Thursday, April 28, 2005

Waa! Im late!

Argh! 12:10am on the 29th... Im late for my once in two day post haha. No big *shrugs* tada! Nothing going on for once, ok not really nothing haha, got our common test time schedules plus our Mother Tongue prelim timings today! Need to hand the acknowledgement slip in by tomorrow which I obviously cant and wont (the time now ie like 12am+?) I loathe tests and exams. Yup thats good ol lazy me :D

Arg!! There was a briefing of some sort today for all PI hopefuls... it was supposed to be at 1:15 but in the announcement I heard it as 1:50 which until AFTER 1:50 realised coulding be as the upper sec would be having lessons at 1:50 T_T So i missed the first official meeting / briefing... that totally shakes...

These two at my new seat was not all that bad but still not as good fo working at as my old seat T_T I have made up my mind to move back ASAP. I dont care! New things to add to my list of wants... URGENTLY, a calculator (scientific with all those nice nifty functions too), a new pad of ledger paper and a new slab of D&T paper.

The clock is tickign and time is running out Os are just round the corner!! Past two days have been going to GE in the evenings/night for Book of Amos class :) Kind of fun, Ps Benny Ho (Maybe Shu En at the TLBC has seen him?) Great guy, simple teachings, powerful impact. yup hahaz but only Me and ilys from HG2 was there.. but no matter tomorrow the whole cell is going together ^_^ Last day, the best is yet to come!

Might be going for MT oral tomorrow, we have a choice of two days tomorrow or next tuesday.. hm... let me think this over for abit :P thats all for now, ciao!

Quote of e Post:
Give me your best shot, All I know is that... I cant lose!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

So Take a Look at me Now...

Heyz... Im IRRITATED. Last year for chinese week, the school held a Chinese Singing Competition, so this year (I should have seen it coming and kept my mouth shut) they are holding... Peicai Idol! And I've been "nominated" to "volunteer" to join by my "beloved" class T_T Haiz, nvm... uess I'll just take it as a kind of exposure? Last year anyway... why not have some fun? :)

How "sweet" I got my seating position changed into the middle of a bunch of irritating, noisy peeps. Trial lasts a week, if that guy does not make noise, I WILL. Grr... I hate that area! Napfa 5 items today, for once in 3 years, I passed my Standing Broad Jump wahaha!! But I still failed my pull-ups and 2.4km run so I still fail over all >=P Grr... Hope I dont need to retake.. waste time and evergy...

Im living this week for the long weekend. Wahaha, 3 day weekend, can't wait! PoA test today, I guess I did well enough haha, vectors test back, JUST passed at 19/38... majorly stings because I was full of (ok, quite) confidence/confident. T_T Chem quiz too.. 0/5... a big FAT ZERO... Cos I didnt know what chapter the quiz was on but still... T_T

I feel so relieved... this part will be encoded, good luck!
19896253 429 8996 213464 26 1852849 249 142282466 8923996 21 (69 869 491... 9662 6859 69 5991 482464 26 219 491 6869... 4 9995 26361243) 49 2441 4691 66 42 3455 6653 898669 1959 99121282429 869 9912163 249 26423 8923996 249 8955. 426 8996 1183464... 869 6689 4 592 42 46, 469 6899 4461959 16 1985... 5812 64442, 5 183 491 665469. 9296 246244 42 381 491 659 8886262, 4 4829 63 181661 961 89464 1219 42'1 491. 429 8996 268568599! 68389 149'1 9995464 424523 8988219 69 3482 4 1849 2482 3995 88622 491 662 89464 665469 961 666241. 663 46 662 815464 961 266 6284. 4 5212 3862 244641 26 46 8885 26 661685. 3496 39 86259 855 5212 89 26492491 81 39 3919 899619, 46 249 1869 8955. 3424622 8538196911, 3424622 9981. 41 2482 266 6284 26 815 961?

Haha! It's all in numbers, tip? Hp keypad and the numbers on your keyboard, go figure. Even if you figure it out, no one will be so free to work it all out into a proper message... I feel so happy to get it off my chest, yet at the same time safe that no one knows what im saying. :)

"There's nothing my God cannot do" even help me pass my standing broad jump? Of cos! On ym first try i only pulled a 190, far below my passing standard of 206. So when I was standing at the end of the mat, I whispered a quick prayer... and closed my eyes, blocking out the sight and sounds around me until i felt the thud of me landing on the mat jar my entire body. They say it's their encouragement, my strength or good luck. But i know, it's my Lord.

I need to do some SERIOUS preparation for this Thursday's auditions... Hmm... song? check, timing? Could do with some work, -1 file? check, Confidence? Depends :D, readiness? low... and all time low! Haha ok things are not as bad as they seem, but I cant be as bad as William Hung rite? Or the Silent Whisper? Or Bananaman? Or Lemon Tree, or (horror of horrors) *shudder* the stripper guy! Hope my voice holds thats all, the competition looks really tough T_T

Just sent an e-mail to Ms Kodi, hopes she gets it and replys. (And does not correct whatever mistakes I left on the way (: ) IT will make life alot easier. Hmmm... I think that's all I have to blog about, logging off now, cya!

Quote of e Post:
When will my refletion show, who I am inside?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

One cut Two cut Three cut

Heyz, AGM today... not that I went =P Instead stayed in Mac with Derrick, Kendrick, Reuben, Dilys and Jean to study physics, except for Reuben and Kendrick who were "doing" (So called... or actualy wasting time) chinese haiz... 35 days or so... Get it over and done with, a c^ at very least, at best C5 or B4 (is that pushing it a little?) Physics, check! Improvement? Surely! Thank you Derrick-sensei!

Haha, Dilys will laugh at the slightest provocation, really... even if you dont do anything, just look at her, she will also be capable of laughinhg at a constant acceleration until she reaches a constant rate at which the laughing interferes with breathing then her rate of laughing will deccelerate to rest until the next thing to spark off her laughing fit again (Which is usually, anything at all)

Hmmm... counting my blog's regular readers, and there isnt even 10... even after including myself! Haz... but I guess thats what I wanted right? A little sometihng where I could write whatever I liked without fearing anything... too bad, blogs are public T_T Im thinking of a new skin... But first, a theme ^_^

Oh my! I was supposed to go for the last NCC training on Friday! AND I DIDNT!! I went to AMk with Ming Xiang T_T Oliver is so going to rant my head off! And I was supposed to sign up for 2.4 retest tomorrow morning, but I forgot to... did Mr Lee sign up for the class? I dont know! Argh... everything just comes back the moment monday comes round T_T Panic PAnic PANic PANIc PANIC!!

Since I was in AMK on friday I bought PoT book 1! Im going to collect PoT from now on haha, problem is not everywhere sells the whole set from 1 because it is kind of old... -_- It's going to be a LONG walk :) But it's nicceeee wahaha No Regrets! *Oh yea... i owe ming xiang 6 bux T_T and RS another 20 T_T)

Yikes! 7:30 now... since when did it become so dark! Hold on ah... *goes and ons the lights around the house* there! Much better! Where was I? Oh yea! Anyway, after Sandra turned up at Mac (She didnt go for AGM (: ) everyone else began to leave leaving me, Derrick and Sandra... did one more chapter before we decided to go home. But that was like 4:40pm? AGM not over yet! Nvm, go home first haha... Have soem things to cover.

