Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Snake Shot

This is copied whole-sale from this *holds up* piece of full-scap paper.

Heyz, Im in e exam hall, it is like 9.03am now. Kesou... I was late for my paper one! Just about a few minutes though. Paper one is still going on now, it began at 8.10am and ends at 9.55am... And I'm done! Wha? Thats alot faster than I expected... Since I have time now, why not blog? (On examination paper :D)

Woke up at 7.45am, my handphone alarm did not ring! Either that or it did but I was in deep sleep. After MT O levels yesterday, almost everything has gone hazy, even the english mock exam going on now feels like part of an extended dream. Anyway, so I rushed, ok so I walked slowly to school thinking since I was already so late, the examinar would NEVER admit me as I hadmisread my watch as 8.45 when I woke up, only when I walked into school at "9.05" did I realise it was only 8.05am! Ran to the hall and got seated although everyone was already seated, but i made it! :D

Paper one quite fun, since I'm bored (And I seriously 100% don't feel like doing anymore on an empty stomach) let me write you the questions. *ahem* Q1) Qualities that an entreprenuer needs [Stealth? Cunning? I dunno] Q2) Write about a moral dillema which you found yourself in and how you resolved it [To write or not to write, that is the question... nah skip] Q3) Give an account of an incident when an unexpected gift caused you much frustration and what you did in the end [Throw it away, hide it, repackage and recycle... :D] Q4)Taking risks [Like blogging when there is still more than 1/2 the time for this paper?] Q5)Youth and beauty have become the currency of our society, buying popularity and opportunity, what are your views? [Honestly? Then thank God for Meritocracy :)]

Boring... people all around scribbling furiously, the sound of this pencil on the paper/table is kind of calming :) 9.15, Miss Kodi just made an announcement, "30 mintues left, you should have started on your section 2, check through your work" Ahh typical. Can't sleep, ok maybe I can if I try but the hall lights are too bright -_-u Lets write Haiku!

Mock exams are pains
I could be home playing games
Isn't it the same?

Haha, calling mock exam a game. Argh, hand muscles aching after all that writing. I think I'll end here, still have paper 2 laterI think I'll continue this later if I have the time (and the strength) ciao ^_^

Haha, I never did continue in the end, spent my free time during paper 2 practicing reversed writing, not bad but not too good either. Many problems with a,s,u,n,e and g. All the curvy ones and those with something special on the side.. need to get used to it ba. Haha! Doing such a stupid thing during exam :) maybe next time I do my paper in reverse writing when Im more fluent and puzzle the examiners to death xD

Blogger obviously DOES NOT support reverse writing and neither does the standard (or should I way all) english keyboards. They call me crazy, I think Im brilliant :) Wa! but after the paper 2 Miss Yap strikes back! It's chem dungeon time. No one leaves or enters the hall without Miss Yap's blessings *ulp* Passport out? Perfectly completed and updated Chemistry workbook. Once a class is finishedd she will release us as a CLASS. No complaints here, Im done already, but we still stayed like for another 1 hour waiting for everyone =_= One for All, All for One.

NO! Class outing but my wallet says NO! This is terrible, also allthose who ordered mechanisms for D&T must pay tomorrow and again my wallet says NO! Along with the fact that I forgot how much mine costs T_T Who can say Im dead tomorrow? (I can) Hmm.. how can I suddenly create a jump in my current assests? Liquidate some of my fixed assests? I have none. Liquidate OTHER current assests... like?! D O O M approaches.

Waha, soon.. very soon, I will begin writing in 36233 27672642 huh? Oh heehee, it is coded anagrams xD (for this one 2=abc 3=def like the phone one and then when u get ur huge jumble of sets of letters, [not that easy] its a anagram! Happy trying or just give up wahaha] haha the Da Vinci Code has re-kindled my love for encodings and such :D expect moe, but if no one tries to solve them there's no point :)

I wonder how long it's going to take Shan An to finish that book T.T it's not mine you know! Hurry up, I finished it in 3 hours at least you can do it in twice the time! And now I have no one to talk about it with T_T

Going off now, ciao! Still have school for a few more weeks, then holiday homework, bz bz bz :) cya round!

Quote of e Post:
Yudan Sezu ni Ikou!

Monday, May 30, 2005

Burning Serve

Ok overiding thought just appeared. NANI?! GX has a new opening theme from ep 34!! Finayy :D Ok now back to the topic. MT O level today! Its has been what? One year? Yea, Im finally feeling a little back on track. I was so NERVOUS I could have died on the stop 20 times over because I forgot to breathe but Im ok :) Paper one was EASY, serious, I never expected it to be THAT easy, everyone clap! *clap* Good, then nor paper two, everyone, solemn face *mmmm* It was horrible, I didnt know how to do the Comprehension because it was all inference. Without the vocabulary to express my thoughts on the paper it was as good as a fail, but only time will tell, still have listening Comprehension and Oral to look forward to. With a hint of luck I just might pull a pass :)

Almost late this morning for the paper, walking out there was still irritating girl. I hate walking behind girls (no offence) Because I walk faster than her, soon the gap just closed up, bah. Big deal, if someone is walking behind you, it's natural to look back, but to "check" every few seconds seriously get on my nerve. So I overtook her, rather rude but what happened next was an ultimum. So I stepped out onto the curb waiting for the man to turn green. A picture speaks a thousand words, so just let me "paint" one... make that two.

this shows us, she's da green dot and Im da blue dot leaving the side road, After overtaking her, I move to the curb, having missed the green man, but that light is still RED. Other side, Green.

She wakls out over the non moving road, takes the next stop and by now the lights have changed, and walks across while Im left stuck for another cycle.

