Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Breathe In

Im going to change my skin but before that a short post while I look for a suitable skin. Mother Tongue intensive continues, im screwed. There is just so much to do. On one hand I cant wait for this one week to pass, and yet on the other I dont ever want these times to end. MT O paper on the 30th of May is the sign of the beginning of the end. After that date, online will be non-existant. Life will be GCSE for the GCSE O levels. God Cram Sleep Eat. lol... How do i do such things? I have really outdone myself *gets run over by mob* ok.. drop that.

Almost gotten all our Common test results back (Got social studies in the ava room today, many are after my blood now) save for D&T and english... which oddly was our FIRST paper. Not very good, I dont think I did better than the previous round of common tests... but lets list it out first then compare. (If i remember my old scores)

Chinese (Full Paper): 62/100 - Im happy, what can I say? :) [B4 - hit]
Maths: 21/40 - poor... really poor [C6 - Miss]
Science: 71/100 - Alright.. just an A2.. i was looking for a one T_T [A2 - Miss]
>Chemistry: 28/50 - Disappointing
>Physics: 43/50 - This one is just insane, million thanks to Derrick :)
Humanities: 81/100 - I got my A1 :D [A1 - Hit]
>Geography: 31/40 - No complaints here
>Social Studies: 21/25 - Im happy to say I crammed a little for this one
PoA: 27/40 - Nothing to say, I didnt study for "disposal" [B3 - Miss]

So far, many MANY misses. PoA aim A1 missed by two grades, I didnt study for disposal, my bad. For Science aimed for A1, missed by one grade because of chemistry (I thought I did well... who knew my actual score). Maths... this one really is a miss, a wide miss. I actually gave E.maths a aim of A2 (A1 would be pushing it a little) but to miss by 5 grades is too far, need to buck up.

SO SAD! If this does not match up to my previous Common Tests I will be murdered!! And not to mention I will let down a whole bunch of people, my parents, my teachers, the zone, Ps Rachel and many others but im not giving names for space and time's sake. Im sick of letting people down.

Recently (i think 2 weeks back) in Cell they asked "If you could be one thing what would you be?" I replied after some thought, "the northern lights" because they are beautiful, rare and PEOPLE LOOK UP TO THEM. Yup, isn't we always wish what we aren't? That's what wishes are a waste of time, a way to give you false hope. that why people like to say "I wish / I hope" rather than "I can/I am/I will" weak WEAK WEAK!!

Ending here, lost my track of though *pfft* More intensive tomorrow, Hope the school has fire insurance.

Quote of e Post:
The world is this unfair, live with it. [Or so they say...]

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