Thursday, December 23, 2004

Rash Decision....

Ok... So I was a little unstable just now... stupid me.. went and totally changed the whole blog layout and stuff, at that moment, I really wasn't thinking straight. Ha... Im so weak, I didn't think some small news like that will un-settle me so badly... If you wish, tell me and I'll put my skin up again... otherwise I too lazy to change this one. (I will though... the current one is SO not to my liking.. urgh Hahaz)

Ive calmed down, stop brooding about it, but it still weighs heavily on my mind, thanks to Paual-sempai for just letting me talk to her, from super solid bad mood to normal hahaz... how not to? ^_^ Tommrrow is Christmas Eve... a nice time of the year.. the day before the all nice and cheerful Christmas and I am stuck doing CCIS duty... *sigh* But it's cool! Be a history maker and be part of the first ever fully Christian organised Christmas celebration in Singapore!

Waa!! My parents think it is too late... ulp.. i hope they will sign my Water Bapitsm form... I really need it! I was supposed to hand it in by like last week... but I am under "special circumstances" so I was given abit of extra time... and I have also over-shot it X_O Owch... Good thing Rachel-San is not around or she wil KILL me.. *ulp*

Oo I really take very long sia, began writing this at 9pm and now is like 12:44am.. wahz... I just started, then I went off on msn to chat.. and now look at the time! Argh... I lost track of what is was trying to write about.... (duhs who wont after like 3 hours?) So im gone... ^_^

Quote of E Post:
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.
Thomas H. Huxley (No idea who)

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