To top it off she had to shoot me a smug grin from across the road before leaving! Grr! Because I had to wait for the next round it was about 8:15 when I entered the school. (Sitting time is 8:30) I hope that gal gets where she is going, late of course :P But she does not look like a O level candidate... it was already 8+ and she seemed in no hurry to get anywhere... Ah, heck! I'm just pissed ive been crossed. >=(

Dad's on a business trip :) I dont know how long but Im going to ENJOY it. More school tomorrow, English Mock Exam, Ha~ Piece of cake, I just hope it ain't rock cake =x

Still enjoying the stuff I re-discovered / discovered on thursday, a few more songs, Gonna post them over a couple of days :) Cute... yet a familiar sense of resentment rises *Sigh* Not now T.T anyway, Im not doing the pin yin and translations anymore, no point really :)



知道我要什么 MY GOD

就是爱 世界变了
你爱我 手牵著我
就是爱 天空晴了
当我抬起头 你在眼前了


知道我要什么 MY GOD
和你一起吹过 连空气味道都变成甜的

# x4
Heehee, sweet :) Ahh, since im now longer doing translations and such might as well post them ALL, ok only a few at one shot

我的世界 变得奇妙更难以言喻
还以为 是从天而降的梦境
直到确定 手的温度来自你心里
这一刻 我终于勇敢说爱你

一开始 我只顾着看你
装做不经意 心却飘过去
还窃喜 你 没发现我 躲在角落
忙着快乐 忙着感动
从彼此陌生到熟 会是我们从没想过
真爱 到现在 不敢期待

要证明自己 曾被你想起 Really
我胡思乱想就从今天起 I wish
像一个陷阱 却从未犹豫 相信
你真的愿意 就请给我惊喜

关于爱情 过去没有异想的结局
那天起 却颠覆了自己逻辑
我的怀疑 所有答案因你而明白
转啊转 就真的遇见 Mr.right

一开始 我只顾着看你
装做不经意 心却飘过去
还窃喜 你 没发现我 躲在角落
忙着快乐 忙着感动
从彼此陌生到熟 会是我们从没想过
真爱 到现在 不敢期待

要证明自己 曾被你想起 Really
我胡思乱想就从今天起 I wish
像一个陷阱 却从未犹豫 相信
你真的愿意 就请给我惊喜

关于爱情 过去没有异想的结局
那天起 却颠覆了自己逻辑
我的怀疑 所有答案因你而明白
转啊转 就真的遇见 Mr.right

我的世界 变得奇妙更难以言喻
还以为 是从天而降的梦境
直到确定 手的温度来自你心里
这一刻 也终于勇敢说爱你
Thats both of them, I remember they weren't exactly recent (a fews years? No idea) No words to express, cute? Misses the mark abit but thats the general feeling :D Mostly for <<就是爱>> should watch the MV, feel like watching it again... So sweet :)

Don't know how to say this, the more I think about the way eclarion behaves the more it seems like nxngyaii. Especially dress sense, "Wear what I like and dont care what no one thinks" Yea, more and more similar. The contagious laughter and many more =_= Is it me or ... era lal teuc rlgsi, gindiucnl eoths ttah sdoun ectu atc ydlod?

Back to the MT paper... I wonder how well everyone else did? Guess that will have to wait, Im logging off now, ciao ^^

Quote of e Post:
I just love playing with MagnaSar :) (1st non Tenpuri quote in a long time)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Acrobatic Play

Hey hey, very nervous, less than 12 hours before I tackle my first O level paper. The exam I have waited all year for, although it is not the paper ive been looking forward to, but still It is an obstacle, and it will be overcome. Reaching 10pm soon, we were charged with the order to sleep BY 10pm so Im logging out soon to get some serious shut eye.

Guess I'll blog tomorrow then, after the paper. I would like to now wish all the sec peopel taking their Os tomorrow good luck! Expecially extends to those from Bethel AoG YA! Like Anna, JAnice, Reuben and many others. Jia You! Do it once and do it well! We will catch each other at the top :) Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
Im known as the "Golden Retriever" of tennis!

Drop Shot

Can't get to sleep now. Just finished reading the "Da Vinci Code". And I only borrowed it today... counting, I took like about 3 and a half hours to wrap it up from cover to cover. Fascinating, and pretty interesting, but I find it full of nonsense, don't even get me STARTED because then I'll spoil it + I won't be able to stop until im done. Mervin was right, loads and loads of top grade baloney. But it was entertaining nevertheless, couldn't put it down, read it in the car, after dinner, after getting home... till I finally saw the back cover only then did I get up to look at the clock and see it was already 12am lolz

A small phrase from the book, "Since the beginning of recorded time, history has been written by the "winners" (those societies and belief systems that conquered and survived)." Me? I believe so. Like for WW2, what we have learnt thus far is what the Allies have been feeding world and despite all the "evidence" who can say for sure with 100% certainty that what is being taught is the entire truth? I also deeply believe if Japan won, the story would be re-written VERY differently, and so will life be for us now.

I feel like posting a song but too late, and im tired... anyway, Im only on to charge my player... it's DEAD, ok not really, ONE bar left, so im charging it :D Until its full, im not leaving. But then again... that may take 3 hours T.T Im not waiting, tireD tirED tiRED tIRED TIRED! *plop*

-the writer has collapsed from exhaustion, so this entry ends here, ja ne!

Quote of e Post:
20 laps around the court, Now!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Moon Volley

Yawn... One more day to Mt O level, ok ok I really shouldn't keep harping on it :) Blogging about Thursday. Went to Kbox with Csa, his sis and Jin Rong after school. *psst* secret... we can't sing XD Kept straining our voices until it hurt. And stuff that place is so expensive... two square bowls (about 10cm by 10cm in a sloping in fashion with a depth of about 8cm \_/) of assorted nuts costs 10 dollars. WoW Anyway, it was fun, don't mind going back again :D of course I have only one complaint, the selection of english songs is FAR from satisfactory :)

RR resumes today! Im happy for at least that much, but Im not sure if I can go for JTC because of school... What a what a irritating snag. How am I going to spend this one month holiday? Lets see... go back to school, cram, be online, go back to school, cram, be online... you get the picture. Wait! That sounds familiar! Of course! It's what i DO WHEN IM NOT ON HOLIDAY!

*Beware - start of whiny rant*

I know im in sec4 I know its my O year but still the entire June is taken, Im so "What in the world?!" the school and the ministry can't afford to cut us any slack but at least not like this... so we go back to school for the first 2 weeks, then we have enough hwk to last us 3 weeks... t_t ain't it ridiculous. And to watch everyone else get their holiday and enjoying it throughly (for most part that is) is so... *gck* Now I involuntarily give a slight cough when somone mentions "June Holiday"... pfft... what holiday?

*End of whiny rant*

Some people enjoy using the term "Shallow" but what does it really mean? If somone is shallow are they artificial? not thinking things throughly? putting up a false front? And so people don't like that, no matter. Then when somone is described as "Deep" they get the mental image of the thinking man (you know that statue thing? with it's chin on their hand like thinking) and label these "chim" or whatever. Everyone feels differently, labels suck because they are so "colorful" people tend to notice these "labels" from far even before they get to know the person. The destructive power of words.

