Thursday, December 23, 2004

Busy Day... But Fun...

Lalala... Today was quite a busy day (If you want to be technical, then yesterday) Woke up at like about 8.30am, then lazed in bed till 9.30am... haha I LOVE to lie in bed and be lazy. Then ate Tan1 Yuan2, if you dont know what it is, they are like balls of sticky rice flour, sometimes it is just a plain ball, most often times it has some nice filling in it like Peanut (Yummy and sweet), Reb Bean (Also sweet but I dont quite fancy it, abit grainy? Oo) etc. Then they are boiled in a vat... ok POT of sweetened water... a delicious dessert when hot and surprisingly refreshing (Although also a little disgusting) when cold. Anyway this morning technically I ate 6 for breakfast, but the five were eaten before I went to sleep! SO After waking up for "breakfast" I ate ONE measly tan1 yuan2.

Left the house at about 10:35... went to buy presents for Christmas with my friend and his brother XD HE is going mad now. Met at Heartland Mall, then went to Burger King to eat Breakfast cum Lunch AKA Brunch... then headed down to Kovan MRT to go PS... actually want to go Orchard one (Support CCIS!!!)... but when we reached Dhoby Gaut, we too lazy walk to take the other train so ended up in PS. There was this girl in the train, cos we can only see her face at that time, we could'nt tell if she was a guy or a girl, only when we got off did we manage to see she was agirl, red hair and all.. skinny long face hahaz..

Walked around then went arcadewith them, watched him play this drumming game.... play until level 4 stage failed... oh well it isn't easy you know! Then after that he challenged his brother to play Para Para, note that his brother is like in Primary School and my Friend is like sec 4. Anyhows, after a few minutes more peopel began looking and soon a small crowd gathered. Most people were cheering or showing silent support for his kid brother though, and His brother like totally wiped him off the floor for the first round, winning two out of three songs. Next however, my friend took it up a notch... expert freestyle wasen't enough, he threw in Hidden Mode, as in the signals for you to trigger the sensor would vanish halfway up the screen. And began to fight back, Winning the next two songs but still losing one song, overall, they drawed 3 to 3.

After that we officially began shopping around. Hahaz, he complaining I shop worse than a Girl. I like spent from 12 to 4 just looking through and buying things (Bascially shopping.. ahh, the joys of shopping XD) mostly looking though... hahaz, pissed him off real good. Almost totally broke now... but worth it, shopping is especially fun when youve got a guy trying to kill you in his fustration at your in-decisiveness.. and his kid brother is just taggign along, occasionally throwing odd comments.

Took MRT back to Kovan cos he had to celebrate his Mother's mother birthday... On the train we saw this really funny fellar, sleep on the train mouth open so wide facing up.... so funny! We tried not to laugh as much as we could just in case we woke him up but, we just laughed anyway, and he still slept soundly although we drew many odd glares. Why so many strange people in MRT today? Oo Ah well... then at Kovan, his father gave us a life to his home, spent like up till 6:45pm just slacking and enjoying his Cable TV hahaz.. talk abit with his sister (She's not happy I didnt buy her a present XD cos she was my classmate this year) then finalyl the long walk home, lugging my bags of stuff hahaz... but not before borrowing the Ocean's Eleven DVD from My friend!

Went home and watched e movie while eating dinner, too bad I had already watched Ocean's Twelve last week :P but no matter, the crew is still ingenious and there were some pretty tense moments with plenty of slick moves... hte moveis dont hold much action, it is all about the dialouge and the star-studded cast.

That was like one whole day. I blew my budget and still didn't manage to get EVERYONE a gift... hmm.. guess it is time to resort to.... Christmas Cards!! Being the poor soul (currently) I am now I guess I will be making them instead.. and I cant even print! My Printer running outta color ink, must be honored you are getting HANDMADE cards from me ok! (But if you know me well enough, you know my handiwork is terrible... thats also why I hate taking D&T) Wah! Todays entry quite fast sia... began at 1:08 and now is 1:44... only like 36 mins! And Im quite done here, bye bye!

Quote of e Post:
[I finally remembered something from all those MRT boards!]
The Reason For Living Is To Live A Life With Reason
The Meaning Of Life Is To Live A Meaningful Life

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