I think I had better get down to business now otherwise my head will roll, cya round!

Quote of E Post:
(Ahhh!! I left this here since 8 T_T its like 9 now!)
War is not about who's RIGHT, but who's LEFT
(A repeat... i jux love this quote)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Physics today was ... fun? The session, not the lesson though haha, Quite a sizeable number, me, Dilys, Uriah, Kenneth, Matthew and Norman. But only Dilys takes pure science so we were ait lost around vectors (in physics) and pressure. because Sub-Physics dont have. I think my physics cannot liao T_T First three chapters only so much problem... especially speed, velocity and acceleration... those graphs just passed me by. Sumimasen Derrick-sensei!! I just cant grasp it!! Physics is like certain kinds of maths... I can know enough to go on, but not understand fully.

AGM tomorrow... so Derrick is teaching Jean (Who is dancing tomorrow by the way, good luck) maths, and Dilys may be taggin along... hmm maybe I could go and ask for more help on physics... i need it rather badly. X_X But first, lets finish up that worksheet T_T Oh my.. that means tonight.. when it took like 3 hours to do 3 pages! T_T

How stupid. If ░ isnt even avoiding me, why should I avoid er? Its only me who is unable to get on and make a problem out of it. Even though there is still a standard of strangeness, im getting the worst of it. Why do I give er theis power over me? Why am I the only person running? I shouldnt be, it wont improve situations, and only put me on a spot when I am unable to run. Be gone, why should I bind myself down, I have no reason to.

another song today, this time thanks to Acz for sending me this song, enjoy! (Yea, im trying to listen to chinese songs to improve me chinese somewhat) chi xin jue dui, by liang sheng jie (Sam lee), enjoy.

林圣杰 <<痴心绝对>>
(Lin Sheng Jie - Chi Xin Jue Dui)
[Sam Lee - Utter Infatuation]

(Xiang yong yi bei Latte ba ni guan zui)
[Tried to fuddle you with a latte]
(Hao rang ni nen duo ai wo yi dian)
[To make you love me just abit more]
(An lian de zhi wei)
[The feeling of secretly being in love]
(Ni bu dong ze zong gan jue)
[You just dont understand]
(Zhao you ren pei zai ni yong yuan bu hui)
[Someone with someone by their side just cant]

(Kan dao ni he ta zai wo mian qian)
[To see both of you before me together]
(Zhen ming wo de ai zhi shi yu mei)
[Proves my love is merely foolishness]
(Ni bu dong wo de na xie ciao cui)
[You wont understand that kind of weakness]
(Shi ni yong yuan bu chen guo de ti hui)
[Its something you wont ever experience]

(Wei ni chu na zhong shang xin ni yong yuan bu laio jie]
(That kind of sadness will never be understood by you]
(Wo you he ku mian qiang zhi ji ai shang ni de yi qie)
[Why should I force myself to love everything about you]
(Ni yuu xiong xiong bi tui wo de fang bei)
[Yet you still constantly spurn my advances]
(Jing Jing guan shang men lai mo shu wo de lei)
[Tightly closing the door manupilating my tears]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Kan dao ni he ta zai wo mian qian)
[To see both of you before me together]
(Zhen ming wo de ai zhi shi yu mei)
[Proves my love is merely foolishness]
(Ni bu dong wo de na xie ciao cui)
[You wont understand that kind of weakness]
(Shi ni yong yuan bu chen guo de ti hui)
[Its something you wont ever experience]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Chan Jing wo yi wei wo zhi ji hui hou hui)
[I thought I would regret the past]
(Bu xiang ai de tai duo chi xin jue dui)
[Dont want to think about my utter infatuation]
(Wei ni liu di yi di lei)
[Cry the first tear for you]
(Wei ni zuo ren he gai bian)
[To make any change for you]
(Ye zhao bu hui ni dui wo de jian jue)
[But it still wont change your view of me]

(Wei ni chu na zhong shang xin ni yong yuan bu laio jie]
(That kind of sadness will never be understood by you]
(Wo you he ku mian qiang zhi ji ai shang ni de yi qie)
[Why should I force myself to love everything about you]
(Ni yuu xiong xiong bi tui wo de fang bei)
[Yet you still constantly spurn my advances]
(Jing Jing guan shang men lai mo shu wo de lei)
[Tightly closing the door manupilating my tears]

(Ming zhi dao rang ni li kai ta de shi jie bu ke nen hui)
[Even knowing that it will do no good even if you break up]
(Wo hai sha sha den dao qi ji chu xian de na yi tian)
[I will still wait stupidly for a miracle someday]
(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

(Zhi dao yi tian ni hui fa xian)
[Until the day you discover]
(Zhen zen ai ni de ren dou zhi shou zhe shang bei)
[The person who truly loves you has given up to pain and suffering]

Touching isnt it? Ha, maybe some people have the emotional range of a teaspoon, then I feel sad for you. Maybe i'll go for lessons tomorrow... Otherwise I really wouldnt know what to do with my 2+ (dunno how long AGM is) hours as AGM goes on... I'll be dead bored if I dont find something to do, so why not study? Its good anyway

Im off for now, drained.. i cant look at this blogger screen anymore...

Quote of e post:
All or Nothing? Then I'd take nothing at all...


Just came back from P&W Unlimited! So cool and fun too! We should have that more often... Level Up! Today, broke a new barrier, kneeling/bowing down. Before I just couldnt bring myself to, I could lay down my problems, but I couldnt drop my pride and get down on my knees. I was given a clear direct instruction (I could feel it so strongly, even my legs were going weak) when I asked "What's left Lord? What am I not doing right?" I struggled, I tried as the people all around just went down, I struggled and fought, my pride tugging strongly, asking, is there another way? Not until Aaron went up to talk about bowing down, and what was it for, I fell on my knees, face down, palms on the ground, a sense of relief flowed over me and the same very hot feeling I felt in the room during CC'04 came again and covered my head, spreading slowly. A warmth in my chest where my heart was. After standing up, I knew something chagned, I could gladly sing the parting song "EVerything's Changed" with conviction and I jumped my life's worth and clapped my hands best shouting and praising. My feet are sore, my sandel's sloes are cracked and my palms are red but Im happy, happy that I have gone closer.

I know, ░ still haves me. It cant be helped, but no need to make it so obvious. Holding on is fruitless, letting go is painful. Giving up is not letting go, I wont pull, but I'll hold on. Im not sure if ░ reads (quite sure e does not.. but you never know) but whatever, I just feel like leaving it be.

Studying Physics tomorrow, abit late though, since my phyics test is already over for now. Just had maths test today, Vectors, I Was so confident and went in stong to be defeated and come out broken. Argh, Im going to fail that one... Only one motnhan done week to chinese O lvel written examinations... how troublesome, life should be relaxed and easy-going, "whatever will be, will be" so relax and take life with a pinch of salt.

I just lost me target other reasons for writing T_T... and im tired so imloggin off now ciao

Quote of the Post:
Life is always touch and go, but ceware, one touch may leave you stuck for a long time...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

You Got Game?

Heyz, today was so wierd haha, somethings just went so right, others, so wrong. But overall, nothing was bad. funny? Indeed. First, I didnt know there was a physics test today and even though the teacher left the fomulae on the board, i didnt see it and got my formulas wrong... I think im going to fail T_T Hahaz, even if i did know the formulae were on the board, I wouldnt have used it. That like totally defeats the purpose of the test and makes it a "sub the corresponding number into the slot and find the answer" kind of event. What kind of teaching is that? Worksheets too... not giving us time to do and giving out answers, is this the way to learn?

