Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas...

Fist above all other things... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ok Hyper Long Entry Coming up. Blogging for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.. or the first half so far. Anyhows, Yesterady was Christmas eve. (Like as if you didnt know) My family ate our "official" Christmas dinner on the 23rd cos on the 24th night im not free... Volunteering for CCIS mahz... Spent the entire morning and afternoon writing Christmas Cards and wrapping presents, left abit later then went and did Crowd Control for the countdown thing with Mavis, Xue Yan, Meryl and Priscilla... cos I took over Rachel, so like very akward.. all the like leader leaders and only I the youngest and the only guy X_X They called us to go and meet at 6pm but then later after telling us our places, we were dismissed until like 9pm then call us come back to begin our duty, so nice ah XD

So we went to Scotts to see Mavis mother, she works in a shop there, then went downstairs to eat dinner, ate this fried rice with chicken chop thing... not bad lahz.. but the chicken chop was cold Oo, hahaz, shared a Ice-Kachang with everyone else. Then we went walking through the streets, Mavis was wearing this like Santa Claus hat, so we can't lose her XD Went back to the main stage area and slacked near the stalls... eat some cotton candy ^_^ Very long never eat cotton candy liao.. nice and sticky LoLx

Wah.. duty was so hetic! Ushering cum Telling people to move to the front to make more space, to getting scolded for not giving them chairs (Hello? The chairs are like for the VIPs?) Somehow our church (Bethel Aog! Wooh!) Senior Pastor (Reverand Chia they called him... what happened to Pastor?) is a VIP O.O Okies, so we just waited from 9 till 9:45 when the party (so called) began. The hosts were Moses Lim and Gurmit Singh!! Wooh! There were many performances including one Tiwanese Troupe. In the troupe there was this topless guy (dun ask... it is his costume) who is like lagging... he is like so blur and lost, keep having to look at the guy at the other side hahz.. no wonder he was at the back corner XD There there was like a group of people playing violins and whats not and one of them right at the front dropped his scores! And they were on an elevate stage (abt one metre higher) So he cannot get his scores back and sat there like a stone, violin up, the other hand unmoving... aiyo, so pai-sei XD

The super cool Australian Marshes Family was there too! They are like a 9 person family ( a REAL family as in Brothers Sisters and Parents) who make up a band.. real cool. And some other people. And of the many performances was the City Harvest children chior, youth chior and dance group, their alternativce worship style was quite hippy lah.. but highly questionable... (looks secular enoughto me ^_^") Oh! And then as per usual, countdown lah, all the crowd control people made human barriers around the entire area so people dun try to rush in or out when the actual countdown begins. So I spent my last 10 seconds of Christmas Eve staring at someone's back X_X The first thing I did on Christmas day (as at 12am 25/12/05) was shake Meryl's hand O.O ok.. that was a pointless bit of info. Later after the countdown, another person appeared (like advertised) JJ linor something, our local singaporesn Chinese Singer... wah.. then it is back to crowd control nightmare again as like tons of gals (seems like they were there for that moment) tried to rush around... Anyhow, so we sang a few songs, and then the entire party ended.

And we missed the last MRT Train!! And before that Orchard MRT was closed up and all so we began to walk to the next stop... but it was so hazardous! There were so many people on every street every corner spraying stuff on innocent passer bys... Good thing we managed to shun em all and made it to our destination clean, but we still missed the last train X_X and so while we waited for Priscilla's father to pick us all up we went to this mos burger at empress place or something to that effect for a snack. I think I nutz, I like ordered a Rice Burger Meal... Owch, but ok lah. Mos Burger has the most SOLID fries! I mean like KFC is too oily, Mac is like very salty but Mos Burger fries are like big and chock full of mealy wholesome potato goodness! Mmmm... then sat around and talked until we all realised we were FREEZING inside and went to sit outside on the staircase (watching closely to see if any nutters are still trying to smother us in sticky snow spray),

Upon reaching home I was so dead tired I just changed and plop, fell asleep. Woke up at about 10 this morning, Whooh! Christams day! Went down and spent morning finishing up whatever present things ive not finished up. Wooh! Today was a great day for more reasons than one. First it is Christmas day! But not only that, today I got water baptised!! And I was like so nervous... I was practically shaking all over, waiting to go read out my testimony (which I just wrote in the car on the way there) and it was supposed to be like 2m ins long but I think I said it in such a nervous rush I blahed the whole thing in like 40 seconds or so. We were made to walk through this strech of leaders, and they will like pray for you when you pass them. Alot of them know my name, but I dunno alot of them O.o Umm.. guess I'll ask them tommrrow then hahaz. The water was super cold and I was shivering inside sitting there while the pastor and my leader prayed for me, I was cold but my ears were burning... My ears will always feel on fire and look very red when Im embarassed or something... so many people took pictures... Anyhow after that we were usherd to a small toilet to change and dry off. Feels pretty cool.... to think that a few months back... I almost put free-thinker on my IC registration thing and got into a small argument with my parents.

Then there was service! Service was a blast, the chior was there to sing and all. Pastor Peter Chng was e speaker, powerful fella, it does not take big words or anything to move people, it takes a simple message and people's conviction, about 10 odd new people came down for the alter call, excellent. Then he too called e belivers to come down and re-dedicate themselves for the new year, it was so fitting with my water baptism a mere 2 -3 hours ago from then.

After the service ended was the chaotic part. The war has begun, but instead of trading shots, everyone was trading presents ^_^ running everywhere in the auditorium looking for people, having someone call your name from who knows where, shaking tons of hands. I managed to give everything except my cards out, but the presents were all quite nicely delivered with no problems although My ears were all red at certain points but no one noticed ^_^ I got quite a few cool gifts! Like a new cap and wrist-support.. excellent stuff! Thanks people! Look forward to seeing you all tommrrow and on monday too. Wahaha... she did it! She's back to wearing glasses again ^_^ I dunno if this is by chance or what but, hey, I ain't complaining... and Jean finally let her hair down.. she seriously looks far better that way, I told her before during Zone Camp but she just HAD to shrug it off... hee hee ^_^

I think thats all for my post... super long liaoz... about 1300+ words, surprising right? Well see you around bye bye!

Quote of the post:
Shallow men believe in Luck, Strong men believe in Cause and Effect

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