I think Ive written this before but I want to give a slap to all those angsty dark teens out in the world who think that life is sad and cut themselves and all that rubbish. Oh yea, im sure hurting yourself will make the world a better place. Im sure your deathj and isolation will make the world a happier place too. Im sure you can solve world problems by ranting and being cranky to everyone you meet. If you want to die so much then just die! But oh of course, you dont dare to... Silly bunch of deluded idiots.

Enough, im not spending my glorious Saturday morning lazing before this tiny screen ciao!

Quote of e post:
You still have more to learn!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Dunk Smash

Back from Cell :) Dilys is in Malaysia on official business and all of a sudden, cell was like to stone. I guess we still will miss her and her antics :) FoodFair this Sunday, those who purchased our cupons *points to the multicolored booklets* must use them on Sunday!

Here's the song I promised :) Enjoy

林俊杰 - <<木乃伊>>
(Lin Jun Jie - Mu Nai Yi)
[JJ Lin Jun Jie - Mummy (you know those egyptian kind?)]

{Ni suo yao wo shi le zhe ke xin)
[You told me to give up hope]
(Zhui hao yong yuan chuan fang zai ai ji)
[And bury it forever in Egypt]
(Xiang mu nai yi bao chi zhe shen ming)
[Like a mummy, preserved for life]
(Qiao ye qiao bu po)
(Nian shi jian dou wang zi)
[Till the end of time]
(Ni yi zhi lao dao and shuo wei zhen li)
[You tell me a whole bunch of theory]
(Bu kai de xin jiu kan de dao wo bu shi ji yi)
[Se with your heart im not just a memory]
(Yao wo jie ai sui ran da bu gai)
[Wanting me to accpet the pain even though she cant]
(Ru guo kan bu kai)
[If I cant get over it]
(Wo zhe me huo guo qu ai)
[How am I to continue living? Love]

(Mu nai yi de xin zai shao)
[The mummy's heart is burning]
(Zin zhi ta li man dao lao)
[Within the pyramid till age]
(Ye xu wo zhi ji tai zai yi bei pao qi)
[Maybe I just cant accpet being rejected]
(Wu fa ren shou hei an de chen mo gu ji)
[Unable to accpet the darkness of lonliness]
(Mu nai yi de xin zai tiao)
[The mummy's heart is beating]
(Bao zhe xi wang man man ao)
[Wrapped, hope slowly building]
(Wo ku qi zhui hou de yi fen li cheng xia qu)
[Ill hold on with my lsat bit of strength]
(Xiang xin zhen ai jiu zai wo xing lai de xin shi ji)
[And believe real love will awaken in a new age]

Repeat all

(Mu nai yi de xin zai shao)
[The mummy's heart is burning]
(Zin zhi ta li man dao lao)
[Within the pyramid till age]
(Ye xu wo zhi ji tai zai yi bei pao qi)
[Maybe I just cant accpet being rejected]
(Wu fa ren shou hei an de chen mo gu ji)
[Unable to accpet the darkness of lonliness]
(Mu nai yi de xin zai tiao)
[The mummy's heart is beating]
(Bao zhe xi wang man man ao)
[Wrapped, hope slowly building]
(Wo ku qi zhui hou de yi fen li cheng xia qu)
[Ill hold on with my lsat bit of strength]
(Xiang xin zhen ai jiu zai wo xing lai de xin shi ji)
[And believe real love will awaken in a new age]

Mu nai yi, by JJ Lin Jun Jie, this song's is being used as the opening theme for the current 9pm drama series on channel 8, of course with different lyrics. Not bad, but not smashing either (the song).

Borrowed WC3 off Jun Ming, but it does not work, nevermind I never really planned to work it anyway. Made Made Dane... Forgot to check what that means, But Ryoma likes to say that alot :D Today I want to talk about people who litter. So, by littering SOME people think they do not own or use the floor and only "lesser" beings walk the streets. Hello, sorry to burst ya bubble but if you litter, you spoil your own environment you jerk!

Corrective Work Order is great because many singaporeans like their "face" more than thier "money" so between being fined and doing CWP or both, it would be in everyone's best interests to not litter. Singapore is a garden city, but it is also trash can paradise. Everwhere you go, there is bound to be a place for trash nearby so why not just use it?? Maybe they are just too stupid or (the most common excuse) lazy to go find a dustbin to deposit their trash.

Listening to "Aurora" a relatively new song, pretty good :) The MV is also fabulous, it gets 4/5 from me :D Oh I keep forgetting to blog about my day yesterday :) I'll do that tomorrow maybe :P Till then, take care ciao.

Quote of e Post:
The nigger they come, the harder they fall

One Footed Split Step

Feel the need to blog just to relieve pressure. TWO more days to MT O levels! I wonder how everyone else is doing... Last day of Mother Tongue Intensive today! Yay! Got a neat bookmark from the school, even though it is just laminated colored paper you can see the teacher's effort in it :) Target of this round, B4 Im going to do my best to get there!

One of my favourite phrases. "It's gonna be Ok" It can be found everywhere, yet, how can we be sure? First, who can pin down the definition of "ok"? The, going to is very vauge. "Going to" can mean anytime from a few seconds to years. So when somone tells you "It's gonna be ok" stop and think it through a little. Everything is cause and effect, nothing just happens spontaneously.

I'll blog later, AND share a new song :) Going to prepare for cell now! Ciao :)

Quote of e Post:
There is one ball you can't return even if you can see it!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

More disappointment

Blogger swallowed the post I wrote halfway last night. Nevermind, lets start anew, that is what is great about life, as long as you live you can always start anew. Got English results yesterday, 21/30 another A2 and another miss on my list. I was trying for an A1... at this rate... gone I tell you, gone.

O level written exam in 3 days. Im "enjoying" my little countdown. Mother Tongue intensive is useful (i hope) but draining. Always so tired, feel like sleeping, and it rains to frequently now-a-days its no surprise I think I'm falling sick. Or is it stress from the on coming exam? Can't be, its been... like about a year since I last had this small pattern of falling ill during examination period. Symptoms usually inclue a slight fever, a neverending runny nose, sore throat and coughing. I pray I do not fall ill in this crucial period.