Haha, Im stuck over "Future" and "You Got Game?" which are the Prince of Tennis first opening and ending respectively. The beat for "future" is engaging and lights a strange fire to go do something and not just sit still, I can close my eyes and imagine myself running, pespiration flwoing, slightly panting. ^_^ as for "You Got Game?" as the title implies, it is a rather invoking song that also spurs the feel of a challenge. Feeling kind of fired haha, those two have been on repeat for the past hour or so and it's done so much :P

Im trying to look for the other Prince of Tennis songs after this.. on there are 228 songs listed. Because of the image songs for each character, school and team. Not to mention the various albums realsed for each main character (I think) But im only after the 6 openings and the 7 endings. YES, there are 6 openings SIX and SEVEN ending songs spanning who knows how many episodes which just finished recently in Japan. A "Smashing" series (sorry couldnt help the pun) even though it wont make a tennis fan out of me.

Yes yes, me and my big mouth. Remember last year the school held a "chinese singing competition" as part of it's "Chinese Week" or something (I think) Well, I was saying that why not have an english version for english week? Well Bah.. It came true, the school is holding a Peicai Idol competition (argh) And now word got around it was MY idea... oh hello? After the Chinese Singing Competition you should have seen this coming! Just hope Im not forced to take part... yikes X_X but if I am asked to.. i dun mind *in thought... imagines lights, cameras, action, fame, fortune and tons of adoring fans* But this is PCSS... T_T and I aint all that good ^_^U

Im trying to do something with my HP but it does not seem to be working.. T_T Oh well, relax, let nature take it's course :D Yea, Im really slack wahaha thats how I am. I am to log off at 10pm latest today... so I wont be sticking around, and no comic today either even though I have an idea but no time :( Well, i better be going, ciao

Quote of the Post:
The Only Thing Certain In Life Is Death

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tofu :P

Wahaha, I failed my 2.4km! I think you all already know that... 35 seconds.. then I'll have to re-run again next week.. T_T Woot! Got back that maths test I told you all about yesterday, I passed wahaha. But did some stupid mistakes that could have been avoided heehee. Now looking for Tong Hua MV, i have played the song for exactly 130 times now, and it has been memorised ^_^ Today during recess, someone was playing it on the piano in the foyer... he's good but that fella vanished before I could go see.

For today, many thanks to Bling-chan for this song, quite old but still nice although it promotes a rather unhelathy habit somewhat haha. Here's Chuang Wai (Outside the Window) by "Who Knows Who" (Meaning, I dont know who sang it) as per usual, with pin yin and translations by me. Lyrics thanks to Boxup Media, all credit goes to them.

Note: This is a Duet song so 男 means the guy and 女 is the girl. Parts without these are together. Certain parts overlap those 2 lines will have a (overlap) at the end. This will be a tad messy gomen

(Chuang Wai)
[Outside the Window]

男:点了支不想抽的烟 Ya~
思念像烟圈飘散在窗边 oh~
(Dian le gen bu xiang chou de yan)
[Lighted a cigratte I didnt want to smoke]
(Shi nian xiang yan chuan pian shan zai chuang bian)
[Reminiscing while seeing the smoke float to the window pane]
女:泡了杯没糖的咖啡 我擦的香水 oh~
(Pao le bei mei tang de ka fei, wo ca de xiang shui)
[Made a cup of coffee I didnt want to drink, the perfume Ive applied]
(Hui Bu hui piao dao ni mian qian)
[Will the fragance reach you]
男:外面下的雨 捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(wai mian xia de yu zua mo bu ding)
[The rain outside, cannot be caught]
女:天空上的云 彷佛像你的心情捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(Tian kong shang de yun, fang fu xiang ni de xin qin zua mo bu ding)
(The clouds in the sky, just like your feelings, cant be caught(understood)]
男:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
女:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
(hui xiang ni ban gui lian de biao qin, nan yi wang ji)
[It is so difficult to forget that face of yours]

男:爱离窗外越来越远 下着大雨那一夜 (overlap)
你哭红双眼 (overlap)
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, xia zhe da yu na yu ye)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, the night it rained]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
女:是我太顾虑尊严 虽然 我哭红双眼 (overlap)
(shi wo tai gu lu zhuan yan sui ran wo ku hong shuang yan)
[I was too proud, even though I did cry my eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现我无力挽回 oh~
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I just realised I dont have the strength to turn back]
女:是我太顾虑尊严 虽然 我哭红双眼 (Overlap)
(shi wo tai gu lu zhuan yan sui ran wo ku hong shuang yan)
[I was too proud, even though I did cry my eyes sore]
男:爱离窗外越来越远 下着大雨那一夜 (overlap)
你哭红双眼 (Overlap)
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, xia zhe da yu na yu ye)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, the night it rained]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现我无力挽回 oh~
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I just realised I dont have the strength to turn back]

男:点了只不想抽的烟 Ya~
十年像烟圈飘散在窗边 oh~
(Dian le zhi bu xiang chou de yan)
[Lighted a cigratte I didnt want to smoke]
(Shi nian xiang yan chuan pian shan zai chuang bian)
[Ten years just like the smoke floating to the window pane]
女:泡了杯没糖的咖啡 我擦的香水 oh~
(Pao le bei mei tang de ka fei, wo ca de xiang shui)
[Made a cup of coffee I didnt want to drink, the perfume Ive applied]
(Hui Bu hui piao dao ni mian qian)
[Will the fragance reach you]
男:外面下的雨 捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(wai mian xia de yu zua mo bu ding)
[The rain outside, cannot be caught]
女:天空上的云 彷佛像你的心情捉摸不定 (Overlap)
(Tian kong shang de yun, fang fu xiang ni de xin qin zua mo bu ding)
(The clouds in the sky, just like your feelings, cant be caught(understood)]
男:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
女:回想你扮鬼脸的表情 难以忘记 oh~ (overlap)
(hui xiang ni ban gui lian de biao qin, nan yi wang ji)
[It is so difficult to forget that face of yours]

女:爱离窗外越来越远 已过了多久时间
(Ai li chuang wai yue lai yue yuan, yi guo le duo shao xi jian)
[Love is getting further and further from the window, how long has it been]
(Ni ku hong shuang yan)
[You cried your eyes sore]
男:爱以被画上等线 你哭红双眼
(Ai yi bei hua shang den xian, ni ku hong le shuang yan)
[//I dont understand this part//, you still cried your eyes sore]
都是我不对/你没有不对 我才发现这早已经是从前
(Dou shi wo bu dui, wo chai fa xian wo wi li huan hui)
[It's all my fault/its not your fault, I have realised, this already is the past]

(Repeat above parts a few times, ...lost count)

(Wo xiang la xia chuang lian)
[I want to lower the curtains]
(Wo xiang bi shang shuang yan)
[I want to close my eyes]
合:只是我 不想看到窗外过去的情节
(Zhi si wo, bu xiang kan dao chuang wai guo qu and gan jie)
[Its just that I dont want to see the feelings outside the window]

(dou shi wo bu dui)
[It's all my fault]
(Ni mei you bu dui)
[It's not your fault]
(Repeat till fade)

I warned you it's going to be really messy :P Hope you get it, its kind of hard to translate, if anyone can help me fill in the blank there Feel free, I need all the help i can get ^_^

Not a fabulous song, but kind of catchy I give it a 3/5 haha, I have pretty low/high standards? I just drew a new comic, hope you enjoy it! ^_^ Check it out HERE but I assure you, its not goign to be a daily thing, I only do so when I feel a surge of inspiration ^_^ Once again feel free to comment and contribute ideas, e-mail me at

Not much to say today... looking forward to Friday's P&W night! Yea! But no cell... then enxt week is the Book of Amos classes ^_^ Ah, and I think Ive failed in my "quest" to give up anime/manga. I guess I wont give up, just devote less time to it, thats all. Wahahaz, But until I get "official confirmation" Im not letting go YET. Bleach! Rox, I want to rant about it somewhere but most places will mark it as huge Mega spoilers (up to the latest release, chapter 170) If u want to know just ask... I can blow HOURS telling all about it...

