Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Ice is Running Thin

D&T deadline tomorrow! And im SO FAR from being done. Looking for pictures of trolleys and whats-not. I need like 4 pages. That is INSANE I tell you, the D&T commitee for O Level should be shot. Hmm, surprisingly, no extra school for most of this one week holidays ^_^ Anyone want to go out or something? I feel like a kick!

Life, passion and drive. What is it really that makes me tick? Today in class i made it a point not to sleep at all so they wont throw paper balls at me, it worked! surprisingly well infact. They were just WAITING for me to go down, but im not gonna! =P Waste your paper man, go on! Im not going to lend you ANY when you run out =P MWahahaz, im evil arent i?

Ive just got this wierd horror idea. Think, your doorbell rings and you open the door to find an envelope. Open it and you get a card and an empty bullet casing. The card reads - Guess where this fella went? Look up and you see a dead guy hanging there. Creepy no? Hahaz, stupid idea.. wonder why I typed it. Sorry for any bad images.

Oh yea! School having parent teacher meeting on Saturday but Im not going! Neither are my parents, they are busy! and Miss Shim says it is only compulsory for those who failed 3 or more subjects, and I didnt! I THINK I passed all, maybe except chinese but yea! Woot

Short post for today, nothing weighing on my mind or anything like that.. logging off!

Quote for e post:
Experience is something you only gain after you really need it.

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