Currently rushing Chem workbook (already overdue by 2 days) out, so while I try to figure out how to finish it and still cover the other ton *points left* of work in my "inbox" *looks at file* so ya... Very busy these days. Recieved our "holiday" homework lists and extra lesson schedule. Add that together and you can kiss the word 'holiday' behind the word 'June' goodbye. Jia You, it is only another 6 more months till the end of this academic year and the end of my life in PCSS.

Kewl, our class shirt is so expensive! Its going to cost us at least $20 EACH. Yup you heard (Ok for the critics, read) right, AT LEAST $20 EACH... and if we want our names on it it is an extra $8++ that is absolutely crazy! I know its not really worth it, but this is my last year and despite my negative affection towards the school and my class, I still find it necessary to belong. Isn't it wierd, the more people try to get away, the harder they fall when they realise the truth in the end. No one can survive without others, humans were made that way.

Looking back on the things Ive done, just one year ago the problems of today felt so far away. Just one year ago we could afford to be happy. Just one year ago we could smile without guilt. Just one year ago I would have traded the world to take my Os there and then. Just one year ago I was a fool to think I could beat the system. Just one year ago. People say, dont look back at the past, it will do no good. But I say, only by looking at your footsteps can you plan your path.

Thats enough here, I guess I just need material to write about :) If I find some I'll be back later on, till then... ja ne!

Quote of e Post:
Those with power should be willing to risk it for those who don't

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Breathe In

Im going to change my skin but before that a short post while I look for a suitable skin. Mother Tongue intensive continues, im screwed. There is just so much to do. On one hand I cant wait for this one week to pass, and yet on the other I dont ever want these times to end. MT O paper on the 30th of May is the sign of the beginning of the end. After that date, online will be non-existant. Life will be GCSE for the GCSE O levels. God Cram Sleep Eat. lol... How do i do such things? I have really outdone myself *gets run over by mob* ok.. drop that.

Almost gotten all our Common test results back (Got social studies in the ava room today, many are after my blood now) save for D&T and english... which oddly was our FIRST paper. Not very good, I dont think I did better than the previous round of common tests... but lets list it out first then compare. (If i remember my old scores)

Chinese (Full Paper): 62/100 - Im happy, what can I say? :) [B4 - hit]
Maths: 21/40 - poor... really poor [C6 - Miss]
Science: 71/100 - Alright.. just an A2.. i was looking for a one T_T [A2 - Miss]
>Chemistry: 28/50 - Disappointing
>Physics: 43/50 - This one is just insane, million thanks to Derrick :)
Humanities: 81/100 - I got my A1 :D [A1 - Hit]
>Geography: 31/40 - No complaints here
>Social Studies: 21/25 - Im happy to say I crammed a little for this one
PoA: 27/40 - Nothing to say, I didnt study for "disposal" [B3 - Miss]

So far, many MANY misses. PoA aim A1 missed by two grades, I didnt study for disposal, my bad. For Science aimed for A1, missed by one grade because of chemistry (I thought I did well... who knew my actual score). Maths... this one really is a miss, a wide miss. I actually gave E.maths a aim of A2 (A1 would be pushing it a little) but to miss by 5 grades is too far, need to buck up.

SO SAD! If this does not match up to my previous Common Tests I will be murdered!! And not to mention I will let down a whole bunch of people, my parents, my teachers, the zone, Ps Rachel and many others but im not giving names for space and time's sake. Im sick of letting people down.

Recently (i think 2 weeks back) in Cell they asked "If you could be one thing what would you be?" I replied after some thought, "the northern lights" because they are beautiful, rare and PEOPLE LOOK UP TO THEM. Yup, isn't we always wish what we aren't? That's what wishes are a waste of time, a way to give you false hope. that why people like to say "I wish / I hope" rather than "I can/I am/I will" weak WEAK WEAK!!

Ending here, lost my track of though *pfft* More intensive tomorrow, Hope the school has fire insurance.

Quote of e Post:
The world is this unfair, live with it. [Or so they say...]

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Yong bu Bian

Hey, I know I missed my post, big deal. =P I think I wil be missing many posts from now on haha, ok jk *looks at mob waiting to run over* Lets start with Friday. Concert in school in the morning till about 10:30am then can go home because of celebration day, first time ever in my school!! That is so cool, I have gained a new level of respect for my school.

Then went to Shan An's house to watch FMA. Oh my, im hooked, the problem? Only after watching the last 5 episodes! T.T Nvm, Im reading the manga now, meaning Im currently pursuing Prince of Tennis, One Piece AND FMA. Not exactly the easiest job in the world but oh well :P Stayed on till evening then went for Cell. Interesting really :) More food for thought.. any more and my head will burst.

Today I want to talk about Equivalent Trade. Ok, the basis of the law of Equivalent Trade is that to gain anything, you need to in exchange offer something of equal value. On the surface it seems very logical. To get good grades, you put in effort to study and you give up time which you could have used to play or whatever else you do in your free time. To buy something you need to pay its equal value in money. To make ice, you need water to freeze, then will you get your final product. Ok enough crapping. But if it is such an absolute law, then the reverse MUST apply! If you sacrifice something, you will gain something of equal value in return. Now think it through, that isn't right is it?

Many people gain without sacrificing and even more sacrifice so much and gain nothing. Well, as an argument, you will always gain experience and memories, such things are priceless, and therefore are more than worth the "trade" but have you been in such a situation? If so you will undoubtedly find it unfair. Since the reverse does not apply, equivalent trade is not absolute. What does this mean? Think it through a little and you will discover that it could spell getting results without working hard, earning without giving and a whole bunch of other totally realistic but illogical situtations we see daily in our world today.

Go think about it and tell me what you think. The simpel thing we have been thought since young, work hard and you will get results. You do good you get good. You do evil you get retribution. You reap what you sow, and now we are seeing you slack and you reap, harvests more abundant than those who slogged their days away sowing and preparing. Makes me sick.

Enough about that now. Saturday was totally wasted. Oh well, Sunday, full combined service and we got a funny named preacher reccomended by mr Hinn but he's Australian and powerful. Went on a shpping spree! ok not me.. I was DRAGGED on a shopping spree by my parents.. I would have much preferred to stay and ... ah.. nevermind you dont need to know :)

Stopping here, hope you enjoy your vesak day holiday tomorrow! Ciao!