Quote of the Post:
You are feeling tired because you are running from the heat, Me? Im having a great time Fighting it! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Additional Post

Hey Hey! Sorry for the double post but.. Tada! My first web-comic is completed! Take a look HERE and give me your comments ^_^ No real names were used to protect their privacy but from now on most strips (If i decide to actually continue) will be totally fiction based. So why dont you hop now and take a look? Please tag / e-mail etc to give me your comments! ^_^

All images are (c) Johann Faust 2005, please ask for permission should you want (I have no idea why) to take them. No direct linking either (Even though it isnt my bandwidth or hosting space ^_^) Thank You and Enjoy!

No Title

Heyz, Im going to drop my once in two days thing just for today. Ran my class's 2.4km for NAPFA today. Lousy timing la, 14:15, passing time was 13:40 ... Failed by 35 seconds... But At least I finished. That much Im happy, makes me wonder if I put in enough effort? Just another 35 seconds, where could I have cut that from? Also, passing 2.4 I still have pull-ups and Standing Broad Jump to clear... Will I ever pass my NAPFA??

Test today, maths... I think im going to do relatively well , many thanks XY! ^_^ Got a nice mark for english summary test. Now doing Physics for tomorrow... it never ends does it? The pile of work keep going up.. up .. up ...up be back in abit.. contiune after im done...

-back- (Didnt do it YET)

Million thanks to Shan An for sending my the song "Tong Hua" heard so much about it and there was no way to know why until Ive heard it on my own. I confer to it a new record, "Highest Track time for any song per time owned in my possesion." I recived it on Sunday night or early Monday morning, it hasnt even been 48 hours and it has been played 71 times exactly. And I still have yet to memorise it. Really a touching song, heard the MV is even better... lyrics are up with (pin yin) and [translations] done by your's truly, credit goes to lowyat's forums for the chinese wording, enjoy.

光良 -《童话》
(Guang Liang - Tong Hua)
[Artiste Name] - [Childhood Tale/Fairytale]

(wang le you duo jiu)
[I have forgotten how long]
(zai mei ting dao ni)
[it has been since I've heard]
(dui wo suo ni jui ai de gu shi)
[you tell me your favourite story]
(wo xiang le hen jiu)
[Ive been thinking awhile]
(wo kai shi huang le)
[Im going mad just wondering]
(Shi bu shi we you zuo cuo le she me)
[Did I do something wrong again]

(Ni ku zhe dui wo suo)
[You told me while crying]
(Tong hua li dou shi pian ren de)
[Fairytales are just a bunch of lies]
(Wo bu ke neng shi ne de wang zhi)
[I cannot be your prince]
(ye xu ni bu hui dong)
[Maybe, you dont know]
(chong ni suo ai wo zhi hou)
[Ever since you said You love me]
(Wo de tian kong xin xin dou liang le)
[The stars in my sky seem much brighter]

(Wo yan bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I dont mind becoming that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Ni ku zhe dui wo suo)
[You told me while crying]
(Tong hua li dou shi pian ren de)
[Fairytales are just a bunch of lies]
(Wo bu ke neng shi ne de wang zhi)
[I cannot be your prince]
(ye xu ni bu hui dong)
[Maybe, you dont know]
(chong ni suo ai wo zhi hou)
[Ever since you said You love me]
(Wo de tian kong xin xin dou liang le)
[The stars in my sky seem much brighter]

(Wo yan bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I dont mind becoming that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Wo yao bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I want to become that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(Wo hui bian chen tong hua li ni ai de nei ge tian shi)
[I will become that angel you love in those fairytales]
(zhang kai shuang shou bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni)
[Spread both my hands and turn them into wings to protect you]
你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里
(Ni yao xiang xin xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li)
[You must believe we will be just like in those fairytales]
(Xin fu he kwai le shi jie ju)
[Have a happy and prosperous ending]

(yi qi xie wo men de jie ju)
[And write our ending together]

But really, you wont understand until you hear it on your own. It's just so... I cant explain. Makes me just feel like palying it over and over again until the words are etched in my mind. If you want the mp3, you can find me on msn, I'll be more than happy to send it to you. Now to look for that MV -_-U

It's getting late... ive been on this for like 2 hours... and I feel like drawing web-comics :P maybe ill make some regular on my blog ^_^ till then cya!

Quote of the Post:
If we fail, try and try again! ^^

Monday, April 18, 2005

Today was an awesome day. Im going to cut the crap and go straight to the poitn, Im tired and I still have things to do so here goes.

Like I said, today was an awesome day. Although a little on the heavy side. Today in prayer meeting, the main focus was on letting it go, the past, your guilt, and just going deeper with God. In Service today, the call was for us to be stronger, and release the things holding us back, again guilt and the past. Then in EDWJ, talk about atonement, redemption from the past. One of the greatest hindrances to spiritual growth is a haunting sense of past failure and guilt. I guess.. that's me.

So, of failures and guilt I can think of many but for things to let go of... when I closed my eyes during prayer meeting, I dont know if it was due to my late night or whatever but I just saw Yoh. Now, does that mean I am to give up/let go of my manga/anime fandom? I must admit it is quite a hindrance and takes up alot of my time. But yet it is so hard to put down, my so called "area of expertise" to the world. And DM too, games and all. Even now, once i log on my first few moves after logging on the net is to head for the Forums and NF to look for new chapters etc. I guess, No, I KNOW it has become a obssession, an addiction. So how am I to get rid of it?

For one, im trying not to visit anymore, maybe delete em from my favourites list when I can. Next, *sigh* all my manga, I really cant throw it away... maybe bind it up and hide it somewhere along with my other stuff. That's alot of books. I dont know if it is enough and Im not sure how long I will last like that. Im serious here, i know a ton of you are thinking im kidding. Next im deleting all anime in my com, they take up too much space anyway. Then to clean up the music... There's lots ot be done.

After service, we wanted to go for RS's Grandma's wake but Daryl, Alfred and Calev had 3+9 and that left me, Dilys and Jean to wait it out for an hour, eat then go down. But my shirt was kind of in-appropriate (Light green) giving me the perfect excuse to slip off. Things would be easier that way, for everyone. I know \/\/43/\/ 1m /\/+ \/\/4\n+3> ... It's obvious. Things are bad, and getting worse. The call for a unified church to do great things, this division... is it my fault? I cant rectify it, can I? The clock is ticking, time is running out, no two ways about it, thi is the ultimum. This HAS TO STOP, I dont care how, but the requirements must be that everyone be at ease and no one is sacrificed. A great environment for teamwork, a world without akwardness, without selfishness. For that, this cant exist in that world, "YOU" have to disappear, forever.

