Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Once again, I have found myself back at this blogger posting page. Adn I wonder to myself. Why do I keep writing, when no one reads? Today brought back too many memories and I find myself feeling a tinge of sadness as I realise not for the first time that time lost can never be regained. People gone by will never be found. Aiya, going down the sad end again... Piang, why can't I just take things easy even though I take everything lightly??

Oh yea! In addition to the change in Timetable, D&T is now on every MONDAY instead of Thursday ^_^ Meaning I have the week end to rush things, BUT it also means that it iwll add on to my monday blues... CME is the slackiest subject in the entire week. I will forever treasure that one hour per week with no studying, no cramming, no constant exam reminders, no revision, no tests and no stress.

Hmm more crap to think up for D&T, more and more each week. Getting kind of sick of it ya know? Darn, my blog is becomeing a small rant... like some teenagers diary, without the mushy stuff and the vibrant colors that is. Ah yes, I think I want to re-do my layout but I just cant find the time. Im Blogging on Autopilot now kaes, so dont mind if it makes little sense. I lurve my Zen Micro heehee, that blue light is sooooo attractive :P Argh why is it taking so long to charge, kick me for leaving it on the whole night as I slept.. a 12 hours battery life wont live long if i left it running for like 6 hours while I slept, plus it was on since like almost 10:15pm, please quickly charge!

Sparring in class? I really dont know, but if anyone of you want to fight me one thing im sure of is that I wont fight. You can hit me if you want but I will not fight back, meaning, NO I dont want to spar you. Im not that weak to fall for the "Dont Dare" or the "Scared say so" tactic. That isnt weakness, that is strength, strength to be slow to anger and keep calm, strength you do not have. Whats the point of getting yourself beat up? Insane, illogical people.

If that is the way "guys communicate on the deepest level". Then I rather not be a guy. Listening to an unkwon song on someone's blog, ah.. blog hopping brings you places ^_^ I want to find it... *looks about* but what's the title?? Dont know why but this sudden image came to mind, from where I dont know but it looks kind of nice. A mirror, shattered but still in one piece, by a bullet hole in the centre. So it is like cracked and smashed in the middle but not one of the pieces have fallen. Broken glass, clear translucent and clean looking, yet sharp and dangerous. Hmm, told you im on auto-pilot :D

Still undecided on the current Drama in my life. School holds night classes on Friday night, My cell is on Friday night. They clash. I love going to cell, it beats being stuck with my class for another 3 hours of unproductive rubbish like every other day in school. My dad wont sign my form because I put a NO in it. Well, whatever happened to "Putting God first" and "Other things will be added unto you?" When man has no answer, I guess it's time to take the High-Way. Going Up.

I suddenly realise how much I'd miss my cell if I had to change cell group or anything like that, and if I change cell group, I might even have to change zone. No way, this cant be true... Im not changing zone. Cecelia, Paula, Joel, Jean, Dilys, Alfred, Qian Xiang, Daryl, Meryl, Caleb, Joshua, Jovin, Uriah, Ezra, Stephanie, Hannah, Xue Yan, Kendrick and everyone else from Zone 3a (too many... I cant list all plus I dont know some of you really well =x) these are the people I know the best, they have shared many things, memories, experiences and everything. They were with me, through it all, from being on the CC committee, to finding God again after all those years at the camp, to water baptism, to being part of the recent zone outreach committee, and every other thing we've been through together. I want to say, Thank You. *sobs* Real men dont cry dammnit, real men dont cry...

Quote of the Post:
Better by far you should forget and smile than that you remember and be sad.

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