Quote of e Post:
You can take him out of the figh,t bout you cant take the fight out of him!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ru Guo Quan Shi Jie Wo Ye Ke Yi Fang Qi

Hello! Today marked the start of Chinese Intensive. It is CRAZY ok? Thats all I have to say, one full day all the time do only Chinese and nothing else with one full set of Paper 1 + PAper 2 to do daily in addition to other excercises. Im going to go crazy, like teacher said -> "Eat Chinese, Sleep Chinese, You pass you cry, you Fail you also cry" Passion for MT Oo

Went to watch Coach Carter and Star Wars ep3 today, both in one day so eyes are quite strained. But Both movies are VERY nice! I absolutely love Coach Carter, it was insipiring and refreshing. As for "Revenge of the Sith" it was without doubt a hands down winner. A 27 year difference, a set of 6 movies that are hailed legendary without question. The star wars series is fabulous, beyond discription. I feel the urge to find Ep 4 - 6 again as I have almost forgotten what happens in them (It has been at least 4 years since Ive watched ANY of the original Triology)

Im getting off here, eyes are SO tired and painful, and so are my lips from consuming 5 bux (ok $2.50) worth of salted popcorn with cracked/bleeding lips. Such a greedy fella. Oh after the movie went to eat at Cafe Cartel (Mom's treat :D) love the ribs there, but im stuffed... *looks at weighing scale sadly* I guess im going to become.. FAT! Nooo.... jk

Quote of E post:
Experience is always something gained after one most needs it

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Its over! For now...

Tada! Common Tests OVER! Going to catch Star Wars Tomorrow! Going to watch Coah Carter tomorrow! Chinese intensive begins tomorrow! Going to see Shan An in his spiffy cast tomorrow! x) ok that wasn not funny. He cant really blog it out since its kind of difficult to use his arm so let me tell his tale. Going home on the road, from East Coast on his bike, it was raining and the car behind was honking and his bag strap caught on the bike, he braked and pedalled at the same time, he flew, he brok hie fall, he broke his wrist. Simply put thats it. For more details, ask him, I dont know for sure cos I wasnt there to see any thing.

Having trouble finding all the 8 openings and endings for PoT. As in huge big mega hyper problems. If you want to know whatI mean just try it on your own, it is as easy as finding a needle in ten haystacks. Sort of (Didnt know how to express the level of difficulty) anyone who has any clue or link or anything help me out FEEL FREE~!

Reading on Wednesday makes me want to own and finish the latest Reader's Digest.. i still remember im up to page 55. *Sigh* Oh ya, my lips are cracked, very badly. So badly it hurts to drink water. Esp. my lower lip, I dont think I'll be able to eat my favourite salted popcorn tomorrow... then again I need to cut down on that kind of stuff... aww crap. Popcorn and Coke tomorrow is going to up the input by a few notches. How to improve output?

I didnt know Avril Lavinge was Christian. Really, according to what ive heard 1/2 of the songs in her first album are christian. Surprised I am. It's the media who is portraying her as a punk she says. Well, she sure does fit the image.

I need to train. To become great i nscrabble for next week's upcoming competition. And MAYBE on a national scale if i can beat every challenger in Peicai... I will be.. Scrabble-King! *Fire flares up in the back ground* ok that was abit too dramatic but ya, I want to join, and I want to win!

Joel jux informed me that I am doing Worship this friday... how.... early. T_T oh well, better get cracking, ciao!

Quote of e Post:
I cannot die, because I have something to live for!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

至少还有你 - Late Post

Heyz, Today is like Tuesday and the paper of the day was physics, peace of cake. Really, I expected it to me a ton harder oh well. One paper left tomorrow, Social Studies. Need to cram, abit frustrated about results, got my chem back it was so bad, much worse especially since i thought I did very well T_T 28/50 I wont be getting my A1 for science at this rate. Im so going to cry.. ok not really, but i have a bad cold and im sniffling all the time...

Thursday is going to be a hyper cool day. School ending early so we can go watch Coach Carter and then Star Wars ep3 :D Can't wait, it has only been 20 odd years since the very first Star Wars movie came out in 1970+ (Dont know the exact year) according to Ms Kodi. The greatest set of movies to have ever been made will complete itself in 2 day's time.

Reading "One Piece" online, Ive managed to find chapters 1 to 291 and now am only up to 29 or so. I think it will take weeks before im done so THAT will be my hobby for these few weeks :) Not bad so far, can see why it has so many fans :) But id be happier reading Prince of Tennis T_T *Sigh* I think I can forget about collecting them.

Assembly on monday was kind of interesting :) There was this vocal trainer guy who could sing really well and he came talked about his field of expertise obviously we didnt know nuts about what he was saying but it was cool, I didnt fall asleep :) want to post a song again, its been a long time since ive posted a song on my blog.

(Zhi shao hai you ni)
[At least I still have you]

(Wo pa lai bu ji wo yao bao zhe ni)
[Im afradi Wont be in time, I want to hold you]
(Zhi dao gan dao ni de zhou wen you le nian ye de hen ji)
[Untill your face wrinkles with age]
(Zhi dao ken ding ni sshi zhen de zhi dao shi qu li qi
[Until you truly run out of strength]
(Wei le ni wo yan yi)
[For you, I will]

(Dong ye bu nen dong ye yao kan zhe ni)
[Even if I cant move, I want to see you]
(Zhi dao gan jue ni de fa xian you le bai xue de hen ji)
[Until the strands of your hair begin to turn white]
(Zhi dao shi xian bian de mo hu zhi do bu nen hu xi)
[Until my vision blurs, still I can no longer breathe]
(Rang wo men xing yin bu li)
[Let us be together and not leave]

(Ru go quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi)
[If I had to give up the whole world]
(Zhi shao hai you ni zhi de wo qu zhen xi)
[At least Id stil have you to care for]
(Er ni zai zhe li jiu shi shen ming de qi ji)
[You being here is the miracle of my life]
(Ye xu chuan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji)
[If I would forget the world]
(Jiu shi bu yuan yi shi qu ni de xiao xi)
[I wouldnt want to lose track of you]
(Ni zhang xin de zhi wo zhong zi de zai na li)
[The things about you, I will remember]

(Wo pa lai bu ji wo yao bao zhe ni)
[Im afradi Wont be in time, I want to hold you]
(Zhi dao gan jue ni de fa xian you le bai xue de hen ji)
[Until the strands of your hair begin to turn white]
(Zhi dao shi xian bian de mo hu zhi do bu nen hu xi)
[Until my vision blurs, still I can no longer breathe]
(Rang wo men xing yin bu li)
[Let us be together and not leave]