The wake was quite crowded, mostly familiar faces, hat gave as much assurance as it could. But nothing can break down a cold wall. Nothing, on one side, solid ice, thick and continually built up. On the other a small metal spade, slowly scooping uselessly, becoming colder and colder as it tries in vain to scrape away the wall of ice. One cant get though the wall unless the ice is melted, before the spade freezes over and the digger gives up, then the ice wall will fossilize and stand for all enternity, most likely untouched. That would be the beginning of the death of tomorrow, like hell im going to let that happen!

Frustration - at my uselessness, lack of insight, lack of good judgement, tendency to mess up unknowingly. For Weakness - I want to be strong, at first to be worthy, now, to show what I can be without you. I dont need you, I'll become great, greater than you ever were and ever will be. I dont know how, but I will make you regret I WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE TWISTED IN REGRET AND GUILT. That's how I feel, but I wont do that, no, What good will that do? Only hurt more people. "No battle is worth the blood it costs" no victory is worth the sacrifices made to achieve it. And in this case, in excess.

One leg in the water and one leg on the bank, under tons of rocks. First remove the rocks, then step in. Or try and smash the rocks, which will break into many smaller pebbles which are easier to handle, but numerous. Because, Im not strong enough to lift that rock off my leg to allow me to step in....

Quote of the Post:
kNOw God, kNOw Peace

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Knew it all along...

Im pissed, even though I shouldnt be. I knew it all along, I even expected it. But one shouldnt be so careless as to give the game away. I guess... you... are not so perfect after all. But then again, I should be over this so no matter, I can turn a blind eye again, I can always turn away...

NCC today was fun ^_^ I love sailing, Ive found it all over again. Few things beat the wind blowign through your hair in your face as you look out in the distance. The sky was clear (at Singapore anyway.. over the ocean malaysia must have been having quite a storm.. tons of lightning.. pretty ^_^) and so was the sea. To me, I like it when a person looking out in the distance, their hair blowing in the wind, they'll look awesome, beautiful. When will I ever get to see that sight? Probably never

I thought I forgot how to sail, until you touch the boat again all those memories come flooding back like the ocean it is kind of overwhelming. Brings tears to one's eyes even. The memories that will stay memories, never to materialise again. I wish I had taken some pictures... but of cos since we went from school, no such device was available at that time. Come next friday, after a small gathering I will be passed out from Peicai NCC(SEA) officially. To let us focus on our studies.

I havent been studying recently, to be honest, REALLY honest. I have let myself and everyone down. Isnt my will enough? My determination has failed me, I cant do this alone. IS there anyone whom I can study with regularly that wont waver and help keep both of us focused? I really need help now in general just to concentrate, once I an do that the rest should be fine. Do I sound really down today? Maybe because it is 2am, im tired, suffering from a n irritating cough that hurts and my eyes are starting to kill me. I'll end here, I have to or I will be a corpse by tomorrow and we cant have that can we? ^_^

Quote of the post:
I dont know what Im fighting for or why I have to dream...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Reality Check?

Harlow! Not having too great a day today, aching a little from the course (Guess thats what happens when people age XD) Upon returning home from school today I found a letter for me, now that is VERY rare for me to get any mail, especially so by post. It was a letter from Mindef. Let me type out the fateful contents.

Ministry of Defence

Dear Registrant,


You have reached 16.5 years old (Yes,i think i know that) and therefore are liable for National Service under the Enlistment Act Chapter 93. (Who cares... who knows)

The purpose of this leaflet is to provide you with some information about National Service. (Thanks!!) We hope that the information could help (Im sure it WONT only MIGHT...) you prepare yourself better for full-time National Service.

If you have any queries, you may contact us at MINDEF eServices Centre at 1800-####### for assistance. (Im SURE I'll call...)

Thank You (Same to you.. are you done?)

Your's Faithfully (I have never heard from you before this..)

Central Manpower Base

The biggest reality check since who knows when. My one year has finally caught up with me. NS.. woah... I cant comprehend what this means to me. ME, off to NS, the way I am now, I wont last a week. All I have are horrible images and bits of this and that. No real idea what goes on in there even after hearing so much. I just know that this rust-bucket *points to spare tyre* wont be getting a kick out of going in for 2 and a half years of nation building ^^

Time is running out, 45 days or so left, I'm really going to become a permanent zombie mode for the next few weeeks at least. Yesterday was so.. Argh! I accidentally deleted EVERY song in my Zen MIcro, that is like 2.6 GB worth! about 280+ songs... had to find all from all over my comp and re-upload them in addition to re-placing them in thier respective playlists.. worse still I was already used to my previous arrangement T_T and I cant remember how all 280+ songs were placed so .. ARGH!! Damn PISSED!!

Tests tomorrow, Chinese and Geography... this time im going to TRY And study for chinese... however futile it may seem, I need better quality passes! Had english summary test today, I am not satisfied with myself - I need to be better! Have you heard about the story of the Carrots, Eggs and Coffee Beans? Put all these in pots of boiling water for 15 minutes (Beans as powder of course) and what happens?

The carrots turn from hard to soft, the eggs go hard inside while the coffee powder has vanished, but has turned to water into aromatic coffee. What does this tell us? Problems in life are like the boiling water, it's hot and unbearable sometimes. Are you like the carrots? You go in strong and hard but come out soft and defeated, you lose hope and give up. Are you like the Eggs? You start out soft inside, your heart is sensitive and caring but you end up hard hearted and selfish. You hate everything and become very cold. Or are you like the coffee powder? The hot water has not changed the powder, the powder has changed the water and made it better then it ever was! Which are you like? Be like the Coffee Beans! (Credit for the above paragraph goes to "who knows who" who sent Ms Kodi that powerpoint presentation)

NAPFA is coming up, and the letter has only made me more determined to try my best to pass. It is easy to think about that but when you are out there at the stadium or in the field or at the court, your physical limits your mental, no matter how you think, there is only so much you can do. Unless - you train. There is no short-cut, that much I know, same for everything. So im going to run, jump and pull with all my strength. I dont care If i fall alseep in class that whole day or if I have to be sent home or something. At least, being there crumpled in an exhausted heap knowing you;ve done your best, is better than thinking you have already failedand not trying , just doing for the sake of doing and getting away.

Should have made the switch to Ares long ago. Kazza is dead, Limewire is unreliable, just go with the flow, Ares is the way to go ^_^. Ive been having a persistant cough this past few days, it isnt painful or anything, just irritating, it wont stop and is kind of loud and embarassing. Plus it is going to kill my throat, and I cant sing =P Feeling very itred all the time, and it isnt just the late nights, there is more to this... im sure... but what, that I dont know.

Im lost for words / things to say logging off here buaiz

Quote of e Post:
Love is in Danger, it's gonna Die.
Love is in Danger, got to survive.
Love is in Danger, got ta keep our love alive, alive Forever...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Two days! School resumed for the week, cycle again T_T They are cutting the breaks on Tuesday morning because there are no "Results" so those in the Aerobic course will only get the morning off on Thursday.. only to suffer in the course after school T_T How nice.. thank you mr Ng...

