Saturday, March 26, 2005

I want you to know who i really am

Heyz, went for service bright and early this morning, but all e HG2 peeps are sitting with their parents, what to do? Met Qian Xiang, and ended up acompanying him until Joel and Dilys decided to turn up, majority of HG2 sat together in the end! Hahaz, but Paula and Jean were uncontactable... I told Anna, she looks good in White :P So does Paula in her new suit. ^_^

After that, went to Warren for lunch.. if not for the compulsory spending there each quarter, I wouldnt even go... But you must agree its a nice place kaes. I want my junior membership card. If not for the distance I dont mind going there regularly just to study or slack, maybe play bowling or take a warm bath.

Went with Shan An to Evangeline's church for performance... wahh.. they still sing hymns. Im in no position to criticize but it was a little... testing. The entire thing was just a big performanmce about the life of Christ but there was no call or move to convert or do anything of the sort. Makes you kind of wonder why they hold such events. Thier church does not believe in Healings, speaking in tounges and such. I had to counter with the Bible... this is going to get outta hand soon *ulp*

I made this up just now... Tounges = Talking Only U n God Everything Sacred. Makes abit of sense hahaz, you could tell im really bored. Now at Shan An's home, staying the night as the performance ended kind of late. Learnt and spilled a few things... God truly is pulling and tugging every string for that guy. I can only pray for the best, there is no credit to claim, all glory is to the Lord, we are all only doing His work.

Outpost outing tomorrow ^_^ Take the day off and R-E-L-A-X we all need to unwind sometimes. Just have fun ya know? Being Senior Guide is kind of fun. Next stop, Bronze Medal (Even though I dont know the requirement... sounds far easier than the Gold Medal of Achievement) hands aching, "played" with a big heavy punching/sand bag just now.

Humans, need/want to see proof and solid evidence before they are convinced and have faith. But isnt faith "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we DO NOT SEE" (Hebrews 11:1 NIV) Faith should come first, then only will we have the chance to see things happen to strengthen our faith. Not the other way around. If you do not believe in the first place how are you to see great things like miracles happening? Human understanding is finite as are our thoughts, God however is infinite and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Still unresolved on the night study issue. Cecelia talked to my parents today but Im not sure what the content consisted of as I was not allowed to listen in -_- how convienient. But whatever the outcome I am convinced that God has a special plan for me to do great things. I cant do much alone but "Greater is He that is in you then He who is in the world." (1st John 4:4) Hmm... but Ive yet to tap into that potential... I want to do great things, but yet the closer I get the further away it seems. Yea, everything always looks clam on the surface.

I have yet to watch a single episode of Bleach! but im loving it already. Thanks to it's OP and ED songs. Asterisk (*) by Orange Range, the same people who brought you Viva Rock the 3rd Naruto ending theme and the ED song, Life is like a Boat, by Rie Fu. Asterisk has no lyrics or translations now but I just like the beat but Life is like a Boat is really nice... absolutely smitten.
Nobody knows who I really am,
I've never felt this empty before.
And if I ever need someone to come along,
Who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong?

We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves will guide you through another day

Just the first two stanzas, the rest is mostly in Japanese so until I find a translation it wont be up, buts all in all it's a great song. Asterisk is a nice song just that it is too fast to follow for most part...

Wah!! 2am now, tired... guess I will do my speeches tomorrow... signing off, sayonara!

Quote of the Post:
I want you to know who I really am,
I never thought I feel this way toward you.
And if you ever need someone to come along,
I will follow you and keep you strong.
[Life is like a Boat - Rie Fu, Bleach 1st ED]

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