Thursday, March 03, 2005

Update Post!!

Tada! A record!! From Feb 13 till today the 3rd of March, 20 days this Genei Ryodan skin existed but im going to shelve it for abit for my new skin tada! A FFVII skin ^_^ Yea, I recently acquired the game and am abit stuck on it... but i will still put studies under more piority. Ooh I love that game *scratches hands* You might have noticed all I did was replace the old pics but hey... Im not really THAT free to redesign a new skin so maybe some other day ^_^

Really happy today!! The novels our school ordered for us are FINALLY in!! And this time it is not some lame thin thing that I can mop up in an hour but proper books! Five people you meet in Heaven - You can see this in the Straits Times bestseller slot, To kill a mockingbird - if you have now even heard that this book exists... go and kill yourself instead, The Dairy of Anne Frank - same comment as above, Another book i forgot what it is... and my book, Rebecca, its like so cool, it was written years ago but I love it. It's about this girl who get married to this rich man has has to face with living up to the the expectaitons of others in terms of behaviour etc esp in comparison to his dead wife (Rebecca) who is ever-present even though long dead. I cant explain it here.. abit deep and dark but its overall pretty cool ^_^ Happy day!

Another reason to be happy! I got my D&T test results back today. Can anyone shout a Number ONE? can anyone pronounce Top the Class? Oh Yea! But I shared my score with that OTHER guy... my enternal rival! (ok just kidding) so far Im losign out because of Chinese standing at Me: 1xA1 1xA2 1xC6 while he has a 1xA1 1xA2 1xB3 beating my by 3 wretched points because Im no good at chinese Grr... no matter... Ill top him in English ^_^ Another reason to rejoice. Because I have passed Chinese, I most likely am going pass all my common tests.. every single one! ^_^ This week sure has been good... or more like the past two days.

And another! Tomorrow NCC going Canoeing! its been like months since Ive touched the Sea... and my skills are ALL rusty. I dont know If im going or not since it is not compulsory for the part Ds (sec4 who are stepping down in April - May) I think I'll go but risk being late for Cellgroup meeting... hmm what to do?

This is just and update post so im not putting more stuff, ill keep you posted when I have e time bye!

PS. Enjoy the midi! the first person who can name that midi and post it on e tag board will win a special prize ^_^ (ok its abit unfair cos only Joel misght stand a chance...) Forget the prize then ^_^ Guess anyway!

Quote of e post:
Success is a value determined by others but Happiness is a value determinde by yourself

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