Finally got my books 6 to 21 backs from Beng Lee yesterday, should Norman ask for them now at least I have an answe ^_^ But the last 11 books are still currently on loan to somone who rode off with them from Serangoon ti J8 in a bike under the pouring rain. I just hope my books come back in one peice... and not as waterlogged reams of blackened paper.

YOU LAUGH AT ME BECAUSE I AM DIFFERENT, I LAUGH AT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME. Never has this been so true, so I am different, I dont share you interests, I dont know your thoughts and ways, But I do know what you do isn't right. At least not to me. Strength in numbers? Or just so weak that a whole bunch of people are required to hassle one guy? Friendly and always cracking jokes? Or purposly laughing at others to shift the focus away from yourself? You know best.

Reading about Paula and her post-concert post made me think about my own CCa. Last NCC training for me this coming Friday, after this week and another "graduation/passing out" week, I will officially conclude my 5 years as part of PCSS NCC(Sea) unit, holding the rank of 2nd Sgt, which I myself believe I do deserve up till the point after Ive earned it. There 5 years, ok, not really 5 years because I was missing for almost the whole of 2003 and the first half of 2004. But I miss my batch, the original 21 pioneer NCC cadets in Peicai starting 2001.

Me, Wei Xin, Edwin Neo, Gabriel, Nicholas, Edmund, Sanjog, Daniel, Marcus, John, Edwin Tan, Yen Leong, Joey, Alfred, Alvic, Aldric, Jun Rong, Shawn, Gibson, Kiat Kai, Genevieve and Sophia. Thats all 21 of us, (or 20, after Sanjog left) surprising I still remember all expecially when I cant even recall all the people who spent a year with me in class 3I everyday in 2003. Even though, the time we had was short, they left before me, did greater things and dared to do more. The experiences we shared, the Sailing lessons, spec course, weekly training, camps everything... Literally sweat and blood and everything else. Of all these, only 7 of us are left, Me, Marcus, Daniel, Genevieve and Sharwn, with Alfred and Nicholas going on to become CLTs (Jun Rong is still in school but is no longer part of NCC) looking at all of us now, we all have changed so much from when we joined in 2001, not knowing what lay ahead, the tough times and the fun. PT in the rain, marching till our legs ached for days, shouting ourselves hoarse, standing like statues under the scorching sun in our No.3, life firing and the stimulated range.

I still remember how much I complained, and loathed training and the "suffering" but now, I wish I could turn back time, go back and live through it all again. We were the poineers, we built everything up from scratch. Mr Tan was hard on us, so we could be good enough to lay a strong foundation, from Recruit, to Private, to Lance Corporal to Corporal, then onto spec course, to become Specialists and Sergeants. With people under us, we learnt responsiblity and leadership. The more I talk about this the more memories surface... I guess... there are some things that are always there, that I have not lost all my memories of the past... The pride you feel standing in the parade square as part of the line up, or getting a badge you earned, I wouldnt trade the world to give them up.

Feeling tons of things at once now. Happiness, Bitterness, Regret, Disappointment, Relief, Blessed and alot more just thinking about this. So much so I forgot the content for the rest of my entry ^^ First, a sonG~!

NCC Song

We are the members of the NCC,
Loyal and upright we will be.
Like those who have gone before us,
We stand with pride for all to see.

We are ready!
We are ready!
To be the best that we can be!
Over the land, on the sea and in the air,
We are the NCC!

We are the members of the NCC,
Serving everyone with humility.
With strength and courage in our hearts,
Pressing on to Victory.

[Chorus] x2
This song... feels so... (forgot the word) brings back more memories... I'll end here before I become MORE emotional... to think it was all over this stupid thing I used to devote every saturday morning trying to excape from....

Quote of the Post:
To serve with Pride and Dedication ~ NCC Motto

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Ripped this off Janice Fan's blog, I found it really meaningful so Im posting it here ^_^

To realise the value of a sister/brother, ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realise the value of ten years, ask a newly discovered couple.
To realise the value of four years, ask a graduate.
To realise the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realise the value of nine mths, ask a mum who gave birth to a stillborn.
To realise the value of one mth, ask a mum who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realise the value of one week, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realise the value of one hr, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realise the value of one min, ask a person who has missed the plane, train or bus.
To realise the value of one sec, ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realise the value of one milisecond, ask the person who has won a silver medal in the olympics.

Time waits for no one, so treasure every moment you have.

Oh yes, good luck to all school's with units taking part in the SYF. Peicai dance has already pulled a Bronze, now awaiting the Band ^_^ Jia You!! And also to all the other schools, good luck and Jia You also!!

Ps. Janice's blog is linked under my links section, go check it out, love her skin ^_^

Cracking Your Heart

So sorry I have not been blogging for so long!!! Ive been really busy lately *takes a look at the counter* 49 days ... -_- This is really not helping me. Friday was normal, not a bad day actually ^^ But no cell that day, spent the night preparing for Camp on Saturday~!! HAha, yupz RR ERB/ARB had a one day camp. Simple camp, the rules? Pack light, cos we are going hiking ^_^

Woke up bright and early Saturday morning and went to PGA to meet everyone. Then off to Who knows where for a 10km hike ending in Macritchie Res. Park T_T We took like from 11am to 5pm to finish the entire thing, but im used to walking so -no kick~ ^_^ Being Senior Guide is not all fun, taking control of a bunch of kids really is mentally straining. Plenty of trash but thanks to my two Patrol Guides it was a breeze (Thanks Shawn and Joshua Peh, ust go easy on the walkie talkies ok? ^_^) Cooking outdoors was fun except for the insects, not that they bothered me ^_^ Many new legends were born on that day which will go down in RR #01 history like that Mount Ophir trip all those years ago...

That night we also cooked our own dinner and slept in tents, But before sleeping and washign up, we had "campfire" so lame lorz!! IT was just a bunch of tea candles together but it did look pretty ^_^ Really pretty in the dim lighting of the chapel (Now i think about it, why didnt anyone raise any concerns about putting so many lighted candles in a enclosed air-conditioned environment??) I was in charge of worship... wah!! So Malu... ARB!!! Why all never sing!! T_T Nvm! The ERG all support me! Thankyew Dilys-chan and co~!! =P And many thanks to my musicians Shawn and Joshua Peh again... I wish i knew how to play the guitar. Theme for the camp was Discipline and Peseverance (obviously to suit the 10km hike)

Argh the commanders get to sleep in our room in air conditioned comfort while we were stuck in tents in the field.. nevermind hahaz, according to them, I will be joining them next year, so I should enjoy my time as a "boy" while I still can, and I am ^_^ That night obviously those monkeys with their inexhaustable energy sources went on playing till late, but I? I guess im Old haha, went off to sleep the moment I could :P I wanted to go train that night, go to the roof see stars and slack but the commanders eating supper there... nvm laz (I think im becoming like Asakura Yoh O.O NOT a good thing)

Sunday, service today esp. the P&W section was all cool, Prayer meeting in the morning was spot on. For all "Sunday" christians whose hearts have hardened over the years, let God break/melt your heart once more. YES, it will hurt, it will hurt ALOT to break your heart and start moulding afresh but the end result is more enjoyable and is worth looking forward to. A christian should be a christian everyday, and behave like a christian EVERYDAY all the time, even if you get no recognition for it or when no one is looking and you think no one knows, but God knows. That is discipline.

