Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Updated! How Nice...

Wee! I changed my skin again... obviously you can see XD No particular reason why I changed it, Just Bored I guess. Oh! And Ive uploaded some pics from the recent Zone Camp, hahaz, pity that during the Church Camp and Zone Camp all the best bits are all on tape and not on photos, because I can't get videos from my Video Camera into the computer. Changed some stuff here and there, but mostly everything is intact.

Woke up earlier today, about 9 plus and slacked around until I went online at late 10am nearing 11. No-one of interest online *sigh* so I was compelled to go fix up my blog again... hahaz. The new MSN Beta 7.0 is really irritating.. even though the status before log-in feature is cool, but the nudges and winks are really irritating. Funny how my entry titles no longer tally with the content of the entry, in a similatr fashion., my Blog Names (look at the top) also are not beggining to tally with the design of my skin... wierd? I think so too...

3:03 pm... I haven't even eaten lunch... Haiz.. and Im supposed to be cooking dinner. Still thinking of gifts for people... It isnt easy to find something that will suit each person but I'll figure it out somehow... I always do. Hahaz, It is now 3:44.... Like I said when I blog I will write abit, then go off, write another bit, then go off... so I can take up to 2 hours to finish one entry XD According to the bar the bottom, I began at 2:46pm hahaz, one hour has passed liaox.

Nobody mention I also don't feel so strongly... I miss my days as part of the camp commitee!! The feeling of duty, and having something important to do is abit nice. And having to go for meetings, to rack my brains, to work through the night, to get phone calls that are actually for me (I hardly get phone calls... or letters.. or anything) and to recieve sms-es, and e-mail.. hahaz, I sound so desperate. But more importantly, At the commitee, I found new friends, I got to know Anna better and got to meet Aaron, Xin Yi and Alvin.. Funny that all thier names (Aaron, Alvin, Ang Xin Yi and Anna all begin with A all except for mine... hmmm.. interesting like Aaron would say with a laugh)

Why did I aim so high? How did I get embroiled in my current situation given what I hold? So much so that now I am stuck with a goal I'll never reach, a dream I'll never fufill... I am left pining, wishing, hoping. And the worst thing? It is WRONG, it is WAY OFF... it was never meant to be an issue in the first place... A losing battle I plan to fight. Even if I lose, At least I tried right? Wrong, there is more on the line then the success, another thing is that what If I pull it off? By some fluke, miracle or chance... What am I to do? Endless mutterings can drive one mad... good thing I am already half insane.

Just spent my time listening to songs and stuff, now is 5:02pm about 2 hours since I began writing this. Still wasting time... hmm, the list of people I want to give Gifts to has jumped by quite abit... another problem is my budget. I Do not have the money to get everyone what I want to get them. Don't get mad if you don't get anything though, I'll at the very least give you a big sincere apology and a card ^_^

I keep forgetting that my blog is something open to the public hat anyone who waltzes in can read. So I better moderate my posts to ensure that im not rambling to myself, and actualyl blogging about things that peopel can relate to. However, isnt a blog like a virtual diary? Hmm.. food for thought I guess hahaz Im stuck with nothing to do now... it is 5:16pm signing off...

Quote of the Post:
Stones taught me to Fly
Life taught me to Die
Love taught me to Lie
And it's not hard to fall, when you fly like a Cannonball...

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