Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Resolution Revolution

Tired. Thats all Ive got to say right now at like 11:25pm on the 16th of March. Thinking about today is just tiring, lets go back in chronological order shall we? 15th of March Wednesday, Actualyl was going to watch a movie thatr day but I had already watched a movie the previous day (Tuesday) which totally blew my wallet wide open so I scrapped that. ended up spending the day playing Narutimate Heros 2 at CSA'a home.. Im getting better ^_^ Heh..heh..heh

Ended up late for the dinner meeting that night. Its been really long since the old HG2 disbanded... And that 6 months or so I was missing, so much happened. I didn't even know Reuben joined us and all. It makes me sad just thinking about the past. I can never see anything but painful memories when I look back. Sandra, Anthony, Rong Sheng, Jean, Meryl, Laura, Celene - Thats all I can remember. It's been two years, or is it one and a half? I really don't know, time has no meaning to me for I try my best not to rememeber the past. But it's like a shadow that follows me around, and I cant shake my shadow unless I step out of the light....

*Sudden Thought*
If Is death by gun-shot painful? Without being alive to die from the wound, but to die from the impact of the bullet itself. Will it hurt?
*End of Thought*

Rushed off to buy chicken wings after the gathering (I totally forgot till then!) Without prior notification my mom was not ready to do any marinate so I had to do it all on my own :P It was really fun though! I enjoyed that, I really should do it again some time. Not only is it fun, it smells heavenly too ^_^ But it was really REALLY tiring, totally shack when I went to sleep at almost two worrying a ton over today.

Bright and early in school this morning. A big waste of time... those few hours could have gone to much better use. Zone outreach today! At long last. All that stress and planning has finally led to this day. But there was so much to do, with no time. Even when they reached the gate I was a t home and tootalyl not ready. Things that should have already been there only existed on paper in the form of notes and diagrams. But as we moved from programme to programme, slot to slot and event to event things began to clear up, improvisions and substitutions made on the spot. Everything fell into place, rather akwardly and not really smoothly but still together.

Im so glad of the little that I've done. I expected very little, but God gave more than we expected. 13 new-comers. When Cecelia asked, the best expected was 12 to 15 at very best as in if we were like DREAMING. But we had 13, Praise be to the Lord! That exceeded expectations. Kendrick appeared near the end to stress us out but hey, whats done has been done and it was pretty good, so hey, relax a little will ya?

- L33T Warning~!! L33T present after this point.

I really know when I am not wanted. Really, you dont need to make an effort to CONCEAL it. Just say that you want some privacy, no need to give tons of excuses and cook up a reason to send me off on some errand damnnit, Don't treat me as an Idiot. I hate it when people do that, I can see right through you. No need to shift and plan. No need for all that, its more for convinience then to help, i know. I understand enough without you having to rub it in. 1 4@+3 `/o(_) 8e(4\u53 1 1il<3 `/o(_).
J(_lx (o5 1'v3 61\/3/\/ (_)/> l>o35 /\/o+ /\/\3a/\/ 1 n() 1o/\/63r 1il<3 `/o(_l ....

It just isn't fair. Even though it is. One sided, so when you pull out only one side gets ripped. It may leave a temporary mark on the other surface but its only on the surface. Thats all it is, a facade a fake. So cold, so cold - those eyes speak in volumes what your mouth will never depart those lips. Is there is something here to build on, or do we just pick up the pieces after they fall?

This holidays (or whatever you want to call it is passing rally quickly. Just in a blink of an eye, Dad's back, and it is Wednesday night/Thurday morning. Half the week it gone just like that without a trace. Ive been having these weird dreams recently, about me and my friends all being around perculiar places always ending with me being alone and lost. Is any of this for real? Sometimes I think too much. Ignorance is indeed to a certain extent bliss. Id rather not know and live deleuded and happy, then to know the truth and see a picture bigger and more complicated than most.

Im glad Zone outeach is iover, Im gald we survived, Im glad my committee does not hate me, Im glad that we saved a few souls today, Im glad that Im still alive, Im glad that God made a way when there seemed to be no way, Im glad that this whole thing is blowing over, Im glad that im recovering well, Im glad that some things are that simple, Im also glad that some things arent quite that simple, Im glad that I got to meet the old HG2 again, Im glad that it is school holidays, Im glad that I have good friends, Im glad for so many things it would take me forever to finish this paragraph.

Im going off now... sleepy *YWAN* Buaiz

Quote of e Post:
When we are older you'll understand
What i meant when I said "no"
I don't think life is quite that simple

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