Todays speaker was from Teen Challenge, its been a long time since Ive seen that logo, and it brings back many unpleasent memories, countless flag days. TC exists to help youths who end up in big trouble and keep them ou of prison. Cos once youre in you have a record but those who go through TC and graduate, there is no record. So TC is desperately trying to help youths who have gone astray, through the redeeming power of God to change and help them, and keep them out of prison, giving them a fresh shot at life with no strings attached.

Majority of homework now done, just left with D&T again, im going to redo all my existing ideas, really REDO according to Rodger's method, I really find that more professional ^^ and looks tons cooler too but takes twice as much work.

Paul-kun, thnxx for tagging and the song hahaz, it's really nice, has sort of grown on me now that Ive heard it a few times, quite cute too ^_^ And for everyone who's tagged, thank you! alright, song of the moment, many thanks to Sylvia for this song ^_^ I think Im going place one song per week or something ^_^ and maybe throw in a photo

At the Beginning - Various Artists

We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you

No one told me
I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a riverI wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming
How our dreams would come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a riverI wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart

Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a riverI wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there
When the world stops turning
I'll be there
When the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep going on....
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I wanna going
Love is river I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you.

Sometimes the road of life looks so tough, and we wonder, how will we ever make it through? Who can I draw my strength from? I remember one year ago Ms Chan gave us this phrase in chinese, and I remember placing it here before, it reads,
But you know what after all these time, I have tried, relying on yourself will only help for a while until you burn out and just feel like crumbling and no one more can help you, only God can, I know by now most of you would have already closed this page because of my previous talk about God and all above but please if you made it so far, just carry on. Really, today I was so tired because I didnt get much sleep last night, on the way back I feel asleep on the bus and overshot my stop by ALOT, i was taking 70 and alighted at Yio Chu Kang, ALMOST at the interchange, just about 3 more stops. Crossing the road and to take a bus back I glanced at my watch. I was really out of time, my plans to go home early were almost all trashed. So as I waited I got this feelign that I could try praying for a bus. So I prayed, at the bus stop quietly, eyes closed. At first I just prayed for the bus to come quickly, then I remembered, "The possible, you do, then let God do the impossible" and during service someone said that "If His people get their hearts right with God and pray, things will happen." Thinking of Dily's testimony (Read her 2nd latest blog entry as of this post) tried it out, feeling suddenly bold, I asked that the bus appear right now then reconsidering, I changed it to within one minute. Hearing the sound of a bus i opened my eyes to find it was not a 70, just a 86, just after it left a mere 15 seconds later, 70 came!! It was just behind!! This cannot be a coincidence and we should not rob God of a chance to glorify Him so yea! Thank God for delivering me my bus! ^_^ (And there were many empty seats on it too!)

I did not feel anything but my dear friend informed me that another quake had struck Indonesia again just about one and a hlaf hour ago, she felt it at her home in Serangoon. I'm really thinking now. All these are no doubt signs, especially in Asia, where idol worship is rampant and whole countries can be of one religion. This is a message and a sign, clean up your act, Jesus is coming back soon. I have never felt so convicted and sure of this fact. So sure it isnt funny anymore, time is running short, while youre aliev, make things right before the end.

To end off, Id like to wish Paula good luck on her concert tomorrow at the Esplanade! RJC band will be performing, tickets avaliable from Sistic from the cheapest of $11 to who know where, I cannot go support because I didnt buy tickes and I dont have the money but I wil be here at home giving you MORAL support and I will be praying for you! Thats all G'bye for now, I need to go do my D&T or I wil be in hot soup tomorrow, ciao.

Quote of the Post:
Do not say what you cannot do. ~Thanks Issac

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Unicode-8 on!

(If you can see what Im typing later on, rememebr to change your page encoding to Unicode-8)

Its like 12+ am now, but I just cant get to sleep thinking about life and everything related. In another 52 days will be the Chinese O level exam, whether i can do well or even pass is another issue. And after that for one month of June it will be practical time for my D&T project. Then for the lsat 4 months running from July to October will be a tiem of heavy revision and practice with neverending tests and mock exams. Also in this period is the preliminary examinations which determines if I am going to be a slob for the early part of 2006 or back to school with a new environment for a totally fresh start once again.

And lets just say I make it, i wil be 18, after two years (hopefully) when I leave, the country will call on me and I will lose anther 2 and a half years of my life, after which I will be around 23. Carry on? I Cant stop here as I will have no future to speak of, the only way is up, lets give it another 3 years or so, 27.

Only then will I go out and experience the world. 27. 10 years down the road, if everything goes smoothly according to plan. I have yet to do a scrap of work, fresh out of schooling and surely much wiser than I am now. What will the future hold? I dont know, who in the world does for sure?

Someone sent me this song, If im not wrong I think it is Kim Tian, (Thnxx) It's chinese so i dont know how it ended up in my zen micro but I just have one paragraph stuck. Chinese love song of sorts again haha. Songs can really change your mood and make you thin about things. So Ive been thinking...


Anyone can find me the artiste who sang this song? It's a guy. Thats all i know, and the title is (duhz) -> "爱我别走"

Why do weapons exist? Humans are the only creatures to plot and scheme so detailedly agaisnt each other. Weapons are made and meant for killing they say. But why can weapons be used to bring about about a age where weapons are not necessary? Even if it is naturally inborn for humans to fight, fighting it seems fighting gives people a sense of fufilment. I will strive to live till the day weapons are no longer necessary, EVEN to enforce the peace because there is no reason to shatter it. That is the ideal world I want to build and be part of. Idealistic? Impossible? Maybe, maybe not.

I have made my stand before that I wont comment on world issues and such here on my blog so dont expect to see anything about Terri or the newest earthquake or any other kind of news unless some war breaks out. Especially if it involves the middle east / Israel for that is the sign.. of the beginning of the end of tomorrow.

This morning, i thought I was going to die. My heart was pounding insanely loud and my head was bursting with pain. I could hear / feel my heartbeat throughout my body as my vision blurred a little, my breathing in gasps, breaths going in but no air touching my lungs through my parched lips / throat and a sharp pain pierced my heart. Real pain, like a stab, I had to steady myself before carrying on to walk to the carpark. How scary... I thought I was going to collapse and die until my breathing began to go back to normal but the headache lasted the entire day. NOT a happy experience.

Thats all up to here it is like 1 am and I have school tomorrow, till we meet again... ciao

Quote of the Post:
In my heart of hearts
I know I could never love again
Ive lost everything, everything
Everything that matters to me, matters in this world...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

New Update

Updates post, nothing long. Added a countdown timer until the Chinese O-level written examination. Nifty but it only adds to the stress and problem as I wonder how am I ever going to make it. Im certain our chinese teacher is out to do us in. No one is perfectly healthly one day and so sick she cant even turn up the next. Plus, she will only be in on the days we have no lessons with her... how convinient. And no ensure this is no coincidence, this has been going on for almost three weeks now. Is this her revenge? Is this her way of jinchuu? (Earthly Justice)

Then we will have no choice but to work on our own. If I do well I will ensure she recieves MY form of jinchuu... my Earthly Justice. Or I will just leave her to "enjoy" her tenchu (Heavenly Justice) which I cannot mete out... Bah, so to go in a big round, I am powerless.

