Monday, March 28, 2005

Trying times my friend, Trying times

Recently the biggest hype was all about the release of the positng results. All of a sudden, people all over the island are rushing everywhere to appeal and find any ways and means to stay out of the clutches of shame and misery (so called...) O level resutls this year are far from satisfactory, Im sure you know a few school even had to lower their Cut off Points specially.

After all, what are we studying so hard for? Have you asked yourself. What are you doing in school? Why do you study? Some reply, to get a good job in future and ensure we do not starve to death. Some say, because that is the only way to live a comfortable, or at least fufilling life. But what good is all that in the end? Then again.. what is the end? Due to the sensitive nature of this topic I suggest you sms, call or even e-mail me on this issue kae?

School re-opens after a nice long weekend. So its time for... COMPLAINTS!! The school is forcing everyone to take part in the Australian Science Competition once again, for a cool 7 bux, *Yowch!* I can already feel that hole in my pocket T_T O levels are coming! They are RUNNING!! So soon!! About 2 months, TWO MONTHS!! Oh My... Time... time!! And understanding... a touch of memory wouldnt hurt... I'll need everything I have to pull at least a C5 or something for Chinese.

I can feel the panic slipping in... bit by bit, slowly but surely. Why am I so superficialtoday? Maybe because my mind is on vacation after realising the little amount of time i have left until the big Os. What a horrible time to be away... leaving me... brainless for the moment. What am I blogging about, I really dont know. Easter Sunday just over yesterday, service was awesome and I managed to get Shan An to come along ^_^

Even though nothing has happened, circumstances have changed a little, and we got abit deeper to the root of the problem. I really hope Poh Leng and cell can take it easy, judging from out conversation today, he has yet to make his confession. I cant do anything but watch... and even though I wont say it outright... pray. Not just for this stiuation, but for all the people taking Os and whatever exams, for everyone who has been posted to a new schooling environment, for all the people who are feeling stressed for one reason or another and for everyone who have yet to recieve God, this are the end-times, the signs are becoming more and more evident.

Oh yes, I finally managed to grab a piccy ^^ Enjoy :P

My Zen Micro, the First Proper Picture =P Posted by Hello

Ahh.. this tiny marvel never fails to amaze me ^_^ Im running out of space, how incredible is that? But I did put alot of rubbish inside that I never meant to listen to. HeeHee I absolutely adore eclairs (looks at explanding waistline) But I have to control... Setting up a daily time plan of sorts and sigh... as a last resort, I have to add in... *gasp, shudder* EXCERCISE!! Awww... but its for my own good. Now, just cut the gut and now for the face... Extreme makeover anyone?

Ultimate realisation of the day - I eat too much. Yesh, so lets work towards a simple goal shall we? Bring less money, save the rest, eat less, excercise more. Then I can 1) lose weight 2) and save myself a tidy sum of money to umm.... persue other more worthy interests :) Heehee, dont try... and dont worry its all legit this time.. all clean. Nothing more to add at this point, trying out my new Hello! thing which I just used to slap a picture on this post... so yea. TTyL

Quote of the Post:
Wealth can Melt, Fame can turn to Shame, Pleasure is Unsure, Power is not Forever, but Friends who Remember each other will always Stay Together!

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