 9912163 249 26423 8923996 249 8955. 426 8996 1183464... 869 6689 4 592 42 46, 469 6899 4461959 16 1985... 5812 64442, 5 183 491 665469. 9296 246244 42 381 491 659 8886262, 4 4829 63 181661 961 89464 1219 42'1 491. 429 8996 268568599! 68389 149'1 9995464 424523 8988219 69 3482 4 1849 2482 3995 88622 491 662 89464 665469 961 666241. 663 46 662 815464 961 266 6284. 4 5212 3862 244641 26 46 8885 26 661685. 3496 39 86259 855 5212 89 26492491 81 39 3919 899619, 46 249 1869 8955. 3424622 8538196911, 3424622 9981. 41 2482 266 6284 26 815 961?

Haha! It's all in numbers, tip? Hp keypad and the numbers on your keyboard, go figure. Even if you figure it out, no one will be so free to work it all out into a proper message... I feel so happy to get it off my chest, yet at the same time safe that no one knows what im saying. :)

"There's nothing my God cannot do" even help me pass my standing broad jump? Of cos! On ym first try i only pulled a 190, far below my passing standard of 206. So when I was standing at the end of the mat, I whispered a quick prayer... and closed my eyes, blocking out the sight and sounds around me until i felt the thud of me landing on the mat jar my entire body. They say it's their encouragement, my strength or good luck. But i know, it's my Lord.

I need to do some SERIOUS preparation for this Thursday's auditions... Hmm... song? check, timing? Could do with some work, -1 file? check, Confidence? Depends :D, readiness? low... and all time low! Haha ok things are not as bad as they seem, but I cant be as bad as William Hung rite? Or the Silent Whisper? Or Bananaman? Or Lemon Tree, or (horror of horrors) *shudder* the stripper guy! Hope my voice holds thats all, the competition looks really tough T_T

Just sent an e-mail to Ms Kodi, hopes she gets it and replys. (And does not correct whatever mistakes I left on the way (: ) IT will make life alot easier. Hmmm... I think that's all I have to blog about, logging off now, cya!

Quote of e Post:
When will my refletion show, who I am inside?

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