Just an update post... nothing much here hahaha!!!

Quote of the Post:
"Now it's my turn! I'll steal the one most precious to you! I'll thrust you into a living hell!"

Monday, April 04, 2005

Melodies of Life

Melodies of life... What will I do without my trusty suply of music? ^_^ A million thanks to Mervin for sending me "Who am I" -excellent song ^_^

7:50pm on Minday night... today was hectic like REALLY messed up. Since I slept at an insane tiem of 4am last night, I was SO ZOMBIE today!! Stoned and almost dead in D&T (5 periods... argh) and I feel asleep in ENGLISH!! That is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE, a FIRST for me in fact... Ms Kodi was shocked, but the rains -Oh yes I MUST Mention the rains, I LOVE IT!! Really cooling all day ^_^ (Back to school) Fell asleep during assembly but aiyaz, that was expected heehee.

Money money money, too little -> is a big problem, too much -> causes big problems. At least I have only A big problem.. yup no money. I still have an outstanding $20 in current liabilities in the form of a loan from my creditor RS and another Long Term Liablity of another loan of about $180 being paid in daily installments. My working capital is SCREWED haha, talking PoA here heehee. Oh yesh! I heard that I ALMOST got full marks for the most recent PoA test on Final A/c + Current A/c + Partnership missed by ONE mark for some figure error.. but Im sure I got everything perfect!! *Grrr... I wont lose to you JM!*

Oh yesh! Camp this Saturday (exciteD excitED exciTED excITED exCITED eXCITED EXCITED!!) Cant wait hahaz, but one week is a LONG way to go... better focus on life at the present moment eh? 4 more days to go... but 4 days isn't that far away (Hmm...)

I think our chinese teacher is really trying to do us in. Being missing from classes half the time and giving us excercises to do without marking / going through them. Today she even assigned an excercise for a unit we have yet to learn!! Oh yes... we have not covered syllabus yet and it is the 4th of April, O level chinese is on the 30th of March, about 55 days left.. not alot if you see it this way eh? S-T-R-E-S-S!!!!

Death and Enternity, these two concepts cannot be explained by anyone. Just try to imagine enternity and you will realsie how small and finite we humans are. So don ask me to explain, I dont have all the answers, you can find whatever proof you want vut I wont be shaken. Im stubborn as a mule :P but you can try if you want... Im logging off here, short post for a short day ^_^

Quote of the Post:
Destroy. Evil. Instantly.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Living in the 90s!

Good day ^_^ But still have mountains og homework to do. Im going to get railed at / murdered / bashed for this. There is no way I can finish it all even if I dont sleep tonight. Really, because this was meant to be spread over 3 days... or in the case of D&T ONE WEEK but no... thje greatest procrastinator Johann Faust HAD to leave it to the Eleventh Hour T_T My bad.. my BIG BAd

Wont be blogging much today, as I am also doing my work. Wahahaz, School is releasing us from out CCA bond at the end of April (About time too... O levels are in end May!) Back to the problem with O levels... I am serious about the speculation that I MAY fail Chinese VERY VERY badly! Considering that after lookingat a sample paper and seeing the answer sheet I realised I couldnt READ the Answer sheet so much so I cant really copy T_T Thats a meassure of how poor I am haha

You go back and forth, again and again but everytime you resolve to do it, you return to the old ways and nothing changes. You say you are sick of livign that life, you say you are serious, you make a public declaration and still you fall. Even though He will never grow weary of picking you up why cant you keep up on your on and stop falling?! Arent you tired of this? Im sure you are... so why cant we ever break out of this? We are going to try again this week.. and not return again next week the same, lets ensure this week is different k? This is a promise!

Speed... in modern times speed has replaced efficiency and quality in recognising good pupils. So even a good answer = well thought through is pushed aside in comparison to the fastest answer with the general meaning to pop up. But speed and quality have to go together no? Im not so sure about that anymore... is it possible to be fast without risking quality? Lets try shall we?

Enough time wasted... Im finished for now, see you people round later! Thanks for Taggin ^^

Quote of the Post:
Every Action has a Reaction... -Here's Mine!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Wheat Based Biscuit

Friday night! 2 minutes to Saturday morning, but no choice, must stay up and do homewoek heehee Today was speech day so school endeed super early, at like 11am!! How nice :P Esp on a Friday, all the better to slack with. But with the amount of homework outstanding... It wont be a slacky weekend *Sigh* Eng, then Math TYS, Math Test, Physics and D&T off the top of my head, and that should just be the tip of the iceberg.

So a new series of stories are out... cant imagine such a silly little thing beginning on the bus could grow so big in a matter of 3 months. but I guess that's life, they are rather compatible now that I think of it. Quite cute too ^_^ But its best to keep a safe distance in these things... but really, those two. Not hard to imagine, all these secretive stuff is making me terribly sick.

"There are two kinds of fights in this world, Fight fot pride and fight for life. This is a fight for pride, if you go and help him now you may save his life, but he will lose his pride, should that happen he might as well go and Die, so leave him be. This is his fight." These words plus a few recent events have got me thinking about fighting, and a reason to fight if the need arises. Fights need not be limited to the physical. Fighting against time, against the will of others, against expectations, against the pressures of the world. What kind of fight would these be? Noth I say, if you come out tops you would have retained your pride and ensured your survival.

Falling alseep at the keyboard X_X Cell was fun :P But wah... the pile of homework suddenly seems so high that I shall never see the blue sky again. Fullscap before me is blank, the only markings are my name, class and date. Maybe tomorrow morning when I am not half dead I will do.. but for D&T I dont know when I'll get down to it.. I only have one more day left T_T

Old Habit die hard, or they dont die at all.. is it too late now?

How to define cute? If everytime someone says they think someone is "cute" you cant assume that they has a weak spot for the other. If that were so, life would be so scandalous. Sure, I think many people are cute but that does not mean I like them or anything. They are just cute, pleasant on the eyes, adorable... what else do you want to use? Hmm.. are girls allowed to use cute as liberally as they like while guys are watched closely everytime they let that word "slip"? How... unbalanced. So I still say equality in everyway for all. In EVERYTHING.

Someone said, not being able to have 100% solid memories is such a sad thing. I have not returned even once to my primary school ever since I last stepped out with that fateful PSLE result slip in my hand. And I am not planning ever to, same for my seondary school. Why? Because these paces hold no memories worth remembering. The pain overwrites the sweetness easily, the superficial happiness and achievements are all lost in the sands of time. I cant be bothered to sift through all that again to bruise my hands just to re-discover them, it just aint worth it. A person with no past i harder to track anyway.

Strong and weak... where is the line? In this world, the strong survive, the weak die out -and become nourishment for the strong to grow stronger still. True? I dont know, for what is truly meant by strength or weakness? I have yet to fully grasp that concept. But I only know I want/need to be stronger/strong. Is the world really as merciless as it sounds? Only time will tell, experience is the most painful, yet also the most effective teacher.

Blogging a bunch of baloney now. It may be trash to you but it seems to make sense to the twisted mind warped by the world it was forced to fit into. My blog = my posts = my entries = how I feel, not what you readers want to see.

Quote of e Post:
You cannot cut water or the wind, it only flows and keeps flowing till it finds a way to reach you