Saturday, May 28, 2005

Moon Volley

Yawn... One more day to Mt O level, ok ok I really shouldn't keep harping on it :) Blogging about Thursday. Went to Kbox with Csa, his sis and Jin Rong after school. *psst* secret... we can't sing XD Kept straining our voices until it hurt. And stuff that place is so expensive... two square bowls (about 10cm by 10cm in a sloping in fashion with a depth of about 8cm \_/) of assorted nuts costs 10 dollars. WoW Anyway, it was fun, don't mind going back again :D of course I have only one complaint, the selection of english songs is FAR from satisfactory :)

RR resumes today! Im happy for at least that much, but Im not sure if I can go for JTC because of school... What a what a irritating snag. How am I going to spend this one month holiday? Lets see... go back to school, cram, be online, go back to school, cram, be online... you get the picture. Wait! That sounds familiar! Of course! It's what i DO WHEN IM NOT ON HOLIDAY!

*Beware - start of whiny rant*

I know im in sec4 I know its my O year but still the entire June is taken, Im so "What in the world?!" the school and the ministry can't afford to cut us any slack but at least not like this... so we go back to school for the first 2 weeks, then we have enough hwk to last us 3 weeks... t_t ain't it ridiculous. And to watch everyone else get their holiday and enjoying it throughly (for most part that is) is so... *gck* Now I involuntarily give a slight cough when somone mentions "June Holiday"... pfft... what holiday?

*End of whiny rant*

Some people enjoy using the term "Shallow" but what does it really mean? If somone is shallow are they artificial? not thinking things throughly? putting up a false front? And so people don't like that, no matter. Then when somone is described as "Deep" they get the mental image of the thinking man (you know that statue thing? with it's chin on their hand like thinking) and label these "chim" or whatever. Everyone feels differently, labels suck because they are so "colorful" people tend to notice these "labels" from far even before they get to know the person. The destructive power of words.

I think Ive written this before but I want to give a slap to all those angsty dark teens out in the world who think that life is sad and cut themselves and all that rubbish. Oh yea, im sure hurting yourself will make the world a better place. Im sure your deathj and isolation will make the world a happier place too. Im sure you can solve world problems by ranting and being cranky to everyone you meet. If you want to die so much then just die! But oh of course, you dont dare to... Silly bunch of deluded idiots.

Enough, im not spending my glorious Saturday morning lazing before this tiny screen ciao!

Quote of e post:
You still have more to learn!

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