Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Snake Shot

This is copied whole-sale from this *holds up* piece of full-scap paper.

Heyz, Im in e exam hall, it is like 9.03am now. Kesou... I was late for my paper one! Just about a few minutes though. Paper one is still going on now, it began at 8.10am and ends at 9.55am... And I'm done! Wha? Thats alot faster than I expected... Since I have time now, why not blog? (On examination paper :D)

Woke up at 7.45am, my handphone alarm did not ring! Either that or it did but I was in deep sleep. After MT O levels yesterday, almost everything has gone hazy, even the english mock exam going on now feels like part of an extended dream. Anyway, so I rushed, ok so I walked slowly to school thinking since I was already so late, the examinar would NEVER admit me as I hadmisread my watch as 8.45 when I woke up, only when I walked into school at "9.05" did I realise it was only 8.05am! Ran to the hall and got seated although everyone was already seated, but i made it! :D

Paper one quite fun, since I'm bored (And I seriously 100% don't feel like doing anymore on an empty stomach) let me write you the questions. *ahem* Q1) Qualities that an entreprenuer needs [Stealth? Cunning? I dunno] Q2) Write about a moral dillema which you found yourself in and how you resolved it [To write or not to write, that is the question... nah skip] Q3) Give an account of an incident when an unexpected gift caused you much frustration and what you did in the end [Throw it away, hide it, repackage and recycle... :D] Q4)Taking risks [Like blogging when there is still more than 1/2 the time for this paper?] Q5)Youth and beauty have become the currency of our society, buying popularity and opportunity, what are your views? [Honestly? Then thank God for Meritocracy :)]

Boring... people all around scribbling furiously, the sound of this pencil on the paper/table is kind of calming :) 9.15, Miss Kodi just made an announcement, "30 mintues left, you should have started on your section 2, check through your work" Ahh typical. Can't sleep, ok maybe I can if I try but the hall lights are too bright -_-u Lets write Haiku!

Mock exams are pains
I could be home playing games
Isn't it the same?

Haha, calling mock exam a game. Argh, hand muscles aching after all that writing. I think I'll end here, still have paper 2 laterI think I'll continue this later if I have the time (and the strength) ciao ^_^

Haha, I never did continue in the end, spent my free time during paper 2 practicing reversed writing, not bad but not too good either. Many problems with a,s,u,n,e and g. All the curvy ones and those with something special on the side.. need to get used to it ba. Haha! Doing such a stupid thing during exam :) maybe next time I do my paper in reverse writing when Im more fluent and puzzle the examiners to death xD

Blogger obviously DOES NOT support reverse writing and neither does the standard (or should I way all) english keyboards. They call me crazy, I think Im brilliant :) Wa! but after the paper 2 Miss Yap strikes back! It's chem dungeon time. No one leaves or enters the hall without Miss Yap's blessings *ulp* Passport out? Perfectly completed and updated Chemistry workbook. Once a class is finishedd she will release us as a CLASS. No complaints here, Im done already, but we still stayed like for another 1 hour waiting for everyone =_= One for All, All for One.

NO! Class outing but my wallet says NO! This is terrible, also allthose who ordered mechanisms for D&T must pay tomorrow and again my wallet says NO! Along with the fact that I forgot how much mine costs T_T Who can say Im dead tomorrow? (I can) Hmm.. how can I suddenly create a jump in my current assests? Liquidate some of my fixed assests? I have none. Liquidate OTHER current assests... like?! D O O M approaches.

Waha, soon.. very soon, I will begin writing in 36233 27672642 huh? Oh heehee, it is coded anagrams xD (for this one 2=abc 3=def like the phone one and then when u get ur huge jumble of sets of letters, [not that easy] its a anagram! Happy trying or just give up wahaha] haha the Da Vinci Code has re-kindled my love for encodings and such :D expect moe, but if no one tries to solve them there's no point :)

I wonder how long it's going to take Shan An to finish that book T.T it's not mine you know! Hurry up, I finished it in 3 hours at least you can do it in twice the time! And now I have no one to talk about it with T_T

Going off now, ciao! Still have school for a few more weeks, then holiday homework, bz bz bz :) cya round!

Quote of e Post:
Yudan Sezu ni Ikou!

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