Thursday, May 05, 2005

Update Post

Heyz, new layout. To match the current feeling in the air. Cold - Frozen - Dead. Prelim for MT tomorrow, in about 10 and a half hours time. Just a touch of good news, seems like that for O levels (And the prelims) MT paper 2 out of 80 marks only 25 or them come from the syllabus. Meaning even without that 25 I could never get into my head no matter how I try I still have a shot at passing and maybe doing relatively well. But then, that still stands to be seen.

I've been so tired, just so tired day after day. Im so sick and tired, I feel bored all day. This cannot go on, or I wil die... literally. What am I living for now? Just for living, I guess, that's the answer at this present moment. The past and the future dont seem to matter now, all that I can see is bleakness all around.

Just an update post, there wont be many entries after this as my common tests begin next week and lasts the last 2 weeks, then chinese intensive and then on the 30th (only 25 days away) is the actual MT O level paper. Plus, there isnt much to blog about is there?

Instead of a quote i'll leave you a question :
"So Just Give me One good Reason why I should Stay?"

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