(Ru go quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi)
[If I had to give up the whole world]
(Zhi shao hai you ni zhi de wo qu zhen xi)
[At least Id stil have you to care for]
(Er ni zai zhe li jiu shi shen ming de qi ji)
[You being here is the miracle of my life]
(Ye xu chuan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji)
[If I would forget the world]
(Jiu shi bu yuan yi shi qu ni de xiao xi)
[I wouldnt want to lose track of you]
(Ni zhang xin de zhi wo zhong zi de zai na li)
[The things about you, I will remember]

(Wo men hao bu rong yi wo men shen ti bu you zhi)
[Its hasnt been easy, we dont belong to ourselves]
(Wo pa shi jian tai kuai bu gou jian ni kan zhi si)
[I fear time is too fast, not enough to see you clearly]
{Wo pa shi jian tai man ri ye dan xin shi qu ni)
[I fear time is too slow, as i worry about losing you constantly]
(Hen bu de yi ye zhi jian bai tou yong bu fen li)
[How I wish in a moment we could grow old and never leave]

(Ru go quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi)
[If I had to give up the whole world]
(Zhi shao hai you ni zhi de wo qu zhen xi)
[At least Id stil have you to care for]
(Er ni zai zhe li jiu shi shen ming de qi ji)
[You being here is the miracle of my life]
(Ye xu chuan shi jie wo ye ke yi wang ji)
[If I would forget the world]
(Jiu shi bu yuan yi shi qu ni de xiao xi)
[I wouldnt want to lose track of you]
你掌心的痣我总记得在那里, 在那里
(Ni zhang xin de zhi wo zhong zi de zai na li)
[The things about you, I will remember]


Some parts don't make sense because this song was chinese to begin with. Not bad though... I like it alot but not more than "Chi Xin Jue Dui". MT O level in 13 days. A little less than 2 weeks. Am I scared? Yes, of course I am, but Im not worried, this isnt confidence neither is it ignorance. It's just... I dont know. Burn out? I can't burn out, not now! I need to be at my hottest right now! And in November!

Oh ya, I realised my post is late, i dont care. =P Ill post when I want to so stuff it.. jk jk Any nice songs to reccomend? Send it over or just give me the title and Ill see if I can find it on my own.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Late Post

Heyz, I missed my post yesterday cos I was too tired and stoned out from one week of tests. TaF Restarts on Monday, I dont want to go T_T But it's good for me! I'll do it! Jia you! Jia You! Waha, im demoralised! (sort of) I lost to Monk in scrabble! He beat me! Fair and square. Blocking out premium squares (knowingly or unwittingly) through small plays and even placing a "on" 2 points on a triple word square, netting only a measy 6 points T_T I could have cried for him (and myself)

I have so much to do by monday, D&T once more asks for a ton of folio work and there is PoA common test with English Bedok North paper to complete. Busy busy busy. Makes me wonder why Im still feeling bored. The more things I have piled up for me to do, the more I dont feel the pressure to do them. Its odd, yet that's the way I am. I am too much of a slacker, far too much.

Im just happy that this year is almost half over. Looking forward to the 19th when I can go watch star wars ep 3! Wahahaz. And also watch Coach Carter on the SAME DAY :D Yup, our dear stingy school is letting all it's sec 4 students watch that movie to "inspire" / "motivate" us. SADLY, they are still stingy, it is at Causeway Point and we have to get there ON OUR OWN in ONE HOUR! T_T I knew it, there is no such easy thing in the world, there never was and there never will be. Nothing to blog about now. Thanks to my cell group for brightening up my weekend, to Paula for bring there throughout the week, to Joel for always being online (your presence is reassuring) and to everyone else for just being.

Quote of the Post:Did you ever know? That I had mine (eyes) on you?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dab, Touch, Feel, Push!

Chemistry today! Arigatou Dilys's commander whom I dont know the name of! Confidento! I think I will do well :) Maths tomorrow though, but... must cram, not too confident. Common tests... Im SCARED! Ok not really, but Im worried, must do well, or at least better than before... to ensure that my parents don't kill me for giving the Night Study a miss. Oh, a sidenote, Ive been praying before each paper.... I tihnk my classmates are beginning to find it abit odd.. then again, do they even bother? No.

English week is here~! Scrabble is avaliable for play free i nthe foyer daily! I lost to JG today after school in a tag team battle me and Fishball vs Monk and Dog (and later on some guy from another class) and we lost... I will remember that word. "Queen" for a triple word bonus, 10+3 = 14. 14 x 3 = 42 points, and they were out of reach T_T I dont believe we lost T_T oh well, lets try boggle or something :D Duel record 0 - 1

Just downloaded Scrabble Yahoo! Maybe I will brush up on my skills, I might need to... its a harder game than i thought and requires more strategy than expected. Theres been quite a few haiku publishings in the Catalyst recently, so I thought I'd write one or two for fun. (Haiku follows a 5 - 7 -5 syllable pattern of only three liens, rather easy ^_^)

Water turns to ice
Once was formless now solid
In a glass liquid again

Tada, my first haiku, inspiration? My glass of cold water ^_^ How about another?

Two people opposite sides
One game inverts a friendship
Both doing their best

Another... took barely a minute ^^ Enough but im going to write ALOT for fun :)

Hmm... Doing Oral in english now. Quite fun, trying to perfect peter piper :) Nothing much to blog on, Im going to go continue studying my math for tomorrow's common test... ciao

Quote of e Post:
My mouse is not working! Forget it, Im going to get a cat instead - BKK

Monday, May 09, 2005

So Sorry...

Im so sorry! I've been busy lately and exams have begun so I have not been posting much so I will today! :) MT prelim was on Friday, Shall not bore you with the details, results are back today (Paper 2 only) and my Gamble paid off! Sacrificing the 16 marks from "ke nei" to concentrate on the rest of the 80 mark paper I managed to pull at 46! Thats a pass! Not a JUST PASS, but an actual pass :D I feel great, nothing but my tiredness can kill me now.

My parents just went out to buy a new washing machine -_-u what an odd thing to buy in the middle of the year.. oh well... anyway the renovations and so on have cost a whooping 24K meaning Europe aint going to see my on it anytime soon T_T Most surely not at the end of this year. Oh well, It wasn't my idea anyway.

