Sunday, May 29, 2005

Drop Shot

Can't get to sleep now. Just finished reading the "Da Vinci Code". And I only borrowed it today... counting, I took like about 3 and a half hours to wrap it up from cover to cover. Fascinating, and pretty interesting, but I find it full of nonsense, don't even get me STARTED because then I'll spoil it + I won't be able to stop until im done. Mervin was right, loads and loads of top grade baloney. But it was entertaining nevertheless, couldn't put it down, read it in the car, after dinner, after getting home... till I finally saw the back cover only then did I get up to look at the clock and see it was already 12am lolz

A small phrase from the book, "Since the beginning of recorded time, history has been written by the "winners" (those societies and belief systems that conquered and survived)." Me? I believe so. Like for WW2, what we have learnt thus far is what the Allies have been feeding world and despite all the "evidence" who can say for sure with 100% certainty that what is being taught is the entire truth? I also deeply believe if Japan won, the story would be re-written VERY differently, and so will life be for us now.

I feel like posting a song but too late, and im tired... anyway, Im only on to charge my player... it's DEAD, ok not really, ONE bar left, so im charging it :D Until its full, im not leaving. But then again... that may take 3 hours T.T Im not waiting, tireD tirED tiRED tIRED TIRED! *plop*

-the writer has collapsed from exhaustion, so this entry ends here, ja ne!

Quote of e Post:
20 laps around the court, Now!

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