Sunday, May 22, 2005

Yong bu Bian

Hey, I know I missed my post, big deal. =P I think I wil be missing many posts from now on haha, ok jk *looks at mob waiting to run over* Lets start with Friday. Concert in school in the morning till about 10:30am then can go home because of celebration day, first time ever in my school!! That is so cool, I have gained a new level of respect for my school.

Then went to Shan An's house to watch FMA. Oh my, im hooked, the problem? Only after watching the last 5 episodes! T.T Nvm, Im reading the manga now, meaning Im currently pursuing Prince of Tennis, One Piece AND FMA. Not exactly the easiest job in the world but oh well :P Stayed on till evening then went for Cell. Interesting really :) More food for thought.. any more and my head will burst.

Today I want to talk about Equivalent Trade. Ok, the basis of the law of Equivalent Trade is that to gain anything, you need to in exchange offer something of equal value. On the surface it seems very logical. To get good grades, you put in effort to study and you give up time which you could have used to play or whatever else you do in your free time. To buy something you need to pay its equal value in money. To make ice, you need water to freeze, then will you get your final product. Ok enough crapping. But if it is such an absolute law, then the reverse MUST apply! If you sacrifice something, you will gain something of equal value in return. Now think it through, that isn't right is it?

Many people gain without sacrificing and even more sacrifice so much and gain nothing. Well, as an argument, you will always gain experience and memories, such things are priceless, and therefore are more than worth the "trade" but have you been in such a situation? If so you will undoubtedly find it unfair. Since the reverse does not apply, equivalent trade is not absolute. What does this mean? Think it through a little and you will discover that it could spell getting results without working hard, earning without giving and a whole bunch of other totally realistic but illogical situtations we see daily in our world today.

Go think about it and tell me what you think. The simpel thing we have been thought since young, work hard and you will get results. You do good you get good. You do evil you get retribution. You reap what you sow, and now we are seeing you slack and you reap, harvests more abundant than those who slogged their days away sowing and preparing. Makes me sick.

Enough about that now. Saturday was totally wasted. Oh well, Sunday, full combined service and we got a funny named preacher reccomended by mr Hinn but he's Australian and powerful. Went on a shpping spree! ok not me.. I was DRAGGED on a shopping spree by my parents.. I would have much preferred to stay and ... ah.. nevermind you dont need to know :)

Stopping here, hope you enjoy your vesak day holiday tomorrow! Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
You can take him out of the figh,t bout you cant take the fight out of him!

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