Still selling tickets for the food fair on the 29th of May for the Thailand mission trip! Don't buy, donate also can :) Serious, we need all the money we can get, everyone must work hard ok? 21 days to MT O level Examination. I am not afraid. Common test today! English and D&T, Eng was ok, should be quite alright unless they insist I went out of point. For D&T... Mr Tan! You lie to us... make me cram electronics in the end never come out T_T Nvm, whats done and past is over.

Common tests spanning this and next week ongoing, better buck up, nothing to post about, Im leaving you here (Pang Seh!) Buaiz..

Quote of e Post:
Why make it Strong to break it Once Again? ~ Leave Right Now

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Update Post

Heyz, new layout. To match the current feeling in the air. Cold - Frozen - Dead. Prelim for MT tomorrow, in about 10 and a half hours time. Just a touch of good news, seems like that for O levels (And the prelims) MT paper 2 out of 80 marks only 25 or them come from the syllabus. Meaning even without that 25 I could never get into my head no matter how I try I still have a shot at passing and maybe doing relatively well. But then, that still stands to be seen.

I've been so tired, just so tired day after day. Im so sick and tired, I feel bored all day. This cannot go on, or I wil die... literally. What am I living for now? Just for living, I guess, that's the answer at this present moment. The past and the future dont seem to matter now, all that I can see is bleakness all around.

Just an update post, there wont be many entries after this as my common tests begin next week and lasts the last 2 weeks, then chinese intensive and then on the 30th (only 25 days away) is the actual MT O level paper. Plus, there isnt much to blog about is there?

Instead of a quote i'll leave you a question :
"So Just Give me One good Reason why I should Stay?"

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

More ot Life?

Heyz, MT Prelim is on Friday so I sort of get the day off after the paper (Ok not just me, all graduating classes taking the paper) so I have something like a long weekend. Not that I will do me any good, Ive been feeling low all week, and off the top of my head I can think of like a dozen reasons (excuses) why but the truth is I dont know.

Actually I dont know what I know anymore. "If I tried to make sense of this mess im in, Im not sure where I should Begin" How true, almost everything is messed up. Or is messy. Or has some part of it that isnt right. Funny how things can change when nothing has changed except yourself? Ha, do I sound wierd today? BecauseI am wierd, enough said.

What do you do when you feel down/get angry/ other emotions? Someone asked a friend of mine that and it got me thinking. What do I do? I can't clearly remember in high detail my worst display of uncontrolled anger but I havea vauge idea. As for sadness, I dont know, I guess I never let sadness get to me, or for that matter, I guess I never found a way to express sadness.

Someone said that osingle children tend to grow up wierd with odd characteristics. Well ,I may have a sister but there wasa 9 year gap, wil that make that big a difference seeing that all the turns ive taken for the worse in the past began since pri 4 or so (age 11) and those major breaks in my life. Sometimes, life seems so simple and things so far away yet at times i look and all I see is the future coming up so fast and like just yesterday I wasn't anywhere near here, I cant express it in words but... you should get my point.

Im not going to think over it any longer, I have enough on my hands without my mind giving me a minature earthquake the wrong way down. Im stressed over my lack of stress. Odd? Not at all, I will surely die if I go on this way, but I cant break out. Why not? I don't know, I dont have the strength to. I can plan and plan but when it come down to doing it, i blank and waste the day away.

Today I want to talk about backstabbing via blogs. I know blogs are "personal" places people use to display "what they feel" to the world, kind of contra dont you think? If you have an opinion, feel free to express, but trash talking someone on your blog is no way to gain popularity or get back at them. If they read it, too bad for you, although the silliest excuse "You read it on your own free will" tends to surface the fact of the matter is that you shouldnt have stabbed them online where they wouldnt know but almost everyone would be able to access! And then you find ways and means to cover up and hide your deed. It's stupid, the whole thing, really. Im not talking about anyone in particuar now because I have no target but in general, that is what some people tend to do dont you agree?

At least for me, I dont mind if you talk trash about me, but at the very least, not behind my back and absolutely not with me not knowing what it is about. I can handle it, verbal abuse is like daily talk. Im immune, the true "sticks and stones" case. De-sensitised? Probably, sad isn't it? But I find it rather nifty to be able to stand straight and not let anything said get to you, hoever it may come across as being proud to some people and inccur some of their unwanted attention. It's still in the air, it is everywhere, Shimo Tezawari, the frost touch.

Im just tired, weary all the time. Be it when I wake up in the morning or before I go to bed. If there were a way to just sleep continuously, how long would I sleep? The latest I've slept till is 12 noon, and that was when I went to sleep at 5, so it's still only 7 hours. I just want to sleep/rest... as long as possible, life is so weary. Like living a dream, a neverending dream that continues in between gaps of reality, shifting up and down, mostly staying down and sticking there. But I wont die, I can't, there is so much I have not done, so many things I could do. There's got o be more to life, im sure of it, more.. but what?

Quote of the Post:
There's got to be more to life than chasing down every temple, every high.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Shimo Tezawari

So cold, today was a wreck of a day, ok not really a wreck but I have failed to make it into the next rounds of PI (I suppose) It was a fluke, I can blame anyone, can blame everything, from the loud cheering which drowned out the cue for me to begin, to the short intro of my track. But still over all, it is my failure, my loss. No excuses, I would have tried but, no, Im not going to try and appeal, if I dont get it, I dont. Everyone had their one shot, why am I any different?

Stuck on a new song, "Try" by Nelly Furtadao, intresting song haha. The weather lately is getting hotter again, climate changes? Im not sure how long this heatwave will last or if it is even a heatwave but the heat of the sun cannot melt the coldness I sense all around. The world is changng, things are happening and people are afraid you can see it in their eyes, if you stare in them long enough. And when you interact, it kind of rubs off you and you too become colder, harder. Thus, Shimo Tezawari, Frost Touch

Try - Nelly Furtado

All I know
Is everything is not as it's sold
but the more I grow the less I know
And I have lived so many lives
Though I'm not old
And the more I see, the less I grow
The fewer the seeds the more I sow

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try

I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we want each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby
And we are, we are, we are, we are
In our love
We are free in our love

My house is undergoing renovations at the moment, so I have to wear slippers everywhere on the ground floor. It was fun.. for a while, then it got really irritating for you had to remove them everytime you go upstairs, and I can't stay upstairs / Dont want to because the com is Downstairs. The entire place is covered by a layer of dust and the kitchen being the closest room to the site besides the back toilet looks quite unsafe for cooking / eating in. Is it just me, because I really feel as if the light has gone out of today, the warmth and everything, give me something to live for, anyone, please. Even the computer is lagging (to me that is). Bleak, thats the word. The world looks so bleak today, kind of grey and dull, oh it's already night, I never noticed.

