Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ru Guo Quan Shi Jie Wo Ye Ke Yi Fang Qi

Hello! Today marked the start of Chinese Intensive. It is CRAZY ok? Thats all I have to say, one full day all the time do only Chinese and nothing else with one full set of Paper 1 + PAper 2 to do daily in addition to other excercises. Im going to go crazy, like teacher said -> "Eat Chinese, Sleep Chinese, You pass you cry, you Fail you also cry" Passion for MT Oo

Went to watch Coach Carter and Star Wars ep3 today, both in one day so eyes are quite strained. But Both movies are VERY nice! I absolutely love Coach Carter, it was insipiring and refreshing. As for "Revenge of the Sith" it was without doubt a hands down winner. A 27 year difference, a set of 6 movies that are hailed legendary without question. The star wars series is fabulous, beyond discription. I feel the urge to find Ep 4 - 6 again as I have almost forgotten what happens in them (It has been at least 4 years since Ive watched ANY of the original Triology)

Im getting off here, eyes are SO tired and painful, and so are my lips from consuming 5 bux (ok $2.50) worth of salted popcorn with cracked/bleeding lips. Such a greedy fella. Oh after the movie went to eat at Cafe Cartel (Mom's treat :D) love the ribs there, but im stuffed... *looks at weighing scale sadly* I guess im going to become.. FAT! Nooo.... jk

Quote of E post:
Experience is always something gained after one most needs it

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