Monday, March 14, 2005

Im Downright shocked!

WooH! I have not blogged for a long time! ^_^ Fine shoot me, so it is only two days, but this has been like one of the longest days I have ever lived through. Sunday was just as per usual, went earlier to study and Yes!! I finished my most tedious piece of holiday homework, Math *Punches air and FF victory theme plays* Ahem, ok, so its done, A dozen thanks extended to Joel and Paula for their help ^_^

No CET that day because a SPECIAL speaker came for the adult service and as a result service ended at like 1:45pm. But the power and movement of God was so strong, Henry Hinn, the brother of Benny Hinn the world famous evangelist? Ya!! He was there! With his bodyguard(?) and all. Great man in more ways than one (if you get my meaning) his voice is so POWERFUL! He really rocked the church that day.

Which sadly made the Youth service seem a little anti-climatic. The speaker seems to have modelled his sermon for an adult audience so many people had their socks bored off... but the altar call at the end was powerful. If God came back today, what do you have to account for in your life? All about money and the riches of the world, dont make the mistake of building up riches HERE, build riches up THERE in Heaven. I dont have anything to account for, guess I'd better start filling up my storehouse in heaven ^_^

FIRST HOLIDAY-WEEKDAY!! Sugoi! Spent the WHOLE day out... in the morning went to Wei Xin's house to discuss Project Daes ^_^ Wont tell ya =P played Naruto 2 on his PS2, beat him ONLY with advantage on T_T Im lousy, partly because I rarely get the chance to play and secondly because, my hand-eye co-ordination is naturally flawed (not medically proven but many can testify to it)

Went to PS to watch movie! Argh! Am I the only one who turns out early? Meeting at 12 but reached at like 11:50 but NO ONE there! Dilys and Jean turned up at about 12:05-12:10 and went to PS to "walk abit" while Daryl and Co. toook their own sweet time arriving only at 12:30 Grr... Im not blaming anyone here but...Dilys and JEan made us go LOOK FOR THEM IN PS!! Why? Cos we "made them wait half an hour for nothing" excuse me? Plus the movie starts at like 1:50 and we spent till 1pm finding them, still need to eat etc and the tickets were selling fast why?! Because we WASTED TIME!!

Then somone had "strong objections" to watching A Series of Unforturnate Events (which was what I REALLY wanted to see T_T) so we ended up watching In Good Company. Oh man, I have never rated a movie so badly ever! Before the movie the theatre also made a funny blooper before the show began XD I have never rated a movie so badly... 1/5 thats it. To quote the movie -> Read a book [or in this case watch this movie] because it lets you see the lives of others to compliment your own boring one. so true, but i find the movie more boring than my life :P

LoL after the movie we went to get free food from Pizza Hut hahaz! [ristricted name due to sensitive nature] works at Pizza Hut [Branch name witheld too] and managed to sneak out like one regular Hawaiian pizza, 30 drumlets (O.O), 4 Lagsanas, and two baked rice lol! Had a tidy feast, details are best left to imagination ^_^ How blessed, yet now I feel so darn guilty!

Oh oh oh! YES! I managed to acquire a ticket to the Planet Shakers concert on Saturday night!! I feel so happy *walking on air* hahaz ^_^ Feels great! Got em off Jean-chan, cos her friend cant make it so I can have that ticket. Im broke now but aww what the heck, now all we need is to find Alfred one and the whole HG2 (Save for Paula I think) can go ^_^

Downloading a ton of songs... the amount of spyware inside has jumped tenfold at least, just scanned I had like 105 infections O.O hahaz, not recklessly downloading stuff is the best protection. But, I need to get my music fix :P Hahaz, Happy happy for tickets!! Praise the Lord, he is indeed the Provider ^_^

Stuck and lost (i just lost my point) I think ill end up here, buaiz ^_^

Quote of e Post:
Doesnt make sense not to live for fun

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