Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Boxing Day, and After...

Wahaz~! Today is the 28th of December, Lets blog in chronological order kaez? It makes reading ALOT easier. Starting from the 26th.... Wahz, Woke up like super late about 11am closing to 12 cos I that day reall lazy lorz... woke up first time at about 9am close to 10, then went back to sleep, continue like this every half hour to one hours or so hahaz...

Boxing day! Nothing special... went and ate breakfast, THANKIES to Joel and Family for giving us the cake, it was fabulous hahaz, ate majority of the walnut one. Then went to Joel's house and talked abit before going for service, met Cecelia and Paula for lunch.. so called met, cos they had to run off before I was done... I like to enjoy my food when I have the time. Speaker was Rachel Ong, she rushed back on christmas night so that she can be with us for youth service! So touching ^_^

Whaz! Super Short notice, only on that day I learnt that we were gonna have a chalet / Zone outing the next day (27th) and I had to bring something for the bbq, so after service and dinner with Joel, Issac and some other pplz we went to Heartland to buy Chicken Wings.. bought about 50+ wings, cos we heard that about 50 ppl coming and other people also bringing other things. So Joel so called "supply" money, and I "supplied" the labour, I carried the 5kg of chicken home, marinate and chucked it in e fridge to marinate overnight (then the flavour will seep in mahz)

Fast forward to 27th! Woke up at 10am, did my usual things until about 1120 or so went over to Joel's house with the 5kg of chicken, now marinated in a huge pot... So nice of his father to give us a lift so we didnt have to take bus :P Stopped by the bus-stop to pick up Cecelia, Reuben and Jean (whom we were supposed to meet outside then take bus) and went to Pasir-Ris... dropped by the place, it wasnet a chalet, but a Bangalow outside the park, just cross the road is the park with the spiderweb liaox.. nice spacious place ^_^ JoY Dumped the Chicken in the fridge provided in the house (Excellent place wahaz) and headed to Whitesands.

Went there eat Lunch at the food-court, met Dilys and Serene (spelling?). Wah, I helped them to find chairs but when they came over Dilys only dropped off her Ice Box with us for us to help her carry and left... ok lahz, but they did say thanks.. :D Then went to supermarket to buy things before we met with everyone else to officially begin the outing. Besides a ton of drinks and some food Reuben, Cecelia and Jean were pitiful victims of advertising and bought a very VERY small bottle of water each cos it looked cute... (Ok ok so it is their decision) Then went to the MRT station to meet eveyone else save for Paula and Hannah (Who would be late) and the commitee (who was already at Pasir Ris park)

When we were all there... Games Time!! Wa.. they were so evil the commitee! We were all split into 3 groups, lame names as per usual, I was in the same group with Hannah, Joel, Jean, Alfred and Joseph save for Joseph we were all from HG2!! So unity level was almost maxy maxy max! First game was the longest line, we, as in my team won! Wahaxz.. beat that! But I lost the strap for my video camera X_X Then next game looked evil but was quite shiok, bury all members in sand.. we had a little leeway cos Jean had skin problems, so she cant be buried and Joel had some wound on his arm so his hands need not be buried.... and we also WON! Wahz.. cos I found a flat plank of wood and used it, all e other teams used hands only... I asked e commitee later on, it was not cheating :P For the third game, we had to take water from the sea in a plastic bag and pour into the next bag and so on... for this game, our bags had holes.. everyone! So it was abit hard, and I in my rush tore a bag in half X_X so we ended up last... no matter! Games just play play for fun. Then the last game was super fun! Water Bomb hahaz, we al had to wrap a "princess" in toilet paper and there would be boundaries and one defender, the group wil the most dry paper at the end of the time wins.. we chose Hannah for obvious reasons (Small size). But the Princess not allowed to dodge and Hannah did enough cool dodging to land her a place in the Matrix but cos of that we were dis-qualified from winning even though we had the most dry paper... After that was Praise and Worship, then testimony sharing time. It was like overcast and on the verge of raining so we prayed cos we would be having BBQ later on and the cloud moved away!! It was like so great and the breeze was really cooling, but as we headed backto the house, it rained anyway.. oops.. the widn blew it over the house.. alamak XD

So while we waited for the BBQ to begin and the rain to stop everyon had free and easy, some watched TV some played Daidee, bridge and other stuff. So sian, play Truth or Dare, never even get once.. but also good lah... My secret is safe. I feel so guilty, never go help them do the BBQ only play and wait to be served food... aiyaz... next time then.. you must hold me to my word ah whoever reads this! Sorry to Cecelia-sensei!!

Then as everyone cleared out, only left 8 people staying... Me, Joel, Caleb, Anthony, Joseph, Gabriel, Alfred and Daryl. Anthony went off to slp first, then Caleb and Joseph went to play the PS2... leaving me, Gabriel and Daryl to gossip until we went down to "accompany" the PS2 hahaz. Finally went to sleep at about 5am+ but the room was so uber cold, thank God for Caleb's Sleeping Bag or I would have gotten no sleep at all...

Woke up at 9am thanks to Gabriel's handphone alarm, which he promptly dis-engaged and went back to sleep... went out, talked to Anthony abit, went around went back to sleep XD only 100% woke up at 11pm or so hahaz... watched some TV, saw them play Metal Gear Solid 3... the octa-wateva guy is so lame and funny... not abit like a dangerous boss.

After a long disscussion and mis-interpretation (dont ask) we settled for watching a movie, not a bad idea until the movie turned out to have a poor (almost non existant) plot and poor character building... but for a action film it was quite alright.. and very lame, with the famous spiderman quote : With great power comes great responsibility XD cute, real cute.... So broke, hungry, cold (it was raining) and in great pain (the long period of focusing on the screen gave me a massive headache) I took bus to Hougang Mall, took one MRT stop to Kovan and limped home, to a nice warm bath and food glorious Food! But Alas, I forgot to bring the empty pot back X_X

It was so fun, I dun mind do it again anytime soon. Thats all for now, bai bai~!

Quote of the Post:
(no quote today! Just a little intro to something to try if you have plenty of time)
http://www.deathball.net/notpron <- cool puzzle game try it!

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