And Im having a stomach ache T_T can this day get any better? Maybe *shrugs* I still have stuff to do anyway... and I still feel bad. Maybe this is the opposite of afterglow from a good performance, its the after-fade and you just feel terrible and distant. Maybe it's my failed math test, or maybe it is because I have yet to complete all my things to do, or maybe its because of the audition. I dont know... I need to get hyped up and fired or I will just die out into an empty shell. Where is all that passion from a few months back? Those flames have been quenched? Maybe it is my new seat, I still dislike it tons and it is almost impossible to concentrate. I don't know.

I prayed before I went up! I remember praying, out loud too but no one bothered thinking i was singing or something (tongues) then I began singing a few short praises. Always and Forever, Big and some others to get my guts together. The feeling of being on stage was not all that bad, looking down on everyone. Enough on that... we wont grow by continually looking back.

It's kind of boring eh? Reading about my miserable life daily. It's late now, school tomorrow, I'll end here, bye.

Quote of e Post:
Running Running as fast as we Can, Do you think We'll Make it?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Night of Fire!

Tomorrow school re-opens. And after school is the audition! Good thing that majority of my class will be in chinese oral but... we dont know what tiem oral is so, maybe they will turn up! Im getting cold feet at the eleventh hour! Im scared, worse then almost ever. Without getting some things cleared up clearly (ok that phrase was odd) I might be stuck without back up tomorrow OR a confiscated item T_T *Sigh* is this what the call the price of fame? (:P) hahaz

Not a bad day today, I slept like really late last night so I woke up late too.. about 10-11 am did abit of work here and there, went out for lunch at j8 with some people from school (Since no one from school BOTHERS to read, I wont BOTHER to put anything down...) so Crap! Walked around, from Sake Sushi, to Cafe Cartel, to Pastamania, effectively all over j8 into every food outlet until ew finalyl went to eat at the food court T_T Teppanyaki haha, ate like a beef/seafood combo. Everyone was linke no problem with chilli in it but after a while it seems the chilli + black pepper combo was abit too much for our poor tongues to handle. \:)

This Friday is MT prelim. Im more terrified over than than the impending audition tomorrow after school. This is academic, that is social, either way, a failure would be devastating. More on the topic of blogs: personal diary or public broadcast, To me, I find blogs both. It is both a personal diary anda public broadcast. Personal enough for you to get something off your chest, public enough for people to read about your life. To know a you they'd never know otherwise.

zfd gnkybx tdggdf gnkx szh? k szx xl xjfd mjxg z vds czhx zbl, tmg yls k fdzooh clyg iyls. szx kg m jxg ljg lv pkgh, lf bjkog? gnd drdygx lv hdxgdfczh nzrd odvg ud skgn ulfd ajdxgklyx gnzy zyxsdfx. xnd'x mjxg lyd tkb uhxgdfh zvgdf zylgndf. k gnljbng k nzc bkrdy jp? nznz ydrdfukyc gndfd skoo zoszhx td lgndfx... lgndf ezyckczgdx, lgndf pdlpod ylg zx bllc zx ndf ky uh tkzxdc dhdx. hjp pzjoz xdyxdk kx fkbng, k gnkyi k'rd lrdfrzojdc ndf nznz, rjg xhd fdzooh kx kyefdcktod. zezcdukezooh zyc lgndfskxd.

Didnt make sense? Dont worry it wasnt meant to make any to you haha, ask for e cipher if you think I'll give it to you, depending on who you are.. man I love inventing encoding methods :P

Ending here, ciao, wish me luck.

Quote of e Post:
My Will, Is something You can't Confiscate
[Offspring - Staring at the Sun (Nice Song)]

New Layout

Hello all! I know Im late for my regular post but I was busy making my new skin as you can see. It still has plenty of things to work through and looks terriblly straining on the eyes but I hoped it would work out... after all, once I made the pic in the middle it looked so perfect T_T Blame it on my lack of skil with html haha.

I've decided to take out the O-level counter because it was kind of irritating and it was One day fast... Haha, seeing the days countdown isnt exactly exciting, more pressurising. Haha, Saturday!! The long weekend is here! Spent majority of saturday at church/Cannan Centre attending my Membership course :) 4 session squeezed into one day, so we were in there listening to Ps Rachel conduct the 4 sessions at one shot from 1:30pm to 6pm! But there were breaks in between of course haha.. rather fun too :D

Sunday! Combined service in the morning due to the overwhelming response to ps Benny Ho's 3 day stint in the "Book of Amos" course. Awesome stuff, really, hard to explain haha. Thank you Paula for teaching me to do that thing haha... kind of odd but I just wanted to know for fun :P Then went to mac and stuck around with Dilys, Jean, Uriah, Joshua, Derrick, Rong Sheng, Sandra, Anna and Rebecca to study even though Dilys wasn't exactly studying (I have a feeling I shouldnt have helped her to notice Geraldine was hiding... hmm..) until 5 or so then we lefto for Jeol's house... BBQ party! Reb and Jean went off to her house to change so me n RS escorted Anna to Kovan mrt to wait for Gabriel. The BBQ was cool! Food fun and senseless games haha. But felt so bad that all the adults were cooking throughout and we the youth were like just eating and having fun without lifting a finger T_T New tip of the day, dont play murderer with Rong Qing haha, he is a serial killer XD

I was happy, almost real happiness, to be able to just hang back and have fun with people you know and are comfortable being around. I feel like I could stay in that situation forever, just being at ease. Sadly the world still turns, with every meeting there will always be a parting, everything has to come a full circle and all good things must end. I look forward to the next such event :)

The HW pile for the long weekend seems to have vanished from my memory T_T I hope I can remeeber and do it by Tuesday or I'll have my head on the floor before I know it. Just about 4 more months until I an say goodbye to my classmates and not have to see them everyday, week after week. It's something to look forward to. Four months, is not a long time I hope... But time always feels long when you are IN it.

I'll end here it is 3am... Ciao

Quote of the Post:
If I try to make Sense of this Mess I'm in, I'm not sure where I should Begin
If I had to say Goodbye to leave this Hell, I'd say my Time has Served me Well
[Sum 41 - Over my Head]