Thursday, May 26, 2005

More disappointment

Blogger swallowed the post I wrote halfway last night. Nevermind, lets start anew, that is what is great about life, as long as you live you can always start anew. Got English results yesterday, 21/30 another A2 and another miss on my list. I was trying for an A1... at this rate... gone I tell you, gone.

O level written exam in 3 days. Im "enjoying" my little countdown. Mother Tongue intensive is useful (i hope) but draining. Always so tired, feel like sleeping, and it rains to frequently now-a-days its no surprise I think I'm falling sick. Or is it stress from the on coming exam? Can't be, its been... like about a year since I last had this small pattern of falling ill during examination period. Symptoms usually inclue a slight fever, a neverending runny nose, sore throat and coughing. I pray I do not fall ill in this crucial period.

Currently rushing Chem workbook (already overdue by 2 days) out, so while I try to figure out how to finish it and still cover the other ton *points left* of work in my "inbox" *looks at file* so ya... Very busy these days. Recieved our "holiday" homework lists and extra lesson schedule. Add that together and you can kiss the word 'holiday' behind the word 'June' goodbye. Jia You, it is only another 6 more months till the end of this academic year and the end of my life in PCSS.

Kewl, our class shirt is so expensive! Its going to cost us at least $20 EACH. Yup you heard (Ok for the critics, read) right, AT LEAST $20 EACH... and if we want our names on it it is an extra $8++ that is absolutely crazy! I know its not really worth it, but this is my last year and despite my negative affection towards the school and my class, I still find it necessary to belong. Isn't it wierd, the more people try to get away, the harder they fall when they realise the truth in the end. No one can survive without others, humans were made that way.

Looking back on the things Ive done, just one year ago the problems of today felt so far away. Just one year ago we could afford to be happy. Just one year ago we could smile without guilt. Just one year ago I would have traded the world to take my Os there and then. Just one year ago I was a fool to think I could beat the system. Just one year ago. People say, dont look back at the past, it will do no good. But I say, only by looking at your footsteps can you plan your path.

Thats enough here, I guess I just need material to write about :) If I find some I'll be back later on, till then... ja ne!

Quote of e Post:
Those with power should be willing to risk it for those who don't

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