Friday, May 27, 2005

Dunk Smash

Back from Cell :) Dilys is in Malaysia on official business and all of a sudden, cell was like to stone. I guess we still will miss her and her antics :) FoodFair this Sunday, those who purchased our cupons *points to the multicolored booklets* must use them on Sunday!

Here's the song I promised :) Enjoy

林俊杰 - <<木乃伊>>
(Lin Jun Jie - Mu Nai Yi)
[JJ Lin Jun Jie - Mummy (you know those egyptian kind?)]

{Ni suo yao wo shi le zhe ke xin)
[You told me to give up hope]
(Zhui hao yong yuan chuan fang zai ai ji)
[And bury it forever in Egypt]
(Xiang mu nai yi bao chi zhe shen ming)
[Like a mummy, preserved for life]
(Qiao ye qiao bu po)
(Nian shi jian dou wang zi)
[Till the end of time]
(Ni yi zhi lao dao and shuo wei zhen li)
[You tell me a whole bunch of theory]
(Bu kai de xin jiu kan de dao wo bu shi ji yi)
[Se with your heart im not just a memory]
(Yao wo jie ai sui ran da bu gai)
[Wanting me to accpet the pain even though she cant]
(Ru guo kan bu kai)
[If I cant get over it]
(Wo zhe me huo guo qu ai)
[How am I to continue living? Love]

(Mu nai yi de xin zai shao)
[The mummy's heart is burning]
(Zin zhi ta li man dao lao)
[Within the pyramid till age]
(Ye xu wo zhi ji tai zai yi bei pao qi)
[Maybe I just cant accpet being rejected]
(Wu fa ren shou hei an de chen mo gu ji)
[Unable to accpet the darkness of lonliness]
(Mu nai yi de xin zai tiao)
[The mummy's heart is beating]
(Bao zhe xi wang man man ao)
[Wrapped, hope slowly building]
(Wo ku qi zhui hou de yi fen li cheng xia qu)
[Ill hold on with my lsat bit of strength]
(Xiang xin zhen ai jiu zai wo xing lai de xin shi ji)
[And believe real love will awaken in a new age]

Repeat all

(Mu nai yi de xin zai shao)
[The mummy's heart is burning]
(Zin zhi ta li man dao lao)
[Within the pyramid till age]
(Ye xu wo zhi ji tai zai yi bei pao qi)
[Maybe I just cant accpet being rejected]
(Wu fa ren shou hei an de chen mo gu ji)
[Unable to accpet the darkness of lonliness]
(Mu nai yi de xin zai tiao)
[The mummy's heart is beating]
(Bao zhe xi wang man man ao)
[Wrapped, hope slowly building]
(Wo ku qi zhui hou de yi fen li cheng xia qu)
[Ill hold on with my lsat bit of strength]
(Xiang xin zhen ai jiu zai wo xing lai de xin shi ji)
[And believe real love will awaken in a new age]

Mu nai yi, by JJ Lin Jun Jie, this song's is being used as the opening theme for the current 9pm drama series on channel 8, of course with different lyrics. Not bad, but not smashing either (the song).

Borrowed WC3 off Jun Ming, but it does not work, nevermind I never really planned to work it anyway. Made Made Dane... Forgot to check what that means, But Ryoma likes to say that alot :D Today I want to talk about people who litter. So, by littering SOME people think they do not own or use the floor and only "lesser" beings walk the streets. Hello, sorry to burst ya bubble but if you litter, you spoil your own environment you jerk!

Corrective Work Order is great because many singaporeans like their "face" more than thier "money" so between being fined and doing CWP or both, it would be in everyone's best interests to not litter. Singapore is a garden city, but it is also trash can paradise. Everwhere you go, there is bound to be a place for trash nearby so why not just use it?? Maybe they are just too stupid or (the most common excuse) lazy to go find a dustbin to deposit their trash.

Listening to "Aurora" a relatively new song, pretty good :) The MV is also fabulous, it gets 4/5 from me :D Oh I keep forgetting to blog about my day yesterday :) I'll do that tomorrow maybe :P Till then, take care ciao.

Quote of e Post:
The nigger